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Posts posted by vsexy

  1. vsexy, i am on the same boat as you, cc 9.30, interview 12.16, want to move to earlier date.

    Could you share the email address, i found the link here http://london.usembassy.gov/niv/visa_contact_form.html, not sure if this is the correct one, also do u mind sharing how long it took london embassy to reply back?

    Many thanks.

    Hi, yeah that's the correct link.

    Select the second option. Don't forget to write your case number.

    I completed the form last friday afternoon, and they replied on monday morning. Not bad.

  2. Ugh :@ CEAC site still says "AT NVC" Can I ask the embassy before it arrives?


    I think it's best to wait until the embassy has received your documents. I emailed the consulate in London to request an earlier date and they replied back today saying they have not received my documents yet.

    So I guess we have to wait for our beloved NVC to send the docs before contacting the embassy.

  3. 10 weeks?! :huh:

    That's some serious bullshit. Hopefully they move it up!

    Yup. I haven't gotten the confirmation email yet. I'll believe when I see it.

    Somewhere in the back of my mind I am praying my husband heard wrong....hahaha(the things NVC does to one's mental health)

    I will be stalking to ceac website and once my docs arrive at the embassy I will be contacting them.

    I have just finished a 12hr on call shift at the hospital and here I am still awake and worrying about all this. ugghh!

    ok...rant over (for now)

  4. That's a while. Are you going to try and request earlier?


    Also got my interview date today, Dec 22nd! CC Oct 14th. WTH?! I almost fell off my chair at work and died when my husband told me.

    I know thats a bit of a dramatic response but jeez. 10weeks between CC and interview. Yours is even longer.

    I am certainly going to try and get an earlier date. You should too.

    Matter of fact I have already drafted an email request ready to go once I get all the info on the process.

    I've read that you call the help line and then they give you a code and email address to make the request.

    Any knowldege about this?

    Also do we have to wait for the NVC to send the docs to the embass first?

  5. Congratulations. Welcome to the group. I have added you to the spreadsheet.

    You have to wait because there is a certain window if scheduling. Usually for like a busy place like UK it takes about 3 to 4 days and they are done scheduling. So those left in queue and those getting CC after have to wait for the next months go around. But it should be any day am predicting they start either tomorrow or Thursday.

    Thank you. Fingers crossed for tomorrow :) .

    Hope everyone else waiting gets some good news this week as well.

    Cannot wait to be done. Guess I should not complain as there are so many people still waiting for CC.

    Like everyone else I check my emails like crazy.

    Will keep everyone posted if I hear anything in the next day or two.

  6. Nothing changed yet... will be calling again tomorrow, been hanging out at NVC since May I think it's time for me to move on to something more exciting :cry:

    The funny part next day N/A changed back to PAID :ranting: ... good thing I took few screenshots to stare at whenever I need a "dose of hope" :rofl::rofl:

    The delays are so frustrating. Lol, at this point anything to give u hope and help u carry on is worth doing.

  7. Congrats... Unfortunately my experience with Paid changing to N/A wasn't as pleasant as everyone on here. Got excited for nothing when mine changed... Called and was told I have a checklist for something I already submitted. Now got more calls to do etc. to get this sorted out.

    I remember reading your post about that and was terrified when I called.

    I told my husband,"this N/A is either a checklist or case complete" and did not want to get my hopes up.

    Just the thought of a checklist, dear God.

    Have they found your docs or did you have to re-submit?

    Rooting for you. Hopefully it gets sorted soon and you can complete this lengthy process.

  8. Hello all!

    First off, I have to say I have followed this forum since my case got to the NVC in June and have gotten lots of useful tips, learned the lingos etc etc.

    Great to finally write a post and especially with good news.

    So my AOS fee changed from paid to N/A today and thank the Lord, I have a case complete!. Phoned the NVC and after being on hold for 55mins I spoke to one of the reps (Ariel) who confirmed it.

    I got back from work at 11pm and it was a great way to end the evening.

    Last scan date September 3rd! A miracle, I know.

    No checklists. Praise the Lord.

    My case got to the NVC in June, but as an F2A. Took almost 2months to get it upgraded to IR1 after my husband became a citizen!

    Then came the 30day wait to 30business days and now 60days.

    If I have learned nothing else in this whole ordeal, it is that patience is a garment that must worn all day everyday.

    I can identify with people who check every email waiting for that one email from the NVC.

    My husband did most of the paper work but we were SUPER organized, i.e OCD type. Made sure we had everything and more before sending off docs. Attached cover letters to everything.

    Saylin's guide is gold I must say (Thank you).

    I read the travel.state.gov website line by line and can pretty much recite all the requirements by heart.

    Knowing what originals you need plus copies is vital.

    I know the feeling of seeing others whose cases have been completed and wishing the rest of us goodluck but still feeling left out.

    This post is to say, it will happen to you too! That paid fee will change to N/A when you least expect it.

    Feel free to ask me any questions.

    Sorry for the long post!

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