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Posts posted by Keith&Larpi

  1. I think I need to know what will happen to you too. My fiancé is a student and and he has money in the bank .. So that's the way on how to support the k1 application.. So please let me know if that will work. I need a real experience though.. Though my boyfriend told me that he have researched about it for one month and he's sure that his money could make it :)

    Based on Hank's post above, you might want to line up a co-sponsor (maybe his parents, brother or sister?) now and begin the paperwork for co-sponsorship. If your boyfriend has only done research online, Hank suggests that nothing online will prepare you for the USEM CO ignoring what they say online and just doing what he wants. If you have no co-sponsor, you might get denied and have to appeal which could be a very long process. (I don't know anything about the appeal process, better to avoid it if you can.)

    Let's see what we hear back on Sunday or Monday.

  2. Well Hank, that is the kind of information that I was looking for.

    Have to say, I am strongly displeased that the USEM would specifically state in an official website that assets can be offered, and then refuse to even consider them. Sounds like one or the other are dumbshits, to the detriment of us petitioners. A refused to accept significant assets to make up an income difference is petty bullshit, especially if the assets are readily convertible to cash, as the website requires.

    Good that I over-prepared then, but it's still bullshit.

    Thank you for the additional context.

    Anybody else have some real experience they might share?

  3. Not sure if this helps, but I receive two tax free pensions related to my years working in government service. As a result my 2013 1040 tax reflects zero income, zero taxes, and no W-2. In order to satisfy the requirement, I submitted documents from two different agency's indicating my tax status, make sure that are current, along with retirement pay stubs from one, in the case of the VA, monthly bank statements going back years directly deposited into my account. I'm fine with assets

    I sure a hell hope the CO understands this, as my fiancé's consular interview is monday... :clock:

    Good Luck,


    I hope so too Rob, I am in a similar situation and my fiancé's consular interview is the 23rd.

    Would you report back and let me know what happens/happened?

    I am submitting a very low income 1040 and a personal financial statement demonstrating substantial assets, as well as bank statements demonstrating sufficient tax-exempt income and a lot of net worth supporting documentation.

    What I hope is the the CO knows what he is looking at, that's all I need. To that end I am including a cover letter explaining all of the documentation I am submitting. He just needs to read the cover letter, but no clue if, as busy as they are, anyone will bother to read!

    Let us know what happens, ok?

  4. I answered this one for you once already, but I want to ask.

    What is your source of yearly income? Do you collect dividends, interest, pensions or what?

    Embassy will not accept "cash in the bank" assets or property assets to meet the income requirements. I know of others that tried that route and had to get a co-sponsor (they were IR-1 so could use a co-sponsor), with the K-1 the embassy usually doesn't ask for a co-sponsor just issues a denial.

    Hank, you believe strongly that the Embassy will not accept assets to meet the support requirements. Can you share with me why that might be? I ask because this from the USEM website:

    "For the consular officer to be able to evaluate the ability of the petitioner to financially support the applicant in the U.S., an I-134 Affidavit of Support should be submitted together with a copy of the petitioner’s most recent federal income tax return (Form 1040) and wage statements (W2). If the petitioner is unable to provide a Form 1040, he/she must submit other credible evidence of assets to meet the federal poverty guidelines. Such assets could include bank accounts, stock, personal property, real estate, and non-taxable sources of income such as Social Security payments, which should be available in the U.S. for the applicant’s support and must be readily convertible to cash within one year."

    This implies pretty strongly to me that they say that they will accept assets.

    I do have some non-taxable income which I have included in my documents, but I have substantial assets which are "... readily convertible to cash within one year." It seems to me that I meet this standard.

    Your thoughts?

  5. I hope so too Rob, I am in a similar situation and my fiancé's consular interview is the 23rd.

    Would you report back and let me know what happens/happened?

    I am submitting a very low income 1040 and a personal financial statement demonstrating substantial assets, as well as bank statements demonstrating considerable tax-exempt income and a lot of net worth supporting documentation.

    What I hope is the the CO knows what he is looking at, that's all I need. To that end I am including a cover letter explaining all of the documentation I am submitting. He just needs to read the cover letter, but no clue if, as busy as they are, anyone will bother to read!

    Let us know what happens, ok?

  6. Hey. I got C4C on July 3rd and got an Interview Date on July 7th. That is a new Visa Journey Record and I am very humbled.

    You will get one soon just keep trying and be aggressive! Good luck

    You do understand how lucky you got I hope. :)

    Took me and mine a month of 24/7 to be able to snag a date that we could use.

    But, but, we did.

    So feeling lucky in a way here too.

  7. Jeff, Hank, Anyone! This is crazy. This is absolutely INSANE. OK, I need some help before I really lose it.

    Jeff, I have installed your add-on, set it up, and now for the first time I am seeing dates. One at a time. Randomly, throughout 24 hours. More than half a dozen since yesterday. (note, the same June 9 date has appeared 4 times so far.)

    No matter the date, they are GONE in less than a minute!

    I have re-set C4C to refresh every 15 seconds, and a few minutes ago a good date appeared and it was GONE in less time than I could click continue and get to the calendar page!!!

    Is there some "auto-grab-this-date" that I am missing? Even if I see a date come up, and respond immediately, it is gone before I finish clicking through.

    Hank: OK, maybe I am doing something wrong. Help me out here. Because from what I see it is entirely possible for someone to be ready to book an appointment and to NEVER EVER even see an appointment slot come up and to wait six months for something that is never there long enough for them to ever even know that it was there. Or, like me, to be patient and to see date after date come up and then be gone before even being able to book it.

    (Sort of like John 5:1-15. Yeah, I want to get well! lol!)

    If I just had a date I could go to the bathroom, or out to do some food shopping, but I am sitting by this thing 24-7, see a random date every 3-4 hours, and have not ever been able to book one. How are people doing it????

    Thanks so much.

  8. Quick follow-up question: HANK_ you mentioned "watching the left side of the screen"

    What should I be watching for? Is that where the calendar appears? (or what?)

    Oh!!! And what should I do about THIS message (from refreshing once an hour): "You are approaching the maximum number of times you may view this page. Please complete your transaction at this time."

    Obviously I would LOVE to complete my damned transaction at this time!! lol

    Again, thanks to all.

  9. Thanks folks! This is both helpful and reassuring. Not as satisfying as I would like (I am an American, patience is not really much of a national trait, lol!) and yes, I much prefer taking action, but at least I know that I am at the right place and not off in some far afield down a completely wrong path.

    Again, thanks. :)

    (And especially for the idea of refreshing rather than logging off and back on each time!)

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