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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Washington DC
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  • Our Story
    we met online on March 1 2013, and we fell in love almost immediately. We started chatted on yahoo everyday, for 4 hours a day. When she was asleep I would text her what I was doing the whole day, and when I was asleep she would do the same. I was a single father, with a 2 year old son(until I met Michille) and she came into our lives and filled our hearts with joy, love, and happiness. in May we started skyping each other all day and all night, watching each other while sleep,and video chatting while we were awake, 7 days a week. In July I took my son with me to the Philippines to visit my beautiful queen, and I fell in love with her even more. I was only supposed to stay 2 weeks, because she was planning to work in Saudi as a nurse, and was leaving around the time I was supposed to come back to the states. But, that never happen. We fell sooooo deeply in love that I proposed to her and we got engaged, and ended up staying for 2 months, the best two months of my life!! We have been going strong ever since. The love we have is amazing and I have never fell this kind of love before. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful, sweet, adorable, caring, funny, sexy, lovable woman. Michille you made me the happiest man in the universe. I love you soooo much!!

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