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Posts posted by fahimnomi

  1. Case Type F2A
    PD 26 Aug 2013
    NVC Completed Case 26 March 2014

    I am green card holder filed for my wife .Now my Case is at NVC waiting for the interview date to be scheduled .i even came bak to my country from USA to take my wife to USA .I Have few questions.
    1 What really is the meaning of cut of date ? is that when NVC ask you for documents or is that when your visa is available ?
    2 Will the current retrogression affect my interview date ?
    3 should i have to submit all the documents and fees if i didn't get the interview date for more then one year ?

  2. I want to add my new born baby to f2A

    Status of My Case

    All the Documents and fees are submitted .The detail of Last checklist letter is bellow.

    We have finished reviewing your case. We will tell you when we set an interview date for your case. Please do not contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN about your interview until we give you the date.We saw that either your Affidavit of Support was incomplete, some of your supporting documents were missing, or both. We have marked the missing items on the checklist below.You should send any of the missing items to FATIMA KHAN so he or she can take them to the visa interview. The Consular Officer will review the missing items at the time of the interview.Please pay special attention to any items related to the Affidavit of Support form.If the checklist shows any problems with the form, you should complete a new form and send it to FATIMA KHAN .If you do not send the missing information to FATIMA KHAN , his or her visa application could be delayed or denied

    Please review the instructions below then refer to the final page of this checklist for mailing instructions.

    I-864, Affidavit of Support Checklist

    [x] The NVC recently completed our review of your visa case. While you meet the minimum qualifications for a visainterview to be scheduled your Affidavit of Support contained one or more sections with missing or incorrec tinformation. Please review the additional instructions below then complete a new Affidavit of Support. (You candownloadarrow-10x10.png the I-864 form and instructions at http://www.uscis.gov/i-864.) Once you have completed the new Affidavit of Support, please provide it to the principal applicant to bring to his or her visa interview. Do not submit your new Affidavit of Support to the

    NVC, as doing so will reopen your case and cause processing delays

    [x] In Part 4. Information on the Sponsor, please correct the following...[x]

    Item 12. As the petitioner sponsoring your spouse or child, you must indicate whether or not you are currently on active duty in the U.S. armed service

    I have three questions

    1 my baby is born few days ago i want to add my new baby in this case till now i have not sent anything regarding my baby to NVC.

    2 Can this case Still be denied by interview counselor ?

    Please guide me

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