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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Detroit MI
  • Country
  • Our Story
    to all the people that will visit this profile I must tell you that my story does not have a happy ending. I find that the money and the time that I have spent to get my fiance here has all been wasted. the woman that I spent the time with prior to her arrival in the United States was not the same woman that showed up the day her plane landed. Within a week of her arrival she began telling me how I should dress and what she didn't like about this or that. she became intolerant and would not take the time to understand the English as she had when we were together before. we spent nights apart on the couch and in the bedroom with her texting me her grievances. she complained about everything. the love that I had for her turn to disillusion. I felt like I had opened Pandora's box. I kept thinking of reasons to try and try again. and now as I write this I cannot find any reason to continue. she refuses to go home and instead chooses to stay in the United States and I feel at the next several months of my life are going to be very costly and very miserable. she refuses to abide by the rules of the k1 visa program and instead chose another path and has accused me of stealing money from her when all I've ever tried to do is help her. I wish you all the best in your journey mine has been a catastrophe

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