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    Kathryn41 got a reaction from led in VJ Trend Change   
    I joined in 2006 and as Maven pointed out, it has been the same all the way through. I have noticed though that the mean-spiritedness tends to go in waves, usually when members become more familiar with the site and start to interact less cautiously with other members. We can get so focused on our own immigration situations and our own problems that we lose sight of the fact that others share these concerns. We also become more knowledgeable due to our longer 'journeys' and become less tolerant of those who don't have our degree of awareness about what this process involves.
    It takes a special sort of person who is able to answer the newcomer questions over and over and over and not become frustrated because the questions don't really change - just the person asking them. Of course we want to jump on the bandwagon and tell them to read the guides/wiki/pinned threads or do a search, etc. but it is often these newcomers who are still not familiar with Visa Journey who need a kind and helping hand to get them 'started'.
    Some of the experienced members are able to do this very well indeed, and others never really find that 'helping' vibe. It is the same way in life itself: some people are kind and nice and helpful, and some people aren't.
    The best solution I have found is to try and not be part of the problem myself. If I can 'help', I'll help. I try to take everyone at their word, recognizing that they have their own troubles and worries and concerns and do the best I can to be gentle and helpful. As far as I'm concerned, there are really no stupid questions asked about the immigration process except the ones that need to be asked and aren't. Our members are great at pointing out where those questions may lie, and while it would be nice if they all could phrase their responses with kindness and clarity, sometimes you will get bluntness instead. As long as it doesn't attack the other person with insults, innuendos or judgements then sometimes it is best just to remember that we are all different and thank them for taking the time to provide the requested information.
  2. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from NM2428 in 1 year extension letter gonna expires in 1 month! What should I do?   
    The NOA extension letter extends the status of the green card for one year. For example, if your green card expires in May and you filed for I-751 in February and received the Extension Letter in March, your green card status doesn't expire the following March but expires a year after your green card expires - the following May. If your extended greencard is about to expire or has expired you can obtain proof that you are still a permanent resident by getting the I-551 stamp placed in your unexpired passport, or on an I-94 form that is placed in your expired passport. The I-551 stamp is valid usually for another year, although some offices only extend the status for 6 months. It has an expiry date that is based on the date you get the stamp and not on your green card.
    You make an Infopass appointment by going to the www.uscis.gov website, clicking on 'schedule an appointment' on the far right and you can select 'did not receive green card' as a category. There are several options for categories so if you get 'no appointments available' try using a different category. You should be provided with a series of options for dates or at least one date for an infopass. I printed out my confirmation letter but didn't need it. Bring your greencard, your NOA and your unexpired passport. If your passport is expired then bring 2 passport sized photographs and your expired passport. They will check your status using your A number or your case number, stamp your passport with the I-551 stamp, and you are good to go.
    My experience was probably the easiest experience I have ever had dealing with USCIS or the Consulates.
  3. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from metiska in Consequences of claiming UNEMPLOYMENT benefit !   
    You and your employer have both paid premiums into the unemployment insurance programme so you are entitled to claim unemployment insurance benefits if you are laid off like this. It is like an insurance policy - you pay for it and if you need to use it, you file a claim to use it. It is not a means tested benefit from the government and will not have an impact on your citizenship application. You've earned the right to claim the benefits so don't hesitate to claim them.
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    Kathryn41 got a reaction from CheriandRichard in London K1. A complete guide. (Do Not Post Questions in Thread)   
    Thank you for putting this together!
    I wish to remind everyone that this is an 'for information' topic and should not be used to post questions about individual cases. Please post questions to which you require information or feedback in the appropriate forums and leave this thread for information purposes only.
    Thank you
    VJ Moderation Team
  5. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Thelucybelle in Mrs. T-B. & the Citizenship Test   
    Having met both TBone and Mrs TB in person I can attest to that. She is a beautiful, charming woman, very self-assured and with a very good sense of humour. She and Mr. TBone are actually a great match and I know she often gives him a 'run for his money' so to speak. You do notice, of course, in these re-countings, that Mrs. TBone almost always ends up with the upper hand?
  6. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from X Factor in Roll Call of Fallen Commrades   
    I just want to weigh in with one aspect of this no one has yet considered. Yes,Kip was popular and enjoyable and could liven up a room with his stories, and what you saw was what you got. People liked him. I liked him. And That this is all perfectly fine in a private and closed environment where everyone is friends and understand the rules of the game and the 'play' doesn't spill over into somewhere else.
    Visa Journey, however, is a public forum - a very public forum - that is actively searched and googled every day by individuals seeking advice on immigration. You do not have to be a member to view any of the information posted on Visa Journey. You only have to be a member to post. So, all of the 'fun' that is understood between the members who participate regularly is not something that is understood outside by those not involved. That means thousands - literally thousands of people, sponsors, authority figures, potential members, potential sponsors, etc. all around the world also read what you post. When you google search on specific subject immigration matters and then find posts that are controversial, discuss intimate adult life details with sensationalist 'twists', sound rude or condescending or derogatory on that same site, that causes problems. It can actually put the real focus of Visa Journey - providing useful, supportive and experiential immigration information to those in need - at risk.
    So, with each post anyone makes you need to remember that you are not just speaking to best buddy xxx or frenemy yyy, you are speaking to the world - and Visa Journey is being judged by your content and subject matter.
    That is why it is a big deal and that is why we have the Terms of Service and that is why moderators try to find that middle ground between allowing you a space in which to play, while at the same time protecting the real reason for this site to exist. It is not about you - it is about ensuring Visa Journey is allowed to continue to fill the very real need that exists for a site like this for those undertaking immigration to the United States.
    (This comment wasn't aimed at you, Spooky, I just used your post as an good introduction to my comments)
  7. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Elisha in Mistake on N-445 Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony   
    Don't worry too much. You can white it out and put in the correct information.
    When you arrive for your ceremony, a USCIS officer will go over your form with you. If you are concerned about the white out, then you can explain you didn't realize that it referred to only after the interview time frame. They will ask you the questions in person, verifying that the information on your form and your verbal answers agree. Once they are confident all of the information is correct, they will collect the form.
    The reason for those questions are to determine if you still meet the eligibility requirements for citizenship (physical presence, etc.) or if your personal information has changed. I am sure you are not the first who has made that slip-up, and certainly won't be the last.
    Congratulations - and enjoy your ceremony. It is pretty moving - at least it was for me. :-)
  8. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from stelimeli in when did u give up your CDN residency?   
    You do not cancel your SIN - it is yours for life. Even if you end up taking up American citizenship in the future you will still be a Canadian as well. If you have worked at all in Canada you have benefits tied in to your SIN and you are eligible to claim those benefits at the appropriate time in the future (ie Canada Pension Plan, etc.) even if you do not live in Canada. You should notify the federal department in charge of CPP, etc. of your new address so they have it in their files and can notify you of anything you need to know (CPP summaries, etc.)
    When you officially cross the border to live in the US is the date you should use to advise everyone of your change of residency. This is the date you will use for filing your income tax returns in both the US and Canada - yes, your first year you need to file returns in both countries. Your health benefits are no longer effective when you cross the border to live so you can either notify the appropriate agency - or just not claim benefits and let your card expire.
    If you receive GST or CTB (Child Tax Benefits) and you move to the US then you definitely need to tell Canada Revenue Agency of the date you leave as you are no longer eligible for those benefits after you move and if they send them to you, you will have to pay them back. You need to notify CRC of your new address regardless so they can send you your income tax form for next year. Keep a Canadian bank account open especially if you have any tax refunds direct deposited as they will still be able to do that. Advise your bank of your new US address and they may be able to set up a minimum or no charge account for you that can be accessed through the internet. They can also send your bank statements to your address in the US.
    Notify any services or utilities you currently receive of the cut off date as well and request them to send the final bill - or the refund (yes, I got refunds on my insurance, my telephone bill, and something else which I don't remember now) to your new address. You can use your still open Canadian account to pay off any outstanding bills. Keep a good record (I photocopied everything) of your notifications to them in case you need to do some follow up (the cable company tried to get me to pay for 3 months after I moved saying I hadn't notified them. I sent them the photocopy of the notification that I sent with the last cheque and proof that the cheque had been cashed. They agreed that they were wrong and had received notice).
    You don't need to cut up your Driver's license - you are allowed to drive on it for a while when you move to the US - it varies by States - and you may need it until you get your US Driver's License.
  9. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Ontarkie in Nephew Applying Fiancee visa in Canada   
    Canada does not have a fiance visa. They need to get married and file for a spousal visa.
  10. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Jawaree in Need advice about Canadian visa   
    You have to apply for a Canadian pardon...depending on how long ago & were you
    charged with a felony...do your research read up on Canadian immigration. Consult
    with a Canadian atty.
    I thought this thread was for ppl leaving the US migrating to other countries
  11. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Brightstar in Getting a GC for my mom (on B1/B2 visa)   
    without knowing what was said in order to obtain the B-2 visa and at entry - and what was asked - it is pointless to cry fraud. The woman may well have said she is going to visit her new grandchild and help out her daughter with her newborn. That is what grandmothers do.. I don't know a grandmother anywhere - whether born here or born overseas - who does not want to help her daughter with a newborn or assist with taking care of the baby -along with watching the child grow and develop - something that brings changes every day. This is not working as a nanny. This is loving your daughter and grandson and sharing as much of their lives as you legally can - and she left and returned several times within the year and was allowed entry. If the border guard was concerned that a new grandmother changing her grandsons diapers and giving him a bath and feeding him and holding him until he goes to sleep was really, secretively working as a nanny, he would have denied her entry. If they had concerns and suspicions about her frequent visits they would have denied her entry. You have no basis to assume she lied merely because she was allowed entry. Grandmothers are allowed to visit grandchildren without being suspected of nefarious purposes. Please do not make unwarranted assumptions when you do not have any facts upon which to base them.
  12. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Lenchick in The Problem With Question 36   
    Interesting article - and why am I not surprised by the errors on the test? Because I had to read through the incredibly poorly written, badly organized, cryptic messages disguised as 'letters' and emails from USCIS during the various stages of my own immigration journey. Their correspondence is an exercise in how not to say anything while making it look like you are saying something. I often thought I should propose to them that I become their official letter writer and prepare standard, intelligible letters for which they can just fill in the blanks as required so when someone received correspondence from USCIS they weren't left scratching their heads and saying, 'huh'? .
  13. Thanks
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Mike E in Immigration News: Guidelines to Posting   
    If you post something that does not belong in this forum, we will move it to the correct forum.

    Please remember to include a link to where you found the story when you post the item here. This way members can read the whole story as well as verify the credibility of the source for themselves.

    News items released by Government agencies such as USCIS can be copied in total here but please do leave a link to where you found the news item.
  14. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from gadub in how difficult to reschedule biometrics?   
    For my 2nd biometrics for my AOS (the first had expired) I had to reschedule - I received the notice December 22- the day before our flight to Houston for Christmas holidays for an appointment December 29th - our return flight was scheduled for the 30th. The biometrics letter had a statement at the bottom about notifying them if you are unable to make that date and need to request another - along with the statement that if you failed to show your case may be considered abandoned. I wrote right on the form itself that we would be in Houston that date returning the following date and requesting the first available appointment after January 1st. I photocopied our flight information (and kept a copy of the notification as well) and included it with it and then put it in an envelope, drove to the actual biometrics office and hand-delivered it rather than risking it getting lost in the mail over the Christmas season. When I got home, I then called the general information number, went through the steps for 'have an appointment' and spoke to an agent who also took down the information and said I should receive a notification for a new appointment within a few weeks. It may have been overkill, but I keep thinking about what would have happened if I had received the notice after we had left for an appointment prior to our return! I wasn't taking any chances. So, yes, it can be done - just make sure you notify them of the fact and the reasons for the request. My new appointment was re-scheduled for February 2 so there wasn't that long of a delay.
  15. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from mrsod in I was arrested (no charges) and now applying for a Green Card.   
    Topic has been moved from US Citizenship Forum to AOS forum as the OP is not applying for citizenship (N400) but a green card (I-485).
    cedv- just to let you know in case you didn't - you are not applying for US citizenship and you won't become a US citizen when you get your green card. You will become a Permanent Resident. After you have been a permanent resident for 3 years and you are still married to your US citizen husband, you are allowed to apply for citizenship with the N400 form. Good luck to you - you have got good advice in the above responses.
  16. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Are you okay with your SO keeping old love letters from an ex?   
    It doesn't bother me either. Both my husband and I have pasts and these people are part of it - in fact, these people have helped to make each of us who we are today. The letters and photographs are history. I don't require my husband to get rid of his past or his history nor does he ask the same of me. It would be like trying to deny a part of who we are. We are comfortable with each other and each other's pasts. It really is no big deal.
  17. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Marc_us82 in Filipina   
    After review, I am re-opening this thread to discussion.
    It can be hard to discuss racist posts without listing examples. Fortunately, names were not used, just examples, although those who read these threads regularly will probably be able to identify those to whom the quotes refer. This topic can be very sensitive so I do appreciate everyone treating their posts with integrity and not using them as an opportunity to make snarky swipes at other members.
    Racism, unfortunately, is a very difficult issue to address effectively, for several reasons. The first is that many posters do not realize that the attitudes they are expressing are indeed 'racist' and inappropriate. Some individuals are indeed 'racists'; some are merely ignorant and insensitive. It does not make it right, but it explains some of the difficulties in getting racist comments to stop. Racism is never appropriate, and finding gentle ways to bring it to the attention of a poster that their comments stereotyping cultures as if they are a one size fits all, interchangeable 'units' rather than unique individuals who share a cultural identity with as many different expressions of that culture as there are individuals is a good way to try and address the problem. Attacking someone for their comments generally does not allow them the opportunity to 'hear' what you are saying; rather it puts their back up and they go on the defensive. Defensiveness never allows someone to be receptive to the possibility that perhaps they were inappropriate. It closes down the possible avenues of communication - and education.
    So, I do not see this thread as baiting, rather as an avenue to express the frustration felt by individuals who have been 'targeted' with that one size fits all, interchangeable 'unit' mentality that turns individuals into objects rather than people.
    This forum is about those involved in relations with men and women from the Philippines, so the American half of the couple may refer to their partner as my filipina or my filipino as a way of identifying each other's position within the relationship. I hope that in many cases the use of the possessive case indicates a sense of pride and participation in the partnership rather than 'ownership', but I agree, that in many posts it is unclear whether the American partner feels his or her spouse is a partner or a possession. This attitude is not, unfortunately, unique to the Philippine forum either, but raises its heads in some of the other forum as well.
    I know that it may appear that such racist comments get far greater free rein than they should, and I must agree. It is not because Visa Journey supports racism, rather that the moderation on Visa Journey responds to reports sent to us. There are many times where there is a racist comment made that goes un-reported, and so unaddressed. There are also times when comments are reported as racist but are not racist. Mentioning that someone is of a different culture does not mean the comment is racist, and yet we get reports of such topics as racist as well, so we ask your understanding if at times we do not respond as appropriately as we could. We do the best that we can, but like everyone else here, we are only human as well. Sometimes, we have bad days, and personal issues and too little sleep and too many worries too, just like everyone else here. As much as we try to remain objective, sometimes we fail.
    So, with that said, I will ask that each of you try to treat other members with respect, recognizing that we all have different backgrounds and experiences, and sometimes when we find our 'button' being pushed, try to think it is not an intentional act by another to be nasty (although sometimes it is) but someone posting in ignorance, and this is an opportunity to 'educate them'. . Please express your concerns politely and remind posters that racist comments stereotype people and in labelling everyone by generalities, you may well miss the truth in the situation, as well as insulting and hurting other members on this site. If that doesn't work, then please, report the offense to the Moderation team and we will do the best we can to address the issue.
    Thank you
    VJ Moderation Team
  18. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to GandD in TOS Violations and Moderator Responses   
    There's nothing in TOS referencing off topic discussion. Sometimes we will intervene on behalf of an OP if they wish to maintain a specific conversation. And sometimes we remove drama imported from past instances and quantify it as off topic. If you have something specific you'd like looked at, feel free to pm me.
  19. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Advanced Aardvark in Game Thread Rules   
    The Games Threads on Visa Journey are for the enjoyment of all our members. The immigration process can be very stressful, and playing 'games' is one way to help deal with that stress. So, this thread will list the various games available on Visa Journey, and post the instructions/rules about how to play them. Keeping these instructions in this one pinned topic will mean no one will have to try to find the first post in a game thread to figure out how to play the game.
    Anyone who starts a new game should make a post in this thread identifying the game and providing instructions about how to play it. Please don't be really strict or nit-picky with the rules. Remember - this is supposed to be fun! Try not to take them - or each other - too seriously, but please be respectful of the other players in the game and do try to play the game by the posted instructions.
    Attempts to disrupt, manipulate or monopolize game threads or the use of the game threads to make personal attacks or inappropriate comments about other members will be treated seriously and may result in thread-bans or suspensions. Honest errors or mistakes are fine; deliberately 'mis-playing' a game to cause a disruption or to make a 'scene' is not.
    Posts to this thread that discuss topics other than the instructions or clarifications of instructions for the games will either be removed or moved so that the actual instructions don't get overwhelmed by too many other posts.
    Let the games begin!
    (I'll be spending the next little while pulling together all of the posted instructions for the various games so be patient while I find them all and post them here)
  20. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Stefany in Mrs. T-B. & the Citizenship Test   
    Having met both TBone and Mrs TB in person I can attest to that. She is a beautiful, charming woman, very self-assured and with a very good sense of humour. She and Mr. TBone are actually a great match and I know she often gives him a 'run for his money' so to speak. You do notice, of course, in these re-countings, that Mrs. TBone almost always ends up with the upper hand?
  21. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from oncefuturealien in ANY OTHER SURPRISES I SHOULD BE AWARE OF???   
    Oh - another suggestion I just remembered - bring a copy of your local telephone book with you. It has useful numbers for government agencies as well as your local service providers. You never know when you might need to get in touch with someone 'back home' that you weren't anticipating and having your phone book with you will come in handy.
  22. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Tracy123 in Do I get my money back?   
    Well, for the sake of speculation, even if the US offers an amnesty to undocumented aliens and allows them to apply for immigration benefits, why should this mean you no longer pay for the immigration benefits you are requesting and receiving? An amnesty only allows for an opportunity to apply - which undocumented aliens do not have at this time. It does not provide them 'free' processing or 'free' benefits. They would still have to pay the costs involved - and for certain circumstances will most likely also be required to pay penalties in addition to the costs, the same as anyone else requesting a benefit.
    You are using an immigration service. You pay a fee to request the service. If the service is granted, great. If the service is denied, not so great, but you don't get your money back because they have done the work you requested; the answer wasn't what you wanted, but you still got the service - the review of the request for the immigration benefit.
    I think you are mixing up apples and oranges. You already have the ability to apply for an immigration benefit and you are paying the requisite fees necessary to obtain a desired benefit. Amnesty would merely grant those who currently do not have the right to apply for an immigration benefit, the opportunity to request an immigration benefit. It won't be given to them free of cost and they, like everyone else, will pay a fee for the service and any user fees in order to obtain any benefits for which they may now qualify.
    Nothing has been taken away from you, nor anything given to someone else at a reduced or cheaper cost than you are paying. Why would you get any money back? As Judge Judy likes to say - "you've eaten the steak; you pay the check". Amnesty means that those who have been hovering around the garbage bins in the back yard trying to scrounge something to eat will now be allowed to order from the menu - and pay for that order.
  23. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from CharlieTanger in London K1. A complete guide. (Do Not Post Questions in Thread)   
    Thank you for putting this together!
    I wish to remind everyone that this is an 'for information' topic and should not be used to post questions about individual cases. Please post questions to which you require information or feedback in the appropriate forums and leave this thread for information purposes only.
    Thank you
    VJ Moderation Team
  24. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Unidentified in Shared account?   
    It is easier and less confusing if you each have your own account. Some of the misunderstandings that have happened for posters is when both partners are sharing the same account and have different posting styles - and comments. I remember when one half of a joint couple was quite upset when the other half of the joint couple caused their joint account to be suspended for a few days , so you may wish to have an account for each of you and include the other in your friends lists and on your timelines.
  25. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Tahoma in Shared account?   
    It is easier and less confusing if you each have your own account. Some of the misunderstandings that have happened for posters is when both partners are sharing the same account and have different posting styles - and comments. I remember when one half of a joint couple was quite upset when the other half of the joint couple caused their joint account to be suspended for a few days , so you may wish to have an account for each of you and include the other in your friends lists and on your timelines.
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