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    Kathryn41 reacted to usmsbow in 32 year age gap - older American woman   
    To be aware of the worst case scenerio. Better prepared that way and less likely to be blind sided by something unforeseen. Much more useful than the best stories, which generally are "The interview was easy and I got my visa with no problem!!" Great for that couple, but not very useful in preparing yourself.
  2. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to TBoneTX in 32 year age gap - older American woman   
    Read "Reviews: Embassy" (link atop any VJ page) for Accra, paying attention to the WORST stories.
  3. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to *Snowdrop* in New and a tad frustrated   
    I agree you should learn to drive before you move here and also get your licence in the UK before moving to the US.
    Each state usually allows a grace period where you can drive using your foreign licence before you have to get your US licence. I think in Virginia it was 60 days.
    So that gives you a chance to get to know the area - get used to driving in the US etc before you need to take the US driving test and get your new licence.
    Also re the visit in June - remember that tens of thousands of people visit the US from the UK for pleasure each year. And that is what you are doing. Don't lie to the border people if asked a direct question but you don't have to give them a day by day itinerary for your trip.
    I had a long distance relationship with my husband for three years before we got married and I flew over to see him about 5 times a year for those three years.
    At the beginning I said I was on vacation and staying with a friend
    In the second year of doing this I said I was staying with my boyfriend
    In the third year we had got engaged so if asked I said I was staying with my fiance.
    Then after we got married in the UK we had to wait a year for the spousal visa to be processed and again I flew over about five times during that year and when asked said I was visiting my husband.
    They always asked for proof of my return ticket, and a few times asked about my job in the UK but noone was ever nasty about it or refused me entry. Once a rather stern officer warned me that I wasn't allowed to work on my vacation (I'm a journalist and also had an I visa in my passport which allows you to work in the US but you have to declare it at the border and I had already told him I was there on vacation)
    I did always bring a letter from my boss saying when I was due back at work and a copy of my lease etc but was never asked for it.
  4. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Lauren and Kevin in New and a tad frustrated   
    So...on the jobs front....get him to start subscribing to beyond.com glassdoor and the local online newspaper - also to bring his Linkedin account up to date and make it 'americised' .
    This will give him a chance to see what local firms and recruiters there are in your area and research salaries and frequent vacancies.
    As for the Green Card - effectively three months/four months after his entry he should be able to go looking for work - so start making a list of all those jobs around the house that need doing
  5. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Changoleon in New and a tad frustrated   
    Your boyfrind is a UK citizen. I am Iranian and I went to states to see my girlfrind with tourist visa and I had no trouble entering to USA in airport. I also had my ring in my suitcase and nothing happened eventhough I am Iranian. And since your boyfriend is British, I can gaurantee you everything would be fine. Have fun
  6. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Pooky in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    P&R, now CE&HST, was split off from Off Topic to give those posters who wanted a less confrontational atmosphere a forum where they could post "lighter" subject matter, without fear of every topic being derailed by drama.
    Recombining the two would be a bad idea, in my opinion, as Off Topic has its own regulars, and gets by largely without the belligerence that is prevalent in CE&HST.
  7. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to JohnR! in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    There is none. Most of the threads in CE&HT are derived from yellow journalism, tabloids or extremist websites. Only a few resort to reputable publications.
  8. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to JohnR! in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    I would also suggest that we go back to the rule that a copy from a reputable news source be required as the basis for all new threads in CE&HT forum. As of lately it has become a plenary for racism and bigotry, with threads based on 'copies' - and I use the term loosely - gleaned from hate websites.
  9. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to GandD in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    If you're talking about me, that was quite a while before I was a mod. And the same with milimelo.
  10. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Moving from Canada to USA   
    If you are accompanying your personal belongings, then all you really need is to have a good inventory of the contents of the trailer. Label each box 'generally' ie 'box #1 pots and pans, books, box # 2 winter clothing,box #3 knick-knacks, etc. and for all electronics (computer, cameras, tablets, etc.) also have a list of their make and serial numbers. You are allowed to import without paying duty all personal belongings that you have owned for more than one year. Make an inventory list of any items you are importing that you have owned for less than a year (ie. wedding dress, clock, etc.). When you go in to activate your K-1 visa bring the inventory with you. In all likelihood, it will not even be looked at (mine wasn't) but it is required. You don't need to use any special form or format, just as long as the lists are legible and provide sufficient detail. https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/354/~/moving-to-the-u.s.---duty-free-entry-of-unaccompanied-goods,-firearms,-gift
    If you are importing your car or vehicle there are documents that you are required to provide, along with a certification letter from the manufacturer that the car meets all US safety requirements and standards (known as a letter of compliance). You should find the information you need to know here: http://www.cbp.gov/trade/basic-import-export/importing-car
    If you are renting a UHaul, make sure you have the rental agreement that shows the trailer can cross the border. Not all rentals or trailers can so be sure you ask that question when you rent it - or call about reserving it.
    You will be asked to leave the keys in the vehicle when you are sent into secondary for the K-1 visa. An immigration officer will do a quick check of the car and UHaul. The process really isn't difficult, though, as long as you have all of your paperwork in order. And, as I mentioned, your list may not even be looked at.
    Good luck.
  11. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Pitaya in Moving from Canada to USA   
    If you are accompanying your personal belongings, then all you really need is to have a good inventory of the contents of the trailer. Label each box 'generally' ie 'box #1 pots and pans, books, box # 2 winter clothing,box #3 knick-knacks, etc. and for all electronics (computer, cameras, tablets, etc.) also have a list of their make and serial numbers. You are allowed to import without paying duty all personal belongings that you have owned for more than one year. Make an inventory list of any items you are importing that you have owned for less than a year (ie. wedding dress, clock, etc.). When you go in to activate your K-1 visa bring the inventory with you. In all likelihood, it will not even be looked at (mine wasn't) but it is required. You don't need to use any special form or format, just as long as the lists are legible and provide sufficient detail. https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/354/~/moving-to-the-u.s.---duty-free-entry-of-unaccompanied-goods,-firearms,-gift
    If you are importing your car or vehicle there are documents that you are required to provide, along with a certification letter from the manufacturer that the car meets all US safety requirements and standards (known as a letter of compliance). You should find the information you need to know here: http://www.cbp.gov/trade/basic-import-export/importing-car
    If you are renting a UHaul, make sure you have the rental agreement that shows the trailer can cross the border. Not all rentals or trailers can so be sure you ask that question when you rent it - or call about reserving it.
    You will be asked to leave the keys in the vehicle when you are sent into secondary for the K-1 visa. An immigration officer will do a quick check of the car and UHaul. The process really isn't difficult, though, as long as you have all of your paperwork in order. And, as I mentioned, your list may not even be looked at.
    Good luck.
  12. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Gorkhali in Why not hire Senior members from this forum by USCIS and NVC   
    Today as my wife could not log on to CEAC website (god knows why 'coz i could and we completed DS 261), we then were talking off topic.
    My Salute to all the senior members over here in forum. You guys are better than any immigration lawyer and far far experience and knowledgeable than the specialist at NVC or Tier 2 at USCIS.
    Thank you Guy. We are doing our Visa process just by depending on info from this awesome forum.. Love you all
  13. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Penguin_ie in "Asking on behalf of friends" -- ban the practice? [edited title]   
    I dunno, I can see both sides.
    Yes it is annoying when we have to coax info out of the friend (but that happens with other posts too)... or when it is quite transparent that there is no friend, and the Op is asking about themselves. On the other hand, they may have a friend post because their English isn't very good, or because the internet where they are is difficult to access.
  14. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Villanelle in Q for Moderators - why do you treat posters differently?   
    Yikes Aaron.
    Im going to speak here because I am not a mod, and because having been a mod on other sites I know that the mods generally have to be careful about what they post in public on issues like this. You asked a really really hard question- so Im sure theres going to be a lot of back room discussion before an official answer is given.
    Im going to say that the problem is not so much the answers but the question.
    Someone that comes here and poses a question like you stated " if he can come to the US with his wife and adjust". Well Im sorry. The answer is - "It is immigration fraud to enter the US on the VWP or a nonimmigrant visa with the intent to immigrate."
    IMO expanding on that and explaining further legalities such as those that do so can have relief is endorsing doing so. The poster already explained their intent in traveling with intent to adjust. So its over.
    For someone thats already in the US and did not lie at the POE- advising them of the matters of Battista and Cavozos is incredibly useful.
    But for someone that has not- its basically giving them ideas and advance planning on how to circumvent laws and find loopholes- which is against the TOS here.
  15. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Penguin_ie in Q for Moderators - why do you treat posters differently?   
    A lot of it depends on the wording of a post; you can absolutely point out consequences for actions, and the law when it is appropriate. But if you say something like "I am not advocating fraud, but..." then that can be an issue.
  16. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Pooky in Please welcome two new moderators!   
    Anyone who wants to be a Moderator should be automatically excluded from consideration, on the grounds that they must be certifiably nuts.
  17. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Please welcome two new moderators!   
    Congratulations GandD and Pitaya - both excellent choices and I know will be great additions to the Global Mod team
  18. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Penguin_ie in AOS From Tourist Visa Threads Being Shut Down   
    I'll make more of a point of pointing out "back seat modding" and false accusations, and ask other mods to do the same, you are absolutely right that such is against the TOS, though wording and context are crucial here- often, an opening post has little information, in which case, pointing out what is planned MAY be visa fraud may be legit.
    My other concern is that, as you point out, we get many new members here who have little to no knowledge of the immigration process. If those who have not entered the USA yet see the AOSing threads, and we do not allow any mention of grey areas/ potential intent issues, they may get the wrong impression, and try to enter the USA and at the border say they intend to stay or some such.
    So "AOS from K1 and K3", and leave the "other AOS forum" as is?
    Last time we checked, it was not possible at all to ban people from one forum, or one category, but I know Captain Ewok is planning some upgrades, so who knows in future...
    I would not agree with removing it, but I am absolutely willing to discuss a re-wording. What would you suggest?
  19. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Penguin_ie in AOS From Tourist Visa Threads Being Shut Down   
    I like Val's wording, let me run it by Captain Ewok and see if that is ok.
  20. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Teddy B in AOS From Tourist Visa Threads Being Shut Down   
    I don't think anyone has a problem with pointing out the "grey areas" or "intent issues" to posters looking for info on this process, I know I don't. The purpose of this thread is to help curtail the false accusations of fraud, the judging of the morals of the posters using this process and the snide comments that come along with it. All of which are against VJ TOS and also tend to scare posters away as well as derail these threads from the original topic.
    Penguin, thank you for listening and agreeing to make some changes, your cooperation as well as the cooperation of the other mods is appreciated.
  21. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to ValerieA in AOS From Tourist Visa Threads Being Shut Down   
    Sorry, Penguin, I was away for the weekend. I would say "AOS From K-Visas" so it includes K-2 and whatnot, also. I think I have that right - K-2 also requires AOS, right? And the forum in question could be something like "AOS From Non-K Visas/ESTA/VWP" or the same as it is now, but including ESTA/VWP in it. The important thing is to get the word "family" out of there because that really confuses people.
    Regarding the rewording, this part is not true.
    If your fiance/fiancee came to the US on a tourist visa with the intent of immigration and marriage, and you are not yet married, then he/she should return to his/her home abroad, and the K-1 visa should be filed (using an I-129f) instead of the I-130 to avoid a denial, deportation, or even being banned from re-entry to the US.
    If you are already married, and your spouse came to the US on a tourist visa with the intent of immigration and marriage, then he/she should return to his/her home abroad, and the I-130 (or along with an I-129f for a K-3 Visa) should be filed with the relative outside of the U.S. to avoid denial, deportation, or even being banned from re-entry to the US.
    To make it accurate and informative, it should be more along the lines of:
    Your fiance/fiancee can not come to the US on a tourist visa with the intent of immigration and marriage. This constitutes visa fraud. The K-1 visa should be filed (using an I-129f) to avoid a denial at customs and deportation.
    If you are already married, your spouse can not come to the US on a tourist visa with the intent of immigration and marriage. This constitutes visa fraud. An I-130 for the CR-1 visa should be filed with the relative outside of the U.S. to avoid a denial at customs and deportation.
    You could also include links to the appropriate guide in each section. As it stands, once the spouse is in the US they have been judged to not have immigrant intent, so they are fine to file AOS. In fact, once a person comes on here and we have established their spouse is in the US, we should not ever even ask about intent.
    Do you guys think we should include a paragraph about possible consequences of lying to a border guard or USCIS official? Or is that overkill?
  22. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Penguin_ie in AOS From Tourist Visa Threads Being Shut Down   
    We can certainly looking into re-naming the forums to make them clearer-0 and yes we do need to move a lot of threads, which causes work for us too. What would you suggest naming them?
    Afaik, we cannot ban someone from a forum, just individual threads(or the whole site). But Hopefully Captain Ewok can answer that one.
  23. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to ValerieA in AOS From Tourist Visa Threads Being Shut Down   
    Yes, there are. And that's their own problem. We are simply trying to answer questions in that forum that people new to the process are asking. Judgment really doesn't help them, and is totally inappropriate. The current methods of dealing with it, or not, really, allow people to be scared away who may then make an error in their paperwork or process that could get them denied and deported. Plus, I would rather spend my limited time helping people rather than trying to convince others who have no darned business commenting that they have something wrong.
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    Kathryn41 reacted to ValerieA in AOS From Tourist Visa Threads Being Shut Down   
    But it is allowed whether or not there was intent - which is often where a thread gets derailed. We end up explaining the same thing, over and over and over, thread after thread. I try to report posts that have nothing to do with the OP's questions, but I am not often on VJ these days. I have found the mods to be very responsive at those times, though, which is much appreciated.
    Two things I'd like to see - first, renaming the two AOS forums so people don't post in the wrong one. I think that would cut out a substantial portion. Secondly, repeat offenders should be forum-banned. There are certain people who do like proselytizing in the AOS from non-family based visas on occasion. I think if there were a certain number of reports, that resulted in their comment being deleted, they should be banned temporarily, then permanently, from the forum.
  25. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Penguin_ie in AOS From Tourist Visa Threads Being Shut Down   
    This is a difficult area to mod, because it can be a grey area, depending on intent.
    To walk the line, modding wise, between allowing people a say (even if they disagree with the Op), and pointing out what could be illegal intent/ miss-use of a tourist visa, and helping those who genuinely have cause to AOS can be hard, and those reports are often debated muchly amongst the mods before we moderate the thread (or not moderate, as the case may be). What usually happens is that some posts are removed and maybe an in-thread warning to cool it given, or a verbal warning to the worst offenders in a thread(ie a note on their profiel, but without a suspension unless they seriously breached the TOS), and if that does not stop the bickering, we close the thread- especially as the link to our Guide, which answers many of the questions asked- is usually posted in one of the first few replies.
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