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  • Gender
  • City
  • State
    New York

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Nebraska Service Center
  • Country
    Dominican Republic
  • Our Story
    I met my husband through his best friend, which happens to be my cousins husband. My cousins husband told me he had someone he wanted to introduce me to, spoke highly of him and told me he thought we were a good match. I asked for a picture of him, I totally thought my husband was hot, and the best friend had already shown him a picture of me because he really wanted us to start talking, EXCEPT he told me he lived in DR. I was skeptical but I still asked for my husbands number. I wrote to him through "Whatsapp" days after, that night we had our first conversation. When it ended, which I didn't want it to, all I knew was that I wanted to know more about him. After that day our conversations started increasing, rapidly. I was more and more intrigued by him as the days went by. Months later, due to school and work, I was on my way to DR to meet him for the first time in person. I was already head over heels for him and I just needed to see him to seal the deal. THAT was MY FAVORITE trip ever (Aside from the wedding). I met him physically in August of 2013, married in October 2013! Our initial plans were for January 2014 but I just couldn't wait any longer to get this process started and eventually, have the love of my life with me in the US. He makes me sooooooo happy and I know he's for sure the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

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