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  1. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Darnell in ssn and aos   
    Oh - it's a big problem, on first time applying,
    K-1 visa holders will get a SSN in the VISA name, as the SSA clerks have to do a lookup in the SAVE database.
    If apply in married name, they cannot find the human in the SAVE database,
    SSA clerk sends out the file for DHS verification - and that takes 1 month or more until the file is returned to that SSA office for further processing.
    I suggest NEVER, EVER apply in married name - there is no record of entry in the SAVE database on the married name and it always triggers DHS Verification process - the kiss of death !
  2. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to dwheels76 in help on documentation   
    Then you will have to divorce her. Because you are now on record as being married. I could name quite a few people where they put married and weren't and their petitions were denied.
    Even though it wasn't civil you know in 9ja traditional even means more.
    It's quite a mess because in a way it makes current marriage voided.
  3. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Does it really work?   
    thread closed for review
    after review this thread will remain closed. The OP is asking about the success of lying and fraudulent activities in the work place. While not an immigration topic, it has immigration implications and falls under the 'advocating fraud' TOS violation.
  4. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to The Nature Boy in The who should be Mod and Mod Issues Thread   
    You been gone?
    It's not a mater of agreeing or not agreeing. You and I disagree a bit. Teddy, MBD, Gegel and I for sure. Yet we all interact Harpa for really sure. However I enjoy their comebacks and interactions.
    We go round and round and try to present our side of the arguments, sometimes we snip at each other, but we don't fill threads up with baiting acidic non-sense, to the point Mods have to close the thread and it makes everyone else miserable.
  5. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to TBoneTX in Does it really work?   
    "But Mom, but Dad... everybody's doing it!"
    In most fields, if you're found to have falsified your resume, you'll be out the door that moment, without a job and with a tarnished reputation. In general, lying about anything causes you to have to remember precisely what you said, to whom, and when. It saps your mental energies and increases your level of worry, sometimes acutely. Would you want to walk the halls or sit at your desk at your job, wondering when the guillotine would fall?
    Your good name is priceless. It's to be guarded, honored, and cherished at all costs. If I were in your position, I'd tell that "consulting" company to take a long walk off a short pier, and I'd never have a thing to do with them again.
    Instead, find the 2 or 3 Chambers of Commerce closest to where you live. Volunteer to help at their functions. Dress professionally, and meet everyone you can. Keep some honest resumes (U.S.-style) close at hand, or at least some business cards (which are inexpensive to make). Follow up with the people you meet. In short, your visibility (being visible) is crucial to your being hired directly or personally referred to someone who wants to hire you for you and for your skills.
  6. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to NikLR in Advice Needed......I'm supposed to be happy....right???   
    Well they're wrong. To begin with it takes 1-3 months to get the green card not a few weeks. The fastest I've seen on the forum is 3 weeks but the average is 2 months, for CR1/IR1 and longer for other family types.

    I invite you to read the line that says "upon endorsement..."
    I can tell you that line IS absolutely, unquestionably, on the visa. A I-551 is a green card.
    So that means when you POE, the CBP stamp the page beside the visa, generally write IR1 or CR1 on it, and put an expiry date of 1 year (minus a day of the date) you've entered.
  7. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to *Snowdrop* in Advice Needed......I'm supposed to be happy....right???   
    USCIS will tell you that the K3 still exists because technically it does. In that, you can still file the form and have it processed by USCIS
    People on this forum say that 'it's dead' because of the huge anecdotal evidence on here that has shown most of the K3s filed get closed before being issued in favour of the CR1.
    Even if it's not closed it will probably not help you gain the benefit you are hoping for - that your spouse can join you earlier in the US - because processing the K3 isn't really any faster right now than processing the CR1
    However every now and then on here someone tell us that it has worked for them and it has made the process faster - but those cases are very very rare now.
    And if working immediately is important then the K3 is probably not for you as it means that your husband will have to apply to AOS on arrival and wait for a work permit (up to 90 days) and wait a lot longer for his actual greencard,
  8. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Boiler in Advice Needed......I'm supposed to be happy....right???   
    Not called the Misinformation Line for nothing.
    Now you know better.
  9. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Boiler in Advice Needed......I'm supposed to be happy....right???   
    If he wants to visit then he needs a B2.

    K3 is dead, goes back to when a I 130 took a long time.
  10. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from NArocks in Few questions about VisaJourney site...   
    Thanks for your comments. I can answer a few of your questions but the Site Administrator, Captain Ewok, handles all of the technical stuff and is best to answer those questions for you.
    2. The Site Administrator is Captain Ewok. He will probably respond in this thread shortly.
    3. Any member in good standing who has demonstrated an ability to post calmly and accurately in the forums, who has been on the site long enough to become familiar with its many aspects as well as the many different types and processes of visa 'journeys', and who has the time to volunteer their services can be a moderator. The Site Administrator appoints moderators, and the current moderation team maintains a list of possible candidates (which is regularly updated as names are added and removed from the list). When there is a need for new moderators, this list is consulted and the various candidates posting histories researched and discussed by the moderation team and administration, coming back with a preferred candidate who is then 'invited' to become a moderator. Not everyone accepts the invitation as it can be a lot of work.
    4. Group is basically an assigned category of membership. It is generally handled by the site software and shows what category of membership you have, determined by your participation. You are a Validating member until you respond to the membership email verifying you are a real person; you then become a new member until you have a certain number of posts. You are a general member then unless you are appointed as an Organizer (move threads when they are posted in the wrong place) or one of the Moderators, or your membership is 'closed' if you are no longer a member.
    It would be lovely if we could keep all relevant information in one location, however, the field of immigration is so large and multi-faceted that there really isn't an easy way to do that. Certainly how we are organized now can probably be tweaked and I know Captain Ewok is receptive to any suggestions members have (and help that they offer) on how to improve the site, but no matter what we do, people are always going to have to do some leg work on their own, because that is the nature of the immigration process itself. It doesn't fit into nicely defined little categories but has a lot of overlap so that one aspect can apply to several different processes. The site is organized in general related areas with more specific themes, and there are step by step instructions with forms and such that can be accessed through the menu bar at the top.
    No matter how organized a site becomes, however, people are always going to ask questions - and there is really no way that every answer can be posted in a concise format, because every case is individual. Even if everyone is pursuing the same visa, there are still country specific or Consulate specific differences that are best addressed through members asking questions and other members sharing their own personal experiences.
    One of the biggest problems we do have and are trying to address is to keep the information about the different processes and forms and such current. These change pretty regularly and we need to keep updating both the general information and the country or consulate specific information, and really rely upon our membership to help with that.
    As I said, I am sure Captain Ewok will be along to answer more of your questions, and I know we are always interested in members who are willing to help us keep this site effective, productive and relevant.
  11. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Peikko in The who should be Mod and Mod Issues Thread   
    I am well aware that I have used non friendly terminology in the past. I have no idea what word you are referring to in this post, but I am sure I was aware that it could have been interpreted as non family friendly whether I agreed with that or not. The same is true with the body parts issue. Most of the time these words are being filtered because they have been used incessantly in an inappropriate fashion. As no can ensure that these words will not be abused, they have been removed. We all know this and knowing this the grown up thing to do is ensure we post appropriately. That is what I mean by acting like a grown up. You can continue to fight the good fight or you can accept the fact that because some words have been abused they can no longer be used and move forward.
  12. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Peikko in The who should be Mod and Mod Issues Thread   
    I don't agree, I think everyone knows what is and isn't going to be acceptable. We may or may not agree with what is against TOS, but we know when we are doing something that crosses the line. Sometimes we do it to be provocative, sometimes we do it to make a point to the mod team, but we do KNOW when something is not going to pass the TOS, if we don't, we need to grow up a bit.
    I don't think video of executions is very family friendly, I don't know why anyone would go out of their way to watch one either. There is a context where these videos are appropriate, but just to watch them because they are available strikes me as a little bit sick.
  13. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to NikLR in My (new) American credit score says I am dead.   
    Honestly, you will have ZERO credit.
    Heck I have credit with experian and equifax but trans union has frozen my credit for some odd reason. I apparently have to wait for something in the mail (which thus far hasn't arrived... 20 days later) to sign in an account to make it reactivated? Such a PITA.
    My credit was great in Canada so this is the most annoying issue.
  14. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Brit Abroad in My (new) American credit score says I am dead.   
    Sounds like you have been issued a recycled SSN. Either it's incorrectly issued by SSA, or it hasn't been cleared off the Credit Reference Agencies list of defunct SSNs.

    Start with the SSA office. Ask them to verify that the SSN you have been given is correct and that your personal details attached to it are correct. Assuming this is so, ask them to print multiple copies of them out on headed stationery. Google the numbers for each of the credit reference agencies and call them, requesting the mailing address for you to send an SSN correction record. They should be able to contact the SSA and ask them to confirm and correct the credit reference tables they use.
  15. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Jacque67 in Young thug in walmart plays knockout game   
    Some sort of network provider problem, according to Captain Ewok. He is trying to get things back on track. Hopefully things are fixed now - or will be soon.
  16. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to whysodifficult? in disappointed,need help   
    Two spaces has been customary for decades. Recently there is a trend to one space but nowhere is Newbud's style of no spaces utilized.
  17. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to whysodifficult? in disappointed,need help   
    He is looking for a well paid management job. With the competition in the job market as it is, being able to write and speak with a high degree of fluency would definitely help. When I first read his original message I thought it was OK but not great. I would think twice before hiring him if the job had any writing requirements whatsoever.
    To Newbud, here is a tip. When writing, there are always two spaces after a period at the end of a sentence. This is advice and not criticism. You are obviously smart and this is just a way to better demonstrate just how smart you are. I wish you luck in your job search because you are already putting in lots of hard work.
  18. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to mitchanme in disappointed,need help   
    Have you considered a different field entirely? There are always laboring jobs, in landscaping or irrigation or construction. Then, if you have management skills you can work up. At any rate it would pay the bills for now. Often it's not about what you know but who you know, and getting out working at anything puts you in contact with so many prospective employers. Who knows, the person whose lawn you mow may have an opening in his or her company. Good luck with it, it's tough not seeing family for so long.
  19. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to N-o-l-a in disappointed,need help   
    When I was taught in school it was always two spaces, but I wonder if that was to give teachers a little bit more room to write comments? Personally, I find two spaces to be easier on the eyes.
  20. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Hypnos in Make an FAQ for adjustment of status   
    What I have so far:
    Q: An I-130 has been filed already. I'm now inside the US, can I file for adjustment of status? A: Provided you did not lie to CBP at PoE or on any previous visa applications (for example: saying you were visiting on business when in fact you were coming to visit a girlfriend / boyfriend / spouse) then, generally yes. It usually goes to intent. You cannot enter the US on a nonimmigrant visa with the preconceived intent to remain and adjust status, but if you enter the US and then change your mind, or your circumstances change, then adjustment of status is an option. It should be noted that intent alone cannot be used to deny an application for adjustment of status if it is the sole negative factor (see Matter of Battista). If you have already filed an I-130 and are now filing an I-485 on top of it, enclose a copy of the I-130 NOA with your adjustment of status packet. Q: On the I-485 part 2, what application type should I select? A: If you are filing an I-130 and I-485 concurrently (or you have already filed an I-130 and are now filing an I-485 to go with it) you should select Option A, because if you read through the brackets it says "attach a copy of the approval notice, or a relative...visa petition filed with this application." A "relative visa petition" = I-130. If you are adjusting from a K-1 (or K-2) and married on or before the 90th day indicated on your I-94 then you should select Option C. Q: I didn't apply for an EAD or AP with my initial AoS application, can I still do so? Is the fee still waived? A: Yes, you can. Complete an I-765 and / or an I-131 and include a copy of the receipt NOA for your I-485 showing that you have paid the I-485 fee and the EAD and AP fees will be waived. Q1: My I-485 was approved and I received an email stating card production was ordered, then I received a second identical email. What does this mean? Q2: My I-485 went from post-decision activity backwards into approval. Is something wrong? A: No, both of these are normal and happen all the time. USCIS' approval system seems to generate duplicate notices or reverse notices on a regular basis. It's nothing to worry about. Still got a few more to add. I'm going to add one about whether a K-1 needs to have an I-693 medical performed within the US. Someone has a really good post about it that I'm trying to find. Does anyone happen to have a link to it?
  21. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Harpa Timsah in Gallup: Two in Three Americans Disapprove of Obama on Immigration   
    You can if you restrict yourself to a factual statement rather than a baiting statement. If you had posted "President's Immigration policies unpopular" or something along those lines, it would not have been changed.
    We have asked members, when quoting news articles, not to do their editorializing in the topic title but restrict it to the body of their post, and use the title of the article or one of the articles quoted as the title, or as you have asked, a non-coloured factual summary of the contents. The title you chose was derisive and obviously meant to bait for a reactionary response, thus it was changed.
  22. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Ryan H in Few questions about VisaJourney site...   
    Thanks for your comments. I can answer a few of your questions but the Site Administrator, Captain Ewok, handles all of the technical stuff and is best to answer those questions for you.
    2. The Site Administrator is Captain Ewok. He will probably respond in this thread shortly.
    3. Any member in good standing who has demonstrated an ability to post calmly and accurately in the forums, who has been on the site long enough to become familiar with its many aspects as well as the many different types and processes of visa 'journeys', and who has the time to volunteer their services can be a moderator. The Site Administrator appoints moderators, and the current moderation team maintains a list of possible candidates (which is regularly updated as names are added and removed from the list). When there is a need for new moderators, this list is consulted and the various candidates posting histories researched and discussed by the moderation team and administration, coming back with a preferred candidate who is then 'invited' to become a moderator. Not everyone accepts the invitation as it can be a lot of work.
    4. Group is basically an assigned category of membership. It is generally handled by the site software and shows what category of membership you have, determined by your participation. You are a Validating member until you respond to the membership email verifying you are a real person; you then become a new member until you have a certain number of posts. You are a general member then unless you are appointed as an Organizer (move threads when they are posted in the wrong place) or one of the Moderators, or your membership is 'closed' if you are no longer a member.
    It would be lovely if we could keep all relevant information in one location, however, the field of immigration is so large and multi-faceted that there really isn't an easy way to do that. Certainly how we are organized now can probably be tweaked and I know Captain Ewok is receptive to any suggestions members have (and help that they offer) on how to improve the site, but no matter what we do, people are always going to have to do some leg work on their own, because that is the nature of the immigration process itself. It doesn't fit into nicely defined little categories but has a lot of overlap so that one aspect can apply to several different processes. The site is organized in general related areas with more specific themes, and there are step by step instructions with forms and such that can be accessed through the menu bar at the top.
    No matter how organized a site becomes, however, people are always going to ask questions - and there is really no way that every answer can be posted in a concise format, because every case is individual. Even if everyone is pursuing the same visa, there are still country specific or Consulate specific differences that are best addressed through members asking questions and other members sharing their own personal experiences.
    One of the biggest problems we do have and are trying to address is to keep the information about the different processes and forms and such current. These change pretty regularly and we need to keep updating both the general information and the country or consulate specific information, and really rely upon our membership to help with that.
    As I said, I am sure Captain Ewok will be along to answer more of your questions, and I know we are always interested in members who are willing to help us keep this site effective, productive and relevant.
  23. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Jacque67 in Nigeria kidnapping: 60 girls and women, 31 boys said to be abducted   
    Numerous posts have been removed as violating the Terms of Reference or containing responses or quoted material from the TOS violating posts. A number of other posts have been edited to remove either the quoted TOS violation or a direct response to the violation that refers to the violation. Additional posts have been removed that wandered off into a side discussion as part of the response to a TOS violation.
    One member has been thread banned and additional moderator action has been taken.
  24. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from spookyturtle in Gallup: Two in Three Americans Disapprove of Obama on Immigration   
    You can if you restrict yourself to a factual statement rather than a baiting statement. If you had posted "President's Immigration policies unpopular" or something along those lines, it would not have been changed.
    We have asked members, when quoting news articles, not to do their editorializing in the topic title but restrict it to the body of their post, and use the title of the article or one of the articles quoted as the title, or as you have asked, a non-coloured factual summary of the contents. The title you chose was derisive and obviously meant to bait for a reactionary response, thus it was changed.
  25. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to The Nature Boy in Nigeria kidnapping: 60 girls and women, 31 boys said to be abducted   
    Yes but as much as I 100% agree with you and the double standard of the left. He used verbiage that would include 100% of the above mentioned religion, he said all Islamist not all Radical Islamist .
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