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The Burts

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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Phoenix AZ Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Phoenix AZ
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  • Our Story
    I met my wife Monika on a 2 week missions trip in June 2013. I went on the missions trip firstly, to serve the Lord and secondly, to meet this amazing woman my friend Troy had been telling me about. I never had any alone time with her to try and get to know her better. I later found out (through my wife) that that was no accident. She was too shy and a bit afraid to be alone with me, which was probably for the better as it helped me to keep my focus on the missions work. After having returned to the states however, we connected on Facebook and then on Skype. After about 3 months time, many lengthy emails and hundreds of hours on Skype, we were both madly in love with each other. So much so, that I quit my job and sold or gave away everything I had except what I could fit into 3 suitcases and by February 5 2014 I had moved to Namibia. 2 days later I proposed to Monika on the beach in Swakopmund and on Valentines day we were married at the magistrates court in Windhoek. 2 months later in April, we had our church wedding at the ELCIN parish church in Oniipa and as of May of this year, I am now the legal father of Monika's 12 year old daughter Elizabeth! I am blessed beyond words and imagination, to have Monika as my wife and Elizabeth as my daughter. They are my life, my world, my everything and I can't wait for the day when we are reunited and to have our family together here in the USA!!!

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