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Posts posted by brett40000

  1. That's cool.  There is nothing sham about our marriage.  I've been married for 5 years.  I have had both of my parents die of respitory ailments and I'm 62 and I don't want to live in the usa with covid ravaging the country.  thailand takes extraordinary means to stamp it out.  It's virtualy non existant even with a second wave.  They stamped it out immediately.  I don't want to die or end up scarred for life. Ok, it's not your normal arrangements with a marriage, but we're both happy and it works just fine for us. I'm feeling confident she will be just fine.  

  2. No problems whatsoever.  Just had our 5th year anniversary via zoom.  My wife has started her own business in America and that is her mistress.  lol. She is the hardest working person I ever met.  For her it was her dream to come to america and live the dream of business ownership.  For her she started at the worst possible time ever.  At the start of covid and its a business that close contact to people.  She has struggled mightily, but for her to return to Thailand as a failure is worse than death. It's been over a year and I feel like the 18 month period before i could get her to america.  It's good times we spend hours a day on zoom.  Our friendship is rock solid due to the 18 month period leading up to her coming to america.  We zoom all the time.  You'd have to know Bell.  She is highly focused and motivated with her work. We have decided to forego me coming.  There is virtually no covid here in Thailand.  The authorities take a very very concerted effort to stamp it out. Not like texas or america.  Both my parents died to respitory ailments.  I'm not putting my damn life in jeopardy so someone can take a look at my body and say ok.  The last interview we went to was so fast, and she didn't even ask my wife a single question.  She talked to me the whole interview.  I was not asked to be there in any letter so I'm not invited.  I will stay in safety of thailand.  We've been married for 5 years damn it, that's no sham marriage.  Nobody stays married for 5 years as a sham. Covid has created extrordinary situations in life.  I'm 62, and covid kills or maims damn it. Get serious about it america, thailand sure as hell has, thank god. 

  3. Thanks lucky.  No the reason I'm worrying is i'm confused yes the letter says i'm not involved but the lawyer says i need to be there.  I'm in Chonburi province in thailand.  We are in lockdown.  I can't leave the county without special permission to get to the airport.  Coming back I'm subject to two week quarantine on my own dime.  This could turn out to be crazy expensive for no good reason. Thanks for the input because Ive been definitely leaning to not coming. 

  4. uscis put my wife's interview off for one year due to covid.  I am presently in Thailand she is in Texas.  uscis now wants to do this interview on Feb. 1st.  I am in a Thailand district that is in lockdown.  Special permission is required to leave this county.  Coming back i am subject to 2 weeks quarantine i have to pay for.   I understand I'm not even allowed into the interview.  Why do I need to be there or can i get permission not to be there somehow?  I'm terrified to go to Texas.  Covid central!!  There have been less than 8000 covid cases here in Thailand TOTAL.  There's more than that per day in Texas.  What can I do to get out of this interview as it may literally kill me. 

  5. I find it very disheartening that someone in Bangkok who isn't even an American citizen is making decisions on me without ever seeing me talking to me, or anything. I find it disheartening that some Syrian refugees will just walk right into America and here I have been waiting 16 months now just to marry the woman I love. I've done everything by the book, and it's been one delay after another request for more information over and over and over. They have no basis to deny. I think it's more basis to get people to quit. And this type of unprofessional conduct borders on mental abuse to approve someone and then pull the approval. It's mental duress pure and simple. I'll give them their damn irs transcript and then wait for some more bull **** from them. Sorry, but after 16 months it's getting really really old. In this time frame 2 k-1 visas could have been done.

  6. No brother I sent them the entire return with deductions and 1099's. I am an independent insurance agent and some of my 1099's came in handwritten. They accused me of hand writing them myself. The whole thing is absurd since my income was over the necessary level and I paid the taxes on the income. Now they are wanting a transcript from the IRS on my 2014 returns. The thing I can't understand is they had that stuff the whole time. I also sent in my 2013 return which had 1099's handwritten also. This is standard procedure when you have 4 to 5000 dollars given from x insurance company and y and z etc etc. They asked for this return on my first 221-g and had it for 6 weeks then approved our visa. 9 days later they pulled the approval. This is how you introduce new immigrants my fiancee to America... Oh sorry, we're a bunch of liars here in America. We love to screw you around and approve you and then play with your emotions by pulling it back. Very unprofessional imo.

  7. Our i-129F was finally approved after 15 months by the Bangkok embassy on Sept. 1st. They requested a copy of our DS-160 I guess they lost thiers and that the visa would be sent. Now on Sept 9th I get a lettter that they want the irs to certify my 2014 taxes? They told me I was approved and now they are slapping another 221-g on our petition. Is this even legal? I'm stunned!! Where do i go from here?

  8. Yeah that woman loves to trip people up and then she impales them. Bell kept answering her question and she kept telling bell she was wrong. Bell was right, but finally said well I guess we'll do something different, and then the woman doubled back and said but you siad this..... The woman went back and found out bell was correct, but that didn't seem to faze her at all. In fact, it just pissed her off more that she didn't have her s**t together. Thailand has holiday until Sunday so getting an officer that will tell me exactly ####### they want is impossible. Even then, getting someone is going to be a "visajourney". This evidence of relationship is such a subjective thing with them. There are no clear cut guidelines. Now we play the game of send stuff until they get enough. Who knows what that means? Good thing she doesn't have to come back for another interview with the witch of Bangkok.

  9. 11 months from the day I filed. My fiancee was sobbing on skype the other day when it went over processing for the third time. I can't tell you how gut wrenching and how empty it makes a man feel to see the one you love sobbing and you can't do anything to help or change the situation. You gotta just keep digging deeper into your love for each other to hold on to it. I really am thankful for this experience. I truly believe if we both keep this experience in mind while married when tough situations come up we will dig deeper again. This experience either strengthens you or it will kill your relationship. You'll find out in time. If you're still waiting it happened for us 11 months almost to the day.

  10. Yeah brother I'm taking the day off. I just keep re reading it over and over to make sure it's the real thing and not someone else's again like before. I'm emotionally spent. It was the third time they went over normal processing time. Had the Congressman on their asses. To anybody way behind just keep pounding on them. I have no clue as to why sooooo long, but the ship finally came in!!

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