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Posts posted by carly1981

  1. Yay Lisa!

    Had my interview this morning and passed! :-) Have to admit I was nervous as hell but as long as you have been truthful on your application and have studied the booklet all is fine!

    My experience is below:

    I arrived at 8am for an 8.30am appt – checked in and was given a buzzer. The officer came to collect me around 8.20am and was completely done by 8.50am which would have been quicker had we not have spent so much time talking about traveling and other random stuff. She was a really nice immigration officer and put me right at ease. She joked with me that she still had to make me take the written and verbal English test even though I'm British and have never spoken a language other than English. Which is completely besides the point but wanted to let you know that you can get nice, friendly IO's.

    She only asked to see my green card and State ID but not my passport or social security which I had with me anyway.

    I can't remember all of the questions but I was only asked six and the ones I can remember are below:

    Who is the chief justice?

    How many members in the House of Representatives?

    How long is a US Representative elected for?

    What month do we vote for the President?

    Best of luck to everyone! Now just waiting for my oath letter – keeping fingers crossed its sooner rather than later!

  2. Hey all,

    Had my interview this morning at the Chicago office and passed! :-) Wanted to share my experience in case it helped anyone.

    I arrived at 8am for an 8.30am appt – checked in and was given a buzzer. The officer came to collect me around 8.20am and was completely done by 8.50am which would have been quicker had we not have spent so much time talking about traveling and other random stuff. She was a really nice immigration officer and put me right at ease. She joked with me that she still had to make me take the written and verbal English test even though I'm British and have never spoken a language other than English. Which is completely besides the point but wanted to let you know that you can get nice, friendly IO's.

    She only asked to see my green card and State ID but not my passport or social security which I had with me anyway.

    I can't remember all of the questions but I was only asked six and the ones I can remember are below:

    Who is the chief justice?

    How many members in the House of Representatives?

    How long is a US Representative elected for?

    What month do we vote for the President?

    Best of luck to everyone! Now just waiting for my oath letter – keeping fingers crossed its sooner rather than later!

  3. Just got notification that my interview has been scheduled. I've never been able to figure out how to add my details to the chat but my timeline is below if someone would be able to update?

    Application Sent: 5/16

    Application Received: 5/20

    Priority Date: 5/20

    Notice Date: 5/22

    NOA Sent: 5/23

    NOA Received: 5/28

    Fingerprint appt: 6/17 (missed)

    Walk in fingerprint appt: 6/20

    Yellow Letter Received: 7/9

    Yellow Letter Dated: 7/1

    Inline for interview: 7/14

    Scheduled for interview: 8/14

  4. Just got my notification that I've been scheduled for an interview!

    Anything for you Alix?

    Application Sent: 5/16

    Application Received: 5/20

    Priority Date: 5/20

    Notice Date: 5/22

    NOA Sent: 5/23

    NOA Received: 5/28

    Fingerprint appt: 6/17 (missed)

    Walk in fingerprint appt: 6/20

    Yellow Letter Received: 7/9

    Yellow Letter Dated: 7/1

    Inline for interview: 7/14

    Scheduled for interview: 8/14

  5. It took basically a month from my biometrics appointment for my status to be updated to inline for interview. Really hoping it doesn't take another 6 weeks from then to be updated to interview scheduling but not much I can do.

    I have signed up for status updates but I saw my status updated online before they text me - probably because I check it every hour. :-) Thanks for the heads up on the iPhone app, just downloaded it and its super useful.

  6. Just updating as I am now inline for interview. Looks like I am tracking slightly behind others but as long as the process keeps moving I'm all good. :-)

    Application Sent: 5/16

    Application Received: 5/20

    Priority Date: 5/20

    Notice Date: 5/22

    NOA Sent: 5/23

    NOA Received: 5/28

    Fingerprint appt: 6/17 (missed)

    Walk in fingerprint appt: 6/20

    Yellow Letter Received: 7/9

    Yellow Letter Dated: 7/1

    Inline for interview: 7/14

  7. I'm in Chicago too. Alix I responded to your PM - looks like you applied a few weeks after me but are ahead in the process as you got your fingerprints done so quickly. Maybe thats the difference between marriage vs. other?

    Alice - can you share your timeline?>

    Application Sent: 5/16

    Application Received: 5/20

    Priority Date: 5/20

    Notice Date: 5/22

    NOA Sent: 5/23

    NOA Received: 5/28

    Fingerprint appt: 6/17 (missed)

    Walk in fingerprint appt: 6/20

    Yellow Letter Received: 7/9

    Yellow Letter Dated: 7/1

  8. Woo-hoo! I got my yellow letter (Pre-Interview Case File Review) letting me know to bring my passport and a state issued ID to my interview. Based on that I guess I am in-line for an interview but my case status online hasn't been updated...

    Regardless now its just a waiting game for the interview letter. :-)

  9. Hi All - was hoping someone might be able to offer some advice. I missed my fingerprint appointment on June 17th as I was out of the country. I sent the letter back requesting a new appointment time but then managed to get a walk-in on June 20th at my local office (Chicago). I haven't had any updates since then and based on the timelines it looks as though it only usually takes a few days after f'prints to receive the yellow letter.

    Anyone else heard of people having a similar experience and how long it took if you do a walk-in after your original appointment and after you have sent the letter back requesting the date change?

    Field Office - Chicago, IL

    Application Sent: 5/16

    Application Received: 5/20

    Priority Date: 5/20

    Notice Date: 5/22

    NOA Sent: 5/23

    NOA Received: 5/28

    Fingerprint appt: 6/17 (missed but requested a reschedule)

    Walk in fingerprint appt: 6/20

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