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Posts posted by Ashli&Alonso

  1. Congrats to everyone moving through quickly! Looks like things are FINALLY picking up again since the holidays! Goodness that was awful!!

    We received our approval email tonight. THANK YOU JESUS!!! It was about time! I have not been reading all of your posts so I really don't know what to do from here.

    HUGE thank you to Josh for walking me through so much of this and praying for us! I'm so glad we are both marrying Ticos!! :)

  2. Hey Everyone! Congrats to those of you who are getting visa approvals! Exciting!

    Question: I'm currently in Costa Rica with my fiancé but our wedding is scheduled for April 11 and I need to get home to get my dress altered, confirm some wedding plans, etc. So we're trying to decide if I should go on now without him or try to hold off a little longer. I really, REALLY do not want to leave him (again) but I might have to.

    That said, what is the timeline looking like once you're approved? Our RFE response was delivered to TSC yesterday but they have not updated anything on my USCIS page yet. (Are they supposed to)?

    Anyway - just trying to make a wise choice but at the same time do not want to leave my man!! :(

  3. Hey Ashli and Alonso

    Thank you for response.

    We don't have lawyer and we got REF today!!!!!!

    Hope we will get Noa 2 soon.

    YAY! So glad you got it!!! What was it for? Ours was something SO stupid that I'm pretty sure they already had!! But whatever. We are sending it off Express mail on Monday so TSC will get it Wednesday. Our lawyer said that people usually get an approval pretty quickly once they get your response!

    Anyone else intimidated to move over to the June NOA2 thread? I have been trying to keep up as best I can but I have NO idea about some of the stuff they are talking about. I just keep telling myself that we will cross that bride when we get there. I feel so left behind, haha! But I'm glad you guys are still here with us!!!

  4. My RFE was received Jan 22, no news as of yet :-( How long did everyone's approval take after the RFE? I saw some in 6 days and some in 2 weeks... did anyone's on here take longer?

    Dang really?? That doesn't give me much hope! :( We got an RFE one week after that (January 29) and have not heard anything. We were hoping to hear something this week. HOW CAN THIS POSSIBLY BE TAKING THIS LONG??? It makes my blood boil to think about.

  5. Hey guys! This is the first time I have come to this forum so forgive me if I am asking something that others have already asked.

    Quick question: we got an RFE yesterday. Those of you who are now approved but got an RFE first, how long did it take to get an approval after you sent in the evidence they wanted?

    Also - how long does it seem to be taking NVC to get our papers out of there? I'm asking because we have planned our whole wedding (paid vendors and all) for April 11. But now, with an RFE in the picture, it seems almost impossible. I've been crying all night and this morning. I'm so sick of this. This is people's LIVES they are dealing with. It's so discouraging to know that there is NOTHING we can do.

  6. Hey guys I got an RFE today too. I feel like it isn't legitmate because we have an attorney so obviously he knows what he is doing and would not have left something out of the packet. Makes me thing TSC did it on purpose to buy more time - annoying!!

    Anyway, I know this question has been asked here several times but I don't remember what was said. Once you get an RFE how long does it take to get the notice in the mail? And once you send the stuff back, how long does it take to get approved?

  7. I'm just curious who is left in June? Seems like this thread has died as most have moved on to bigger and better. I see my rfe packet arrived in Mesquite today. wooot, woot!! Hopefully, they can get it done in a month or less.

    I'm still here. SEVEN months today and still nothing. I get REAL irritated when I think about it too much so I have been trying to focus on other things. This gets depressing. :(

  8. Hey Everyone! There aren't many of us left in this thread and I know I have been absent lately but we have to keep encouraging each other! I get so bummed everyday that goes by and no one posts about getting approved.

    I wanted to let you all know something:

    I wrote my senator about a month ago for help and they have been looking into it for me. Today I talked to her (secretary) on the phone and she explained some things to me. 1. USCIS call center is VERY hard to get info out of, which we all know so well, but it's even hard for them to get info out of them. 2. Every federal agency has a congressional liaison. She has contacted the appropriate people on my behalf.

    So if you have not contacted your senator's office yet, I would say to do. It can't hurt. Worst case scenario, they can't help you. Best case, you have someone with "authority" fighting on your behalf.

    Also, about a month or so ago when lots of people on this thread were talking about emailing that TSC email address, I did it too. I JUST got a response yesterday saying that they could not (or would not) do anything until NCSC submitted a request. BUT... If you call NCSC they give out that bit about us still being in normal processing time -- which we all know is the biggest crock of bull.

    So.. Just wanted to tell you all what I know (which isn't anything new) ....thanks for all the encouragement and I pray we all hear something TONIGHT!! #comeonvisa

  9. I am kinda bummed out that all of you guys have your petitions approved from the TSC while a lot of us who filed before you guys are still waiting. I know its a rant but its in frustration as well!

    Try June 5th and no approval. NOthing!

    I know how you both feel! Well, maybe not Brett40000 because you have been waiting for a hot minute. But my NOA1 date is June 25 as well and it seems that everyone around us is getting approved, except us!! Such a bummer!!

  10. It's good to know that I'm not the only one going through these same motions. I'm beginning to feel crazy!!! :-)

    Haha, that's funny! I'm in Costa Rica with my boo so I won't get texts but I check my email CONSTANTLY. Like... it's almost a problem, haha! Not so much during the day since people apparently get approvals at night (like MIDDLE of the night). But I still refresh my inbox like it's going out of style!

  11. Today is day 177 for us and we still have not heard anything. For the longest time I thought our file date was June 25 but when I put my SRC number in the website it says, "On June 23 we received your petition for bla bla blaa..." So..

    2 things:

    1. Should I be concerned that we still have not heard anything?

    2. What the heck is my freaking file date? Haha.. Is is the 23rd or the 25th?

    We went to the capital city this past Monday to get all of the documents we need for the interview (birth certificate, etc.) because the government offices close in Costa Rica today. We were thinking we would hear something ANY day now because everyone around us (date wise) is getting approved. But every time I get an email and it isn't from USCIS, my heart hurts a little more.

    What do you guys think? Should I be concerned?

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