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Posts posted by Jennyxo

  1. Hey, no I don't think so because I received the packet from the embassy around the 15-20th October telling me of the next steps to take.

    I got my NOA2 notification on 17th September and it took around a month from then to get that package but I didn't do anything whilst I waited. Very odd. Hopefully I will get a reply today and sort it out :) thanks!

  2. We contacted them from the US side but I did speak to someone also, although they didn't tell me too much.

    Yeah, I have contacted them twice now via that link but haven't had a response, I'll contact again this week if no news.

    Thanks for your help :)

  3. Hi there :)

    So, I'm getting kind of concerned but mostly just frustrated... I submitted readiness form on Oct 31st and had medical on Nov 5th so have now been waiting for the interview for nine weeks.

    The only information I have managed to obtain from them before Christmas via phone is that it is in the scheduling department. There has been no indication that anything is wrong or missing - and I'm not sure why there would be a problem, we got our NOA2 after 4 months but with no hiccups.

    We wanted to do a wedding around Christmas time so I stated date of travel as 6th December and wedding as 13th December but that obviously made no difference.

    I sent an email to the embassy at the beginning of December and received no response and have since contacted them again via email after new year but I am yet to hear.

    I've trawled many conversation threads and can't seem to find anyone else with a similar wait time of quite this long between readiness, medical and interview without hearing anything at all. Maybe there is? Please speak up, misery loves company and all that ;-)

    Oh and CEAC status - updated 11th November (I assume receipt of medical), then on 5th December (I believe possibly when I emailed), and again on 19th December (not sure - hopefully interview but haven't received a letter)

    Any ideas what I can do?

  4. Wow. Absolutely flabergasted by the hateful posts in this thread. Whatever your beliefs of right and wrong, so be it, but there is zero need to spread such hateful feelings. Kylajose I really do feel for you, an unimaginably difficult position to be in. I have been feeling so frustrated about our process lately as we head into the ninth month of waiting and I cannot even imagine how difficult this would be if I was pregnant. Apologies that this post supplies no useful information for you but I could not pass by and let you be virtually attacked in this way.

    Sending a virtual hug at this very difficult time, I hope you are not put off seeking out help and advice here as your process continues.. best of luck :) xxx

  5. Hi guys :)

    I've now been waiting for an interview for 9 weeks!! I submitted readiness form on Oct 31st and had medical on Nov 5th. The only information I have managed to obtain from them before Christmas is that it is in the scheduling department, so no indication that anything is wrong or missing?!

    I stated date of travel as 6th December and wedding as 13th December but that obviously made no difference.

    I've trawled many conversation threads and can't seem to find anyone else with a similar wait time... any ideas?

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