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Posts posted by chardmartin

  1. June 20 popped up. 17 slots opened. Too fast in 5 secs became 12 slots. Got one. Thanks Lord. The search is over.

    I seen that too...Congrats BTW...It was a 3:22am my time and the screen shot said 20 spots avail. that was too soon for me, so i had to pass on it but I got got one this morning about 8:30am for the 25th. Good news for all I guess.Congrats to everyone and maybe now I can get some sleep at night...lol

  2. I have a flight question also.....I plan on flying to get her and wondering who else is planning that and what is the best way to get the tickets. I want to get a round trip for myself and wondering the best way to get her on the same flight back....any ideas

  3. Yesterday I got an appointment on june26, around 2200 Phoenix time. I use c4c with a refreshing window every 4 second on the dashboard using custom menu of c4c. .. installed Firefox just to use c4c cause the add-on from chrome didn't really work and same the one for internet explorer, I tried them on another website, just to see how the add on works. My laptop was on all night long every night for the last 4 nights..get me up couple times but that dates didn't feat me). Soon is a change on website the music start and you can book it if you like the date. With this system the booking process is 10 seconds from the time a new date is available. Just push continue, the calendar poop off, push on the date you want it and click schedule. God bless!

    I seen that date pop up but I was in bed and you clicked just a little faster than me i guess...lol...Congrats...BTW I am using the C4C also.

  4. awe thank you Hank June 13th just pop out i tried and click it but i think everyone is becoming a ninja its gone in a second

    I sm sitting here in front of my computer waiting and refreshing every 30 seconds and I missed that date all together....lol. would not do me any good but its nice to see dates some up.

  5. We have been waiting too. No appts available. You are not alone

    crazy....but we will all get through this and never look back at what a pain this was. Everything up to this point has been smooth sailing. I guess it was bound to happen at some point in the process...lol

  6. Yolanda expedites is what is going on. Until they are cleared away everyone gets the left-overs.

    Thanks Hank...Kinda what I was thinking as well, and I hope they can get them taken care of...for all us waiting and for the one effected by Yolanda and trying to get on with their lives as well.

  7. You were approved in 8 days and the Embassy received your case on May 23rd and you are complaining???????? lol!!! Do you see how long some of us have been waiting? lol

    I know I have no complaints on the speed that I got to this point....I am frustrated to no end at the lack of communication from the embassy. I feel for all those who have had to endure 4-8 months of hell away from the ones they love and THEN run into this wall as well...The complaint is not only for my frustration but also all those that have hit this wall with me.

  8. Getting an interview with at the Embassy in Manila has become a joke. I feel like I am fighting for scraps and getting very tired of this game. I have tried the C4C and still nothing. They really need to give up some info on what the problem is and when they are going to fix it. I paid extra money to use Rapid Visa because they were supposed to know these things and they have been great and I would use them again for all my visa needs but even they have no clue what is going on. My Fiance and I are on the site day in and day out tring to get a date...I have calledthe Embassy and they are no help. This is the dumbest process I have ever seen.....ok ....I am done with my rant now. Can ANYONE give me any idea of whats going on or when it will be fixed....SOMETHING!!!!

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