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Everything posted by breyandtthew

  1. Hello All, I just have few questions in filling out the n400 form In May 2013, I got a PHONE CALL from a cop and was basically asked if i drove by this certain person's house, which i said yes to. I was given a verbal warning (over the phone) not to trespass on this person's property which I never did to begin with, and just drove by one time. Of course, I never have up to now and do not intend to get myself in trouble. Today, I went to the police station to obtain a report on that particular incident, this officer told me that I was not ARRESTED (obviously), NOT CITED (in his own words is like a speeding ticket), neither detained (it was over the phone). (I obtained a report on that incident btw) Basically told me, I have nothing to worry about. I am not worried whether this incident would keep me from succesfully obtaining citizenship, but Im worried that not disclosing it, would..But if I am to dissect the question "Have you ever been ARRESTED, CITED OR DETAINED BY ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER FOR ANY REASON", I could honestly say with clear conscience and full knowledge, that this does not apply to the above mentioned incident. Nonetheless, I can't help but overthink it. Can anyone who may have the same experience or knowledge, enlighten me please? - and also, I failed to stop at a stop sign before but yet again, let go with just a "verbal warning" Up to this point, I have never been arrested, or charged or convicted or even had any encounter that ended up in court. The farthest Ive gone is basically this Verbal Warning, Thank you all and looking forward to some enlightenment
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