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Posts posted by kitkat1

  1. I hate to say this but 6 weeks is way too long. They would have returned it to you by now. JetBlue is a low cost airline that probably doesn't focus much on customer service. If the only thing of value in his bag was clothing, I would let it go and move on. at least he made it to you, right? Unless, you want to fight the airline and get compensation, I'd just let it go... It could be fun shopping for a new wardrobe for your guy!

    Personally I could never do this. If they lost my baggage it would be their fault and I'd need to see some sort of compensation sent my way. I wouldn't care how long it took, nor whom I had to contact, I'd never give up bugging them. Ever. ;)

    Me neither!!!!

  2. Why bother with Infopass when the AILA instructions are very clear:

    2. If it appears to be an improvident rejection, resubmit the original application/petition to the Service Center with a brightly colored cover sheet along with proof of timely delivery/postmark stating:


    Enclose a cover letter detailing what fees were enclosed and what date the case was postmarked and/or received.

  3. yeah i've never met anyone in my life who lost their luggage FOREVER. always it was returned within a few days. poor abdou...his first flight ever in his life and they lose his entire wardrobe. lol

    there were a few things of great value in there (i insisted he put them in his carry-on but he didn't listen) and i know we'll never get compensated for that. :(

    i gave the corporate a call and of course, was sent to a voice mail. i'll keep trying. but in the meantime, never am going to fly that airline again!

    I would call back and ask for the office of the president. You'll probably get his executive assistant who will at least be able to guide you . . .

  4. From the American Immigration Lawyers Association:

    AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 07082862 (posted Aug. 28, 2007)

    If you receive a rejected petition or application on the basis of improper fees, please do the following:

    1. Verify RECEIPT and POSTMARK date:

    As a reminder, I-485s filed by "Aliens Whose Priority Dates Were Current Under the July Visa Bulletin" and their associated I-765s and I-131s were subject to the OLD fees until August 17. They must have been received by USCIS by August 17, 2007. Note that the NEW fees apply to I-140 petitions, even if filed concurrently with an I-485/I-765/I-131 packet. I-140 petitions concurrently filed with above I-485s were subject to the NEW fees effective July 30th.

    All other applications or petitions are subject to the NEW FEES effective July 30th. These applications must be postmarked or entered into a courier service tracking system prior to July 30th for the old fees to apply.

    2. If it appears to be an improvident rejection, resubmit the original application/petition to the Service Center with a brightly colored cover sheet along with proof of timely delivery/postmark stating:


    Enclose a cover letter detailing what fees were enclosed and what date the case was postmarked and/or received.

  5. Don't waste anymore time dealing with their customer service or baggage claim department. Call their corporate office and demand to speak to someone in "executive level resolution" or high level customer service issues.

    JetBlue Airways Corporation

    118-29 Queens Blvd.

    Forest Hills, NY 11375

    Phone: 718-286-7900

    Fax: 718-709-3621

  6. Do you think a imagration attorney canm help, one from pi or usa? How about a k-3 visa if I travel there again and we marry. Please, I need advise. :crying::crying:

    Any other visa will face the same denial - they already have the information from this denial - it doesn't go away.

    You first need to know if the finding is illegal since the law states "drug use in the prior THREE years".

    Then you need to know how to proceed.

    If it is legal, you need to know what is required in the future i.e. proof of rehab, etc. and how to keep the approved petition alive at the consulate so she can re-interview in three yeas.

    I would suggest a consult with a qualifed, experienced attorney in the US - you are dealing with US law.

    Try Laurel Scott - www.visacentral.net or Heather Poole http://www.humanrightsattorney.com/sub/con...E2966F9B62306BD

    I would not waste any time -- they sooner you get professional, qualified legal guidance, the sooner you will know what next steps are required.

  7. http://www.international-divorce.com/d-mexico.htm


    Marriage and Divorce in Mexico

    As in the United States, each state in Mexico determines its marriage and divorce procedures. You should contact the office of the Registro Civil in the jurisdiction where you plan to get married for complete information about the requirements.

    A marriage that is properly executed in Mexico is valid in the United States provided the marriage would be legal in the United States. To obtain a divorce in Mexico, you must be a resident of Mexico. Usually this process takes everal months and you must reside here for at least 6 months before applying for the divorce. You may wish to retain an attorney in Mexico with experience in divorce proceedings.


    This better NOT be for you Missy!

  8. http://www.international-divorce.com/d-mexico.htm


    Marriage and Divorce in Mexico

    As in the United States, each state in Mexico determines its marriage and divorce procedures. You should contact the office of the Registro Civil in the jurisdiction where you plan to get married for complete information about the requirements.

    A marriage that is properly executed in Mexico is valid in the United States provided the marriage would be legal in the United States. To obtain a divorce in Mexico, you must be a resident of Mexico. Usually this process takes everal months and you must reside here for at least 6 months before applying for the divorce. You may wish to retain an attorney in Mexico with experience in divorce proceedings.

  9. Wow, sorry to hear this. I think you can get it waived but have to do a drug program. I know there were others on VJ that had similiar problems. Was there also a three year ban?

    it can be waived? how? where?

    Generally the rule is: Persons who admit during the medical exam to using an illegal drug within the last three years, or who are found with these substances in their system after drug screening, are inadmissible as drug abusers

    Drug use is a visa ineligibility and there is no waiver available. But you are supposed to be given the option to wait three years and have another interview.

    Most consulates require you to prove that you have been in remission for three years since the last drug use and you need to be prepared with evidence that you have undergone drug counseling or similar rehabilitation.

    I suggest you read this section of attorney Laurel Scott's 601 waiver memo as well as contact her for a consult and advice on how to proceed. While this section of her memo is in regard to drug findings at Ciudad Juarez, surely she can provide some legal advice and accurate information for you:


    There have been some concerns related to the drug history questions asked during the medical exam down in Juarez. Read AILA Practice Alert document 06020110 so you can properly prepare your clients. If the alien reveals virtually any drug experimentation in the past three years, he/she risks a finding of inadmissibility as a drug abuser or addict and will be ineligible to apply for a waiver of that particular ground of inadmissibility. He/she will have to show three years of sobriety. This does not appear to comply with the Foreign Affairs Manual. Direct any complaints to the Centers for Disease Control, Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E-03 Atlanta, GA 30333. If you disagree with the finding, ask the consular officer to file an Advisory Opinion request with CDC. Other than that, there’s nothing the Department of State can do for you, and you do not have the option to file the Advisory Opinion request directly with CDC yourself.

  10. I am a US Citizen and was living in India for 21 years. I never in my life filed tax returns because I was not working in India (nor in USA before I left). I returned to USA in 2005, started work in Jan 2006, and 2006 was the first year I filed tax returns. I submitted an explanation letter and a printout from the IRS website of who needs to file tax returns, both at the Consulate level and now for AOS. All going smoothly so far and no one has asked me about it.

    I also ordered a free tax transcript from the IRS website, asking them to specify that I did not file returns for those years. I got back the transcript for 2006 and a box checked stating no returns were filed for the other years.

    Ah look at that. An intelligent, correct answer on VJ!! Thanks ELW!




    Hello Dear,

    My Name is Miss Natasha Ukwa,i go accross to your profile in this site and take a very good at it and become intrested in you that is why i decided to write a few world to you about been accepted me as your friend please here is my email address for contact(uk_natasha@yahoo.com)i am looking forward to here a good respond now,please mail me now i am waiting thanks,

    your forever,


    (you know that age colour or distance does not matter in a real good relationship but love matters alots)

    From Miss Natasha (uk_natasha@yahoo.com) i will like you to contact me with this my amail address so that we can become a good friend and also i will send my photo for you to know who i am,

    REPORT this using the "report" button so the person's IP can be blocked.

  12. @ kitkat1

    Nothing personal...

    "Rude" is when you call someone that voluntary condones a person that will go through a very complicated case, and still be giving advice, without proper legal advice or recommendation, or total knowledge of his case.

    If you check the history of his posts, and the "trolling" around with legalities of the immigration process...DO you really think that I am 'RUDE" when not one, not even two, had already advised him to seek legal help?

    As much as I am sure there are multiple people who wanted to help here, and people seeking proper assistance, not necessary of legal assistance, you do not want to misinterpret or misrepresent the "Laws" we all have to abide. Bottom line is, as I have already stated, he has a complicated case that needs to be directed to a lawyer that will provide the assistance that he needs.

    Think about that.

    Good luck!

    ~ Rina

    Huh? I have no idea what you are talking about. I never said you were rude.

    The poster may or may not be a troll. VJ moderators lately have been very upset when people have called out potential trolls. Therefore, I posted that information and said "It's "not nice" and apparently is now against the rules . . ."

    Whether he's a troll or not, plenty of people here have tried to give the OP suggestions and help. I also tried to help.

    What's your point?

  13. I do not have a perfect 2X2 photo of my girlfriend from Mexico but I do have her passport printed on a regular white sheet of paper. The background is the normal background on the Mexican Passport. It is not white and I cannot describe how the background looks. Can I use this photo?

    I am doing the same things for mexico. Keep in mind their passport size is smaller, but should not cause an issue. But like many have said it depends on who looks at your stuff and what kind of a mood they are in.

    There is a reason for the photo specifications - follow them. They don't ask for the photo size of your choice - they tell you very clearly the exact dimensions and rules for the photos.

  14. The scary part is this came from someone with a job that requires reasonable intelligence.

    Depends on how you define "reasonable intelligence". The job may require it, but if the boss doesn't know what "reasonable intelligence" is, he probably thinks this idiot IS reasonably intelligent. More sad commentary on the state of American education . . . that kind of stuff drives me CRAZY.

  15. That letter is horrifying. Perhaps you could direct them to "The correct use of apostrophes":


    The rules concerning the use of Apostrophes in written English are very simple:

    1. They are used to denote a missing letter or letters, for example:

    I can't instead of I cannot

    I don't instead of I do not

    it's instead of it is

    2. They are used to denote possession, for example:

    the dog's bone

    the company's logo

    Jones's bakery (but Joneses' bakery if owned by more than one Jones)

    ... but please note that the possessive form of it does not take an apostrophe any more than ours, yours or hers do

    the bone is in its mouth

    ... however, if there are two or more dogs, companies or Joneses in our example, the apostrophe comes after the 's':

    the dogs' bones

    the companies' logos

    Joneses' bakeries

    3. Apostrophes are NEVER ever used to denote plurals! Common examples of such abuse (all seen in real life!) are:

    Banana's for sale which of course should read Bananas for sale

    Menu's printed to order which should read Menus printed to order

    MOT's at this garage which should read MOTs at this garage

    1000's of bargains here! which should read 1000s of bargains here!

    New CD's just in! which should read New CDs just in!

    Buy your Xmas tree's here! which should read Buy your Xmas trees here!

  16. .......some people get a lifetime ban Just for admitting in the interview that he took drugs back in HS days......20 years ago...

    It is NOT a lifetime ban. The only current lifetime ban on fiance or spousal visas refers to people who have falsely claimed to be US citizens. The law is very clear - he can re-interview in 3 years and needs to prove rehabilitation.

    It's always wise to consult an attorney in these situations - but an attorney cannot change this or do anything - they can only advise on the necessary steps to take during the 3 year waiting period and how to keep the approved petition alive at the consulate during that time.

  17. We'd almost have to see his RFE's (Request for further evidence) to advise you completely. But - USCIS doesn't state you have to send them more money to get an approval.

    Here's what I am guessing happened:

    1. Your fiance didn't send (in the original package) proof you had met in the last two years. He received an RFE requesting that information.

    2. He sent the information in July of this year. If you filed in January, it's likely he received the RFE far before July. It almost sounds to me like he sent the evidence in too late.

    3. Your petition was denied due to failure to respond to the RFE in a timely manner. So now if you want to refile again, you will need to pay the higher fee.

    I agree with rebeccajo. I wondered about the returning the evidence in July - I assume that's why they said you have to file again and pay the new fee -- the evidence wasn't returned in a timely fashion. . .

  18. Actually I just found on Moscow embassy website that only tetanus-diphtheria and MMR vaccinations are required for immigrants over 17 years old.

    That refers to the "age appropriate" part of the law -- all vaccinations are ased on age and medical history.

    "if appropriate, for age, medical condition, or medical history"

  19. What exactly does the RFE say? What exactly did the first RFE ask?

    The petition requires that you have MET in the prior two years in person - it does not require proof of an ongoing relationship or two years worth of proof. And yes, you must submit it within the time frame. But there should be no reason for you to pay any fees - you submitted long before the fee increase. I would have a consult with an immigration attorney - don't waste your time calling USCIS since they are worthless.

  20. http://www.uscis.gov/files/pressrelease/Re...Times080307.pdf


    WASHINGTON - USCIS announced today that it has experienced a tremendous increase in the number of applications filed, which has resulted in a front log of cases awaiting data-entry. USCIS is making every effort to address the delay.

    USCIS will prioritize data entry for specific form-types. Delay in data entry and fee receipting will not affect Change of Status or Extension of Stay eligibility, assuming all other eligibility requirements are satisfied. USCIS would also like to assure its customers that requests for Premium Processing Service will continue to be processed within 15 days, consistent with existing policies and procedures.

    The actual received date will be honored and recorded on the receipt notice. This date will appear in the “Received Date” box on Form I-797, Notice of Action. The received date on Form I-797 is different from the “Notice Date,” which also appears on the Notice and identifies the date the receipt notice was actually generated.

    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) will provide weekly updates to give our customers accurate information about current receipt times and service level commitments

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