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Posts posted by dave_21061

  1. Hi,

    My fiancee has her K1 visa and is coming here soon! I am trying to get her prepared for the forms they will give her on the airplane to fill out for immigration and customs. The I-94 looks pretty straightforward although I'm a little confused about what her country of residence would be listed as - I guess this is still the Philippines (her country of citizenship).

    How does the 6059B work? This is the customs form. From what I can gather, she should list everything she is bringing, but "personal goods" which includes clothing, jewelery, etc should be listed but is exempt from customs tax. She also has a laptop. I couldn't figure out is this is exempt or not. Does anyone have any pointers to advice on this form.



    Here is a link to a sample form.


  2. Hi all,

    Thanks for all the information. I just wanted to follow up with what I found out. We talked to two lawyers and both said that we should list it and that it should not affect my Fiancee's case. Well she had her interview last week and they didn't ask anything about her sister. She just picked up her visa today! So from everything I have found I would say it should be listed because the worst thing that can happen is that they catch you in a lie!


  3. Hi,

    I have received the NOA2 for my fiancee Maria and am now filling out the K1 application forms for her. Question 37 on the DS156 asks if she has any relatives in the US. She has a sister who came here eight years ago and who stayed after her visa expired. I'm not sure what type of visa her sister came on - her godparents who were US citizens brought her into the country. They told her she could go to school here (she was college age when she came), but wound up putting her to work in their home so she eventually ran away and today lives and works illegally.

    Has anyone else been in this situation? Maria is worried about her sister getting in trouble. I don't think this is likely because there are ten million people here illegally and the government is not going to track one of them down because she is mentioned on a visa application. Still my fiancee worries about getting blamed for something bad happening to her sister.

    Of course we also worry about this causing her visa to be denied. I would think if we were honest about it it shouldn't be a big mark against her - she isn't responsible for what her sister did years ago. On the other hand if we lie about it I think it would be much worse if we were caught than if we were honest. Theoretically they could tell she has a sister here since her visa application would have the same parents on it and her visa expired and there is no record of her leaving the country - although I doubt the government is this organized.

    Maria is a Filipina who is working in Israel, so it would be the Tel Aviv embassy staff who would be reviewing this.

    Any advice and stories of others similar experience would be much appreciated. Things have gone very good so far with the application so far but this question is causing us a bit of stress - she is particularly worried about her sister.



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