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    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Darnell in Backaches, Bimbos, and Breakups   
    There are many stories in the naked city . . . each individual has their own personal ending
  2. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from icv21 in Marriage ending, what next?   
    I am sorry this happened to you. Yes, get your divorce, but unlike others here I would advise you to let USCIS know. While it appears that your husband has no interest right now in returning to the US, IF he decides to return even after you are divorced and is allowed in with his green card, you are still on the hook for the affidavit of support. That is your 'interest' in advising USCIS that he has left the country and taken up residence outside of the country. You can advise them that his address is now: xxxxx and that you are divorced/getting divorced because the two of you no longer have a valid marriage.
    This is not retributive nor trying to hurt him. It is merely protecting your self because he is still in a position to cause you problems even after you are divorced if he decides to change his mind and return to the US on his still valid green card. If you ever decide you want to sponsor someone else, you would then have to include his sponsorship in your financial commitment - and I am sure you don't want his 'presence' around to cause potential disharmony in any future relationships you might have.
    Once someone takes up residency outside of the US, the US basically considers that they have abandoned their permanent residency status and revoke their green cards. For your own protection, let them know that you are divorced/divorcing and he has left the country to take up residence in his country of origin.
    Truly, I am sorry. Good luck to you.
  3. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from TBoneTX in Backaches, Bimbos, and Breakups   
    There are many stories in the naked city . . . each individual has their own personal ending
  4. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to NikLR in Backaches, Bimbos, and Breakups   
    BTW, stop making yourself feel guilty about using your ex's money. I know WHY you feel this way and have felt this way, but this was a joint partnership, a marriage, and he didn't put in the effort. If hubs and I ever broke up, he has said he will make sure I can get to where I need to go, financially etc... My ex also did the same thing. Granted my ex was a controlling azz about it but he helped me move none-the-less. While you like to stand on your own two feet and do it yourself, there is no shame in also taking what is owed to you. And yes, HE OWES YOU THE COST OF YOU MOVING TO THE USA! He should have paid for ALL of that. ALL OF IT. Why? Because he wanted you here, with him, because he said he loved you, and you believed him because you had no reason not to.
    Hubs paid for ALL of my immigration. He paid for all but one of my plane tickets for visiting. (And in the end paid for 1/2 of that too.) He paid for his plane tickets. It was out of pocket for him, even when he wasn't working because he wanted me here.

    I wouldn't think he would be mad at you either, but it's a bit of a guilt trip to lay on someone. Not that it wasn't needed or truthful, but still, a bit of a trip. JMO of course.
  5. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to yvy23 in Bringing Pets to America?   
    I brought my two 10 year old cats over last year. They were in the cabin with me and a friend who flew over to bring the second cat on the plane (hubby was out of vacation time so couldn't fly out to bring the second cat over). They're usually fairly nervous cats, especially around people they don't know but they did fine. They were quiet, well-behaved and the only time they fidgeted or made any noise was when they needed the puppy pads in their carriers changing. In all, they had about 30 hours of traveling, including the ferry transfer from the Isle of Man where I lived to the mainland UK where we needed to get the flight. They were able to be out of their carriers on the ferry.
    Depending on the animal, they might not want to eat or drink anything on the flight - I had to persuade both of mine to drink, but didn't worry too much when they didn't want to eat. As long as they don't get dehydrated they should be fine. They were so well behaved that a lot of people only noticed they'd been on the flight when we were getting off the plane!
    The only slight 'moment' I had with them was when I transferred in Frankfurt airport - I had to get them out of their carriers and carry them through screening in the main security area. Fortunately, I got them through without either of them escaping though different airports have different procedures - for the first flight out of Manchester, we were taken out of the main security area and their carriers...and the cats themselves...were swabbed quickly so neither of them had to be taken out of the carrier.
    When we arrived in the US, CDC took them to a holding area while I cleared immigration so that they could check their vaccination and other paperwork and make sure the cats looked healthy. Beyond that, there is no quarantine requirement though I'm not sure how it would work if their vaccinations hadn't been up to date.
    While I don't doubt that they found the traveling stressful, they coped much better than I had expected and were much less bother to other passengers around us than I had feared. As soon as they were out of the airport and in my husband's car where they recognized his voice they were back to their usual selves, crying for attention because they hadn't seen him for a while. They settled in really well and have been doing fine ever since.
  6. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Asia in Backaches, Bimbos, and Breakups   
    Yeah, it is!
    Feel free to rant about everything.
    Tho the old geezers here (aka: men) are always complaining about the fallopian talk we do from time to time, but who cares... We don't
  7. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Ban Hammer in New General Forums Mod- welcome GandD!   
    he brought the mod team timbits
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    Kathryn41 reacted to mrs thb in New General Forums Mod- welcome GandD!   
    welcome GandD and best wishes. what is CEHST?
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    Kathryn41 reacted to Penguin_ie in New General Forums Mod- welcome GandD!   
    It is my pleasure to introduce GandD as Visajourney's newest moderator.
    GandD has been an active member of Visajourney for two years, and especially level headed posting in the CEHST forum. In response to member feedback about the General Discussion forums, and especially the very busy and somewhat "different than the others" CEHST forum, he was appointed to help moderate this area. It is important to Visajourney and the moderating team that all members feel welcome here, and that we listen to your concerns and suggestions. We may not always agree, but in this case, the appointment of a specific moderator with experience in this area, known to the "locals" so to speak, and familiar with the culture of the CEHST and other General Discussion forums, was agreed by all to be a good idea.
    Please be gentle on GandD in his first few weeks here as he settles in!
  10. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from sweet cakes in Visa Waiver Program filers of AOS   
    While I can appreciate your frustration with the wait, doing what you suggest is immigration fraud. If your wife attempts to enter the US and fails or does not correctly declare her true intent, the outcome is likely to be that instead of waiting the time it takes for the paperwork to be processed, she will be faced with a permanent ban for mis-representation. Her immigration intent is already in the system. If she does declare her intent, then she will be denied entry until she has the correct documents. That in itself should tell you that this is not a viable option.
    If you really love your wife and she is important to you, why would you even begin to consider jeopardizing your future life together in such a way? Good things are worth waiting for, even if it is the frustrating, annoying, bureaucratic dinosaur of the proper US immigration process.
  11. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from kitthekat in Backaches, Bimbos, and Breakups   
    Oh, you mean where is Dr. Katz?
    For heartburn or acid indigestion I use Ranitidine -75 to 150 mg. (aka Zantac). Ranitidine is an histamine H2 Receptor Antagonist that reduces the amount of stomach acidity - and it can be taken with a meal or shortly afterwords to work. You usually start to feel better in about 30 minutes.
    Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor and can interfere with calcium absorption. Long term use has been linked to osteoporosis. Omeprazole will also treat the effects of acid indigestion (ie ulcers, inflammation, etc.) but takes considerably longer to work - up to 4 days to reduce stomach acidity.
    For intermittent use I would suggest Ranitidine is probably the better option.
  12. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Pitaya in Visa Waiver Program filers of AOS   
    While I can appreciate your frustration with the wait, doing what you suggest is immigration fraud. If your wife attempts to enter the US and fails or does not correctly declare her true intent, the outcome is likely to be that instead of waiting the time it takes for the paperwork to be processed, she will be faced with a permanent ban for mis-representation. Her immigration intent is already in the system. If she does declare her intent, then she will be denied entry until she has the correct documents. That in itself should tell you that this is not a viable option.
    If you really love your wife and she is important to you, why would you even begin to consider jeopardizing your future life together in such a way? Good things are worth waiting for, even if it is the frustrating, annoying, bureaucratic dinosaur of the proper US immigration process.
  13. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from TBoneTX in wife in the USA on visitor visa, next step I-130 help needed (Q. c-14)   
    Just to clarify . . . The OP was the one who mentioned that someone had told him about a ten year ban and Ning responded stating that the OP should not pay attention to 'someone's' who make such comments. She was responding to the statement from the OPs post about the ten year ban and did not state or imply that another responder made this comment, although she addressed other comments in the same response.
    Instead of making personal attacks or getting upset with each other, perhaps we can just move on for now with the OP's concerns rather than continuing discussing what responders did or did not say.
    -VJ Moderation
  14. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Asia in Backaches, Bimbos, and Breakups   
    Oh, you mean where is Dr. Katz?
    For heartburn or acid indigestion I use Ranitidine -75 to 150 mg. (aka Zantac). Ranitidine is an histamine H2 Receptor Antagonist that reduces the amount of stomach acidity - and it can be taken with a meal or shortly afterwords to work. You usually start to feel better in about 30 minutes.
    Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor and can interfere with calcium absorption. Long term use has been linked to osteoporosis. Omeprazole will also treat the effects of acid indigestion (ie ulcers, inflammation, etc.) but takes considerably longer to work - up to 4 days to reduce stomach acidity.
    For intermittent use I would suggest Ranitidine is probably the better option.
  15. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Asia in Backaches, Bimbos, and Breakups   
    perhaps we could tweak that to Dr. Katz- that would work!
    And I am just trying to 'get my feet wet' before returning to the general hoi poloi (I know, only English outside of the Regional Forums!). This is a lot safer than in CE&HST!
  16. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Mina90 in Visa Waiver Program filers of AOS   
    While I can appreciate your frustration with the wait, doing what you suggest is immigration fraud. If your wife attempts to enter the US and fails or does not correctly declare her true intent, the outcome is likely to be that instead of waiting the time it takes for the paperwork to be processed, she will be faced with a permanent ban for mis-representation. Her immigration intent is already in the system. If she does declare her intent, then she will be denied entry until she has the correct documents. That in itself should tell you that this is not a viable option.
    If you really love your wife and she is important to you, why would you even begin to consider jeopardizing your future life together in such a way? Good things are worth waiting for, even if it is the frustrating, annoying, bureaucratic dinosaur of the proper US immigration process.
  17. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to SAT in Backaches, Bimbos, and Breakups   
    Can you see this? You think you have bad spelling? There are 900 plates out there for the MTA

  18. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Jacque67 in Visa Waiver Program filers of AOS   
    While I can appreciate your frustration with the wait, doing what you suggest is immigration fraud. If your wife attempts to enter the US and fails or does not correctly declare her true intent, the outcome is likely to be that instead of waiting the time it takes for the paperwork to be processed, she will be faced with a permanent ban for mis-representation. Her immigration intent is already in the system. If she does declare her intent, then she will be denied entry until she has the correct documents. That in itself should tell you that this is not a viable option.
    If you really love your wife and she is important to you, why would you even begin to consider jeopardizing your future life together in such a way? Good things are worth waiting for, even if it is the frustrating, annoying, bureaucratic dinosaur of the proper US immigration process.
  19. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Lemonslice in Visa Waiver Program filers of AOS   
    While I can appreciate your frustration with the wait, doing what you suggest is immigration fraud. If your wife attempts to enter the US and fails or does not correctly declare her true intent, the outcome is likely to be that instead of waiting the time it takes for the paperwork to be processed, she will be faced with a permanent ban for mis-representation. Her immigration intent is already in the system. If she does declare her intent, then she will be denied entry until she has the correct documents. That in itself should tell you that this is not a viable option.
    If you really love your wife and she is important to you, why would you even begin to consider jeopardizing your future life together in such a way? Good things are worth waiting for, even if it is the frustrating, annoying, bureaucratic dinosaur of the proper US immigration process.
  20. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to kitthekat in Backaches, Bimbos, and Breakups   
    unfortunately the premium for a plan under the ACA is still $500/mth for the both of us, but with a higher deductible than the company plan.
    it will be easier if we have the same plan/provider but the cheaper option seems like company plan for me and obamacare for jonas - that's about $340 a month for the both of us.
  21. Like
    Kathryn41 reacted to Teddy B in What are those little squares below our profile picture?   
    Just look at it this way. The more hearts a person has, the less of a real life they have.
    Sorry D.
  22. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Asia in wife in the USA on visitor visa, next step I-130 help needed (Q. c-14)   
    Just to clarify . . . The OP was the one who mentioned that someone had told him about a ten year ban and Ning responded stating that the OP should not pay attention to 'someone's' who make such comments. She was responding to the statement from the OPs post about the ten year ban and did not state or imply that another responder made this comment, although she addressed other comments in the same response.
    Instead of making personal attacks or getting upset with each other, perhaps we can just move on for now with the OP's concerns rather than continuing discussing what responders did or did not say.
    -VJ Moderation
  23. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from TBoneTX in wife in the USA on visitor visa, next step I-130 help needed (Q. c-14)   
    Please remember that there is a fine line concerning 'intent' when adjusting status from a visitor's visa. If the OP entered the US on a visitor's visa with the intent to adjust status while in the US, then that is considered visa fraud and can lead to serious repercussions if USCIS decides to act if that was a fraudulent action. If the OP entered the US without the intent to adjust status and after arrival, their circumstances changed and they decided to apply for residency from within the US, that is not considered fraud.
    The OP stated in his first post that he was told by someone that if he starts the immigration process by filing an I-130 while his wife is in the US on a visitors visa that she will be denied entry on subsequent visits and will incur a 10 year ban when she leaves. As Ning pointed out, it can be dangerous to listen to 'someone's who give inaccurate information, and the OP has come here to find out first if this is true (it's not) and second, what are their options.
    The OP has two options available. He can file the I-130 for his wife while she is here on a visitor's visa and they can proceed with a CR-1 visa which will require her to have her interview at a US Consulate outside of the US and then, when approved, enter the US as a permanent resident. Or, they can decide that their circumstances in the US have changed and as she is here legally and did not intend to file for permanent residency when they entered, they can also file for Adjustment of Status (green card) from her Visitor's status and file it jointly with the I-130 sponsorship petition. Both options are legally available to the OP, although the second one may require them proving that they did not have this intent upon entry.
    If the OP decides to follow the first option, there is always a risk that his wife may be denied entry on subsequent visits as the border authority may determine she is an immigrant risk. It would be up to the OP's wife to satisfy the border guards that she is not an immigrant risk on that visit.
    The only way she would incur a 10 year ban is if she overstayed her visa by more than 360 days, which would incur a ban if she left the US without adjusting status. It does not sound to me like the OP and his wife have any intention of trying to bypass the legal immigration process and no one should make that presumption.
  24. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from Pitaya in Time for a Change   
    After a lot of thought and consideration, I have reached the difficult decision that the time has come for me to step down as a moderator for Visa Journey. I have therefore asked Captain Ewok to return my status to 'regular member' effective Saturday, September 6th.
    I have been a moderator on Visa Journey now since 2009 – 5 years – and these last few years as Lead Moderator. I have enjoyed the responsibility and the involvement, and I believe - I hope - that I have made a positive contribution to the site. I have appreciated the opportunity to give back to the VJ community in this important way for its help on my own now long-completed Visa Journey, and thank Captain Ewok for entrusting me with this great responsibility.
    I am pleased to announce that Penguin_ie will assume the responsibilities as the new Lead Moderator. She is already an experienced and well-respected Global Moderator for Visa Journey, and I know she will be an excellent Lead Moderator. She has my utmost respect and complete confidence, and I am reassured knowing that I leave this post in such good hands.
    I wanted to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and assistance to me and to the Moderation Team over these last years. You are all part of why Visa Journey is such a valuable resource and instrumental in the successful completion of so many of our own individual Visa Journeys. While I won't be a member of the Moderation Team any longer, I will still be a member of Visa Journey, and you will continue to see me participating in the forums and contributing to the site - just now it will be from the other side of the Report Button .
    We have a great Moderation Team in place and I am definitely going to miss being a part of that team. It has been my pleasure to work with each and every one of them, and I will continue to do what I can to support them in their hard - and often thankless - jobs. I know how hard they work and how conscientiously they each take their responsibilities, so I offer to them as well, my gratitude and my appreciation for their hard work, their support and their friendship. You are the greatest!
    So, see you all around the forums !
  25. Like
    Kathryn41 got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Time for a Change   
    Thank you everyone for your kind words and your support - not just here but through out my tenure:-). I will certainly try to show up in the CE&HST forum and share my opinions - although you may not appreciate them , and you never know, now with all of the free time I will have, maybe I will just get around to writing that book!
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