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About NinaJimTeaghan

  • Birthday 12/16/1969

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Hyde Park
  • State
    New York

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Lewisville TX Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Albany NY
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met on May 14th I was visiting my father first time to visit Thailand. I had met Lenora Hamor through my father and his girlfriend. Soon after I started to call her Nina because this was her nickname that everyone knew her by. I liked her right from the beginning she was funny and kind and beautiful. I was shy at first and I did not think that she spoke much English because she was also shy. I finally got enough nerve to ask her to go out with me on a date. So we went out to dinner and a night of dancing. I found out that Nina spoke very great English and that she went to college for Business in the Philippines a catholic school. I knew that I wanted to pursue this relationship because she was very kind she wanted children and so did I. She was catholic and I was also these are just some of the things at first to really want to continue this relationship. I had to return to USA on the May 18th 2013. Nina and I stayed in touch everyday either by Skype or texting. So we talked and we both saw that we had so much in common and that we wanted the same things from life. So as soon as I could afford it I flew back to Thailand and we got an apartment together and signed a year lease at 650/154 Hagone Condo Moo 10, Thepprasit Soi 10, Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi 20150. Our plan was to bring my daughter from my last marriage and to start our life and see where we ended up. There were two big things that stopped that plan one was my daughter did not want to come and my Mother's health required that we were going to have to move to USA. So we lived together for the next 3 months and I had to return to the US because I have a disability and I still have a workman's case and doctors to see that is being settled see attached addendum (#) We were using birth control Nina was on birth control pills, but she still became pregnant which we had already discussed and wanted more children anyways so we considered it a blessing. I had to straighten out issues here in US and I talked with Nina everyday either by Skype or texting over viber or I left her my Ipad so we could face time. Six months later was when I had gotten things straightened out here and I returned to Thailand March 5, 2014 to be with Nina until she gave birth. We got another apartment at Rattakit Mansion 194/219 M.9 Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi,20150. Our daughter was born on Saturday May 17th 2014 at Banglamung Hospital. The baby had some issue with Rh factor so we had to stay in the hospital for 3 extra days. We finally got to bring the new one home and we had to get her birth certificate translated to English. Then we went to Bangkok to get her an American passport and everything went well but the Consular said we needed to get DNA. I had to return to USA on July 22, 2014 and we had setup for the DNA test. I was to get mine in Brooklyn,NY, and Nina and Teaghan were to get theirs in Bangkok. We got them done and received the passport and the CRBA (Consular Report of Birth Abroad). So we stayed in touch and for both of us it is very hard not to be with each other especially having a brand new baby. I returned to Thailand on November 5 2014 so I could visit with my family. I wanted to see Nina and really get to know my daughter. I was going to stay but there are still factors in the USA that I had to return. My mother's health being the main one. She has bad knees and it is getting to be wintery weather so I do most of the chores like grocery shopping and I also had to return for my other daughter's birthday on November 30. I plan to return to Thailand sometime after the first of the year and hopefully bring my family back with me. We are planning on having a wedding on May 16th as long as everything goes as planned. We will be married in front of the justice of the peace in Hyde Park, NY with a reception afterwards at our house. For our honeymoon I plan on taking Nina to a Bed and Breakfast for a long weekend. The plan we have after that is to get her Social Security card and then her Green card as soon as possible. We both have talked and she wants to work here and I have contacts that said that they may use her for work. We will stay in the house that I live in now at Hyde Park, NY . I will be collecting hopefully by that time a settlement of workman's comp and will no longer be getting disability. Either way I have means to support my child and my future wife. We both agreed that we will not have any more children because we have two now. We see ourselves in a year hopefully right in the house that we are going to be living in and might be able to take the kids on vacation to see my brother in Florida. In five years hopefully all is good with my Mom so we will still be residing in this house and even after we have plans to stay in this house. Hopefully in five years we can maybe go on a vacation to the Philippines to show Teaghan her the other half of her family and show her sister where Nina used to live and also give them a chance to see the other places in the world. I really don't know how to say that we both feel lucky to have found one another and that we both love each other and our kids very much. We are very both like minded about religion and the way the children should be raised and we both believe that divorce is wrong and that any problem that comes up can be worked out. We also consider each other as best friends and lovers.

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