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    Phoenix AZ Lockbox
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  1. You should avoid relatives as translator. Choose any friend as translator. If USCIS is not happy with the choice, they have to provide one on the day of the interview.
  2. Looking at the following timeline for my mother, most of the time went wating for pre-paperwork and getting the processed. My childhood friend acted as transalator for her. N-648 was approved and they proceeded with interview. They informed her they approved her case at the end of the interview. Jan 2022 : Visit with cardiologist Aug 2022 : Visit with neurologist (initial + cogntive tests) Nov 2022 : Neurology tests : MRI Nov 2022 : N-648 signed by cardiologist Nov 2022 : Filed N-400 Jan 2023 : Biometrics finished (after first one failed in late Dec 2022) March end 2023 : Interview April end 2023 : Oath
  3. We approached a non profit legal advisor, who claims that we need to get SSI. Otherwise, Medcaid will not be approved until we receive SSI.
  4. My mother is not eligible for Medicare. She is eligible for Medicaid only having no resources of her own. She came to US as legal immigrant 7 years ago.
  5. Hi, My mother, aged 84, became US citizen today after having immigrated to US on family green card. We need to apply for Supplemental Social Income (SSI) to enable her to get Medicaid. What are the steps to follow ?
  6. Hi, We are planning to take N-648 for medical certification for disability exception for Civics and English testing. My mom came to USA on legal immigration upon my sponsorship about 6 years ago. She is having memory issues and unable to remember simple facts. She is regularly seen by her cardiologist for her cardiac issues (bypassed and stented twice). Cardialogist is willing to sign the paprework needed for N-648 . But, she feels she needs to refer her to someother doctor for some tests. She feels her cardiac trauma and medications she takes may be contributing to it. 1. Who should ideally sign the paperwork - referring doctor or referred doctor. We are not sure if referred doctor will be willing to go through the pain of filling the form 2. My mom is not taking any treatment or diagnosis for her memory loss till now. Will it cause any red flags with USCIS officer about the timing of the tests now ? 3. For translation, can we use a family friend or do we need to hire medical translation services. Require translation for a south indian language. Will using a personal friend as translator raise any red flags.
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