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Members, Goodwill
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  1. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Pitaya in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  2. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Happytobe in Time for a Change   
    Thanks for your wisdom over the years, Kathryn. And congrats Penguin! VJ would not bbe the same without such awesome mods!
  3. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from TBoneTX in wife in the USA on visitor visa, next step I-130 help needed (Q. c-14)   
    Just to clarify . . . The OP was the one who mentioned that someone had told him about a ten year ban and Ning responded stating that the OP should not pay attention to 'someone's' who make such comments. She was responding to the statement from the OPs post about the ten year ban and did not state or imply that another responder made this comment, although she addressed other comments in the same response.
    Instead of making personal attacks or getting upset with each other, perhaps we can just move on for now with the OP's concerns rather than continuing discussing what responders did or did not say.
    -VJ Moderation
  4. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Time for a Change   
    Thank you everyone for your kind words and your support - not just here but through out my tenure:-). I will certainly try to show up in the CE&HST forum and share my opinions - although you may not appreciate them , and you never know, now with all of the free time I will have, maybe I will just get around to writing that book!
  5. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Karee in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  6. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Asia in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  7. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from TBoneTX in wife in the USA on visitor visa, next step I-130 help needed (Q. c-14)   
    Please remember that there is a fine line concerning 'intent' when adjusting status from a visitor's visa. If the OP entered the US on a visitor's visa with the intent to adjust status while in the US, then that is considered visa fraud and can lead to serious repercussions if USCIS decides to act if that was a fraudulent action. If the OP entered the US without the intent to adjust status and after arrival, their circumstances changed and they decided to apply for residency from within the US, that is not considered fraud.
    The OP stated in his first post that he was told by someone that if he starts the immigration process by filing an I-130 while his wife is in the US on a visitors visa that she will be denied entry on subsequent visits and will incur a 10 year ban when she leaves. As Ning pointed out, it can be dangerous to listen to 'someone's who give inaccurate information, and the OP has come here to find out first if this is true (it's not) and second, what are their options.
    The OP has two options available. He can file the I-130 for his wife while she is here on a visitor's visa and they can proceed with a CR-1 visa which will require her to have her interview at a US Consulate outside of the US and then, when approved, enter the US as a permanent resident. Or, they can decide that their circumstances in the US have changed and as she is here legally and did not intend to file for permanent residency when they entered, they can also file for Adjustment of Status (green card) from her Visitor's status and file it jointly with the I-130 sponsorship petition. Both options are legally available to the OP, although the second one may require them proving that they did not have this intent upon entry.
    If the OP decides to follow the first option, there is always a risk that his wife may be denied entry on subsequent visits as the border authority may determine she is an immigrant risk. It would be up to the OP's wife to satisfy the border guards that she is not an immigrant risk on that visit.
    The only way she would incur a 10 year ban is if she overstayed her visa by more than 360 days, which would incur a ban if she left the US without adjusting status. It does not sound to me like the OP and his wife have any intention of trying to bypass the legal immigration process and no one should make that presumption.
  8. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Hotter Otter in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  9. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Kimbear in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  10. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Jacque67 in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  11. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Ketsuban in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  12. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from VeeNDee in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  13. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Haze1 in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  14. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from AlissaCarly in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  15. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from GandD in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  16. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from GandD in Muslim Converts to Christianity and Exposes the evils of the Cult of Islam   
    After review this thread is closed to further discussion. VJ Moderation Team
  17. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Muslim Converts to Christianity and Exposes the evils of the Cult of Islam   
    After review this thread is closed to further discussion. VJ Moderation Team
  18. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from JohnR! in Muslim Converts to Christianity and Exposes the evils of the Cult of Islam   
    After review this thread is closed to further discussion. VJ Moderation Team
  19. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Ryan H in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  20. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to The Nature Boy in Muslim Converts to Christianity and Exposes the evils of the Cult of Islam   
    Interesting piece. I have seen the same kind of blind fervor from the dogmatics of local Christian religions also, it's a shame when people get so blind and filled with hate .
  21. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Teddy B in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  22. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to SMOKE in Time for a Change   
    Thank you Kathryn. You've set the bar for lead mod very high. I'm confident Penguin is up to the task. Good luck!
    Can you direct me to the official suck up to Penguin thread please?
  23. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from spookyturtle in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  24. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from SMOKE in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  25. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Penguin_ie in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
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