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Posts posted by CalgaryDoug

  1. Hi all,

    My fiancee, a dual American/Canadian citizen, took a job in her home state of Alaska in the fall after living with me here in Canada for 1.5 years. We submitted a petition for a K1 visa and made it as far as the consulate stage, but I never scheduled an interview. However, she found that the job wasn't for her, and she has now returned to Canada, where we intend to settle for the foreseeable future. We plan to cancel the K1 visa application as I no longer have any intention to immigrate.

    We still intend to marry in her hometown in Alaska in July. Does anybody know if we will have any problems crossing the border and/or obtaining a marriage licence without a visa, as long as we have proof of ties to Canada (apartment lease, proof of employment/enrollment in university)? Logic would suggest that we should not, as there are surely many married couples involving dual citizens who cross the border every day without problems, but I know not all border guards are the sharpest tools in the shed.


  2. Hi all. This is my first post in these forums so I apologize if it is in the wrong section or a repeat of an existing topic. I (Canadian citizen) am currently in the US with my duel Canadian/American fiancée. We have been living together in Canada for the last year and a half, but she was recently offered a job interview for a teaching job in Juneau, AK. We had already had this trip to Alaska planned and combined the job interview with our existing plan. Now that she has been offered a job, we have been investigating the K1 fiancé visa to bring me to the US. However, neither of us are too happy about the requirement for us to live apart for 6-8 months. I am wondering if we were to get married now in the US and petition for Adjustment of Status, would the petition be likely to be approved, or is it likely that we would be determined to have committed fraud by entering with the intent to marry and stay? Note: I did not bring many of my belongings on this voyage (any more than an ordinary traveler), and I am still paying rent for an apartment in Calgary where all of my belongings remain. We did not, in fact, have any intention of marrying and pursuing AOS when we entered the US, as my fiancée did not yet have a job offer. The border guard when we crossed the border did not ask either of us any questions regarding our length of stay or intentions as we crossed with friends of my fiancée who were on friendly terms with the border guard. Would it be worth the risk to pursue AOS, or is the K1 still our best bet?

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