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Posts posted by Ale

  1. Hello, I am new in this site and I am seeing a lot of answers but anyone could aplly for me, I want to ask if everyone could give a little guide of what I am intend to do.

    My fiancee is from US and I am from Mexico we have been in relationship for 2 years, and we want to be together as soon as possible, I dont want to wait until get the K-1 or K-3 for getting together, we were talking about probably I should be and stay there for few months and apply for K-1 or K-3 visa while i am there.. ( Is that possible?, can I go and stay with my Tourist Visa and permit for 180 days.. apply for a k-1 visa and then get married? or is sooner if I get there I married with my I-94 visa and then apply for a K-3 visa? if I apply for a K-1 or K-3 do I have to came back to my country for months and be away of him waitting the process? I going all time to US because I live 3 hours away of the border and he live in Dallas so, we are been able to see us.. but is being hard everyday longer been away each other.

    I know that if I get there with my I-94 visa i cant work there ( I Have a SSN because I used to be a Aupair and got my J-1 visa 4 years ago.. now is expire but i stay with my NSS card and driver license because is expire until late 2006) I cant work with that either right?)

    What I should do. to be together soon and dont be in troubble when I married him?

    I will appreciatte your help.. Thanks


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