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Posts posted by ForeverWaiting

  1. Hey Guys, I have a stupid question.

    I got my noa2 email and hard copy. I was wondering how I will know that the process has moved to the NVC and then left there. Will I get notices too from the uscis website?

    How about with packet 3 and 4, when they get sent, how will I know? Or will I just know when they arrive?

    I (the beneficiary) moved during this long process and will need to keep going to my old address when it's around the time to get the mail from the consulate here. I did not find a way to change my address. I read some people talking about a tracking number on another topic, though. That would make my life easier.

    I appreciate the help and my fingers are crossed to fellow June filers! It won't be long now!

    Wait 1 or 2 weeks (it takes about 2 weeks for it to get to the NVC but you never know) and then call them. You will need to know the petitioner and applicants name and birthday as well as the USCIS receipt number. Ask them for the case number and an update. Once you get the case number you can start checking the website here https://ceac.state.gov/ceacstattracker/status.aspx. Warning, for some people you have to select "NonImmigrant" others have to select "Immigrant" just try both. Don't trust what the website says at the bottom part of the website says though. It tells people "your case has been booked" ... no it hasn't most embassy's let you schedule your time. But, the "in transit" or "ready" or whatever, is trustworthy.

    If you have a case number it should take less than a week for it to get mailed off to your embassy. Depending on how far and etc it takes about a week or 2 for it to get to the embassy.

    This is where it gets a bit hairy, each embassy is different but I can speak on a general sense (this is from the Canada Embassy so the Brazilian forum would be of more specific help). You should (and everyone in this forum) should go to their embassy's website, and download the list of required items for their Packet3.) START GETTING THE STUFF NOW. Seriously, I can't stress that enough. Some things you can't rush but anything that you can get, please please start working on it now.

    Once you have everything you will need to fill out a DS-160 form as well as print off a checklist (the Packet3) and check off what applies to you, then email the embassy both the DS-160 confirmation page as well as the signed checklist. After they get the Packet3 they will send you the packet 4 saying you can go for a medical exam and the interview.

    I would start working on the Packet3 and DS-160 now. I would NOT submit the DS-160 (you can save it and come back to it later, your progress wont be lost if you remember the DS-160 number) or they Packet3 until the ceac.state.gov tracking website says its "Ready".

    Once you submit the Packet 3 and DS-160. I would send a seperate email to the embassy informing them that you have sent it. They will send you a hard copy but they usually also send you a email with a scan of the letter they are sending you.

    Once you get your packet4 you will either be told when the interview is or how you can schedule one. You will want to have the medical exam done by an approved doctor. You will also want the medical exam BEFORE you go to the interview.

    I hope this has been of some help.

  2. Kinda my thoughts as well. Not to take away from your approval but it looks weird for TSC to approve a late June petition before early/mid June people. Makes it look like they are very unorganized. And makes predicting NOA2 seem more difficult. I honestly don't see many other June approvals. Just some people who have their timelines wrong.

    Anyways, best of luck to you for the next steps :) Hopefully the rest of us June filers will hear something soon!

    Hey congratulations! Amazing news. I don't mean to ruin your parade but I guess this confirms that TSC does not process applications in order? Definitely exciting to see a fellow June filer at TSC get approved though. Please, please update your timeline :)

    Rob and Laura

    Rebecca and Francky

    M and S

    Ed and Weihong

    David and Alyssa

    Victor and Nilda

    Ro and Mo

    Ub and Ka

    Jo and Ho

    Michael and Maria

    Daisy and Alvaro

    are some of the people on Igor's list that filed in June and have been approved and aren't people filing from the phillipines...

    I don't know why they go in the order they go in. It could be some people have more evidence or something so they get approved faster.

    I just wish everyone to get theirs soon.

  3. Great news ForeverWaiting, goodluck to you. Hopefully we start seeing June filers rolling in the NOA 2's.

    Thanks I hope you get approved quickly.

    According to Igor's list, several other people who aren't from the phillipines and were June filers have gotten approved so they really should be getting to them any day now. I really feel kinda guilty that were got approved when so many others haven't... it's just a ####### shoot as to how fast you get processed and I'm NEVER this lucky.

    I really wish everyone waiting to see their loved one all the luck in the world.

  4. I just got approved! We got our NOA1 on June 24 and we received the NOA2 last night 7:30cst 10/8/14 !

    It was such a shock that we almost threw up... lol!

    Me and my fiancee have been dating for 7 years and we had maxed out the amount of evidence your allowed to submit. I also called and tried to 2 different ways to petition for expedite twice (got denied both times) and got the ombudsmon office to say they would help but... the barely even started and they have a wait time of about 45 days to get a response from them and then 60 days for them to get a response from USCIS so I doubt they did anything. I'm posting all this so there is a clear idea/expectation I went through. My fiancee lives in Canada NOT the phillipines... lol!

    I'm new to the site and once I figure out how to add myself to the Igor's list and how to update my stuff I will.

    Bit of warning for everyone thinking about booking a venue and stuff. Me and my fiancee booked our venue back in may thinking that a march 2015 wedding would be more than enough time for her to get here. I had consulted a lawyer who told me that he usually see's a 5 month turn around... he never explained the process and never explained that he was talking about the NOA2. I have been under and incredibly large amount of stress doing whatever I can to ensure my fiancee gets here in time for our wedding as the venue is a Nontransferable non refundable contract that I've already put a downpayment of several thousand dollars for. I've asked everyone I know and have ended up trying to hire a very very experienced and popular lawyer (also see expensive) to ensure that she will make it here in time. The american consulate in canada is famously the SLOWEST in the world. So just because we got the NOA2 now, doesn't mean she will get here in the next 5 months...

    Anyways I really do wish everyone the best of luck and I hope you all get approved soon. If there is anything I can do or any questions I can answer please let me know!

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