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About Sabrina_T

  • Birthday 11/28/1983

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    I'm Sabrina and I live in England. March 2010 I was talking to a friend in Georgia and she randomly said I should talk to her friend Mitchel. He had just come out of the Navy and she thought we should talk. I was NOT interested in meeting anyone, Especially so far away and I like he had, Just broke up with my ex.
    The sneaky wench was talking to Mitch at the same time, Telling him he should talk to ME! Next thing I know, He adds me on Facebook and messages me. The plan was, We say hi just to be polite and tell our friend Thanks, But no thanks.

    What happened next, No One could of predicted. We spoke that night for 4 hours straight and something clicked.
    Over the next few days and weeks, We spoke every day without fail about anything and everything. Seeing that little box light up with a message made my heart jump with joy. The weeks turned into months and by July, We had to admit that our feelings had grown way beyond friendship. We had fallen for each other big time but everything was still scary and uncertain. We were sure we wanted to be together but didn't know how. We decided that I would save up and go there to Atlanta, Given the exchange rate worked well in my favour and he was at full time work and school. We didn't want to rush things as we had both been badly hurt and scammed out of a lot of money by our ex's. We continued to make plans and get to know each others family and friends through the endless Skype/Facetime calls.

    I flew out there to Atlanta, Georgia on my own on the 31st May 2012. Seeing him there at the airport, It really was the most incredible feeling I have ever had in my life! He was there, In front of me. He was real, He was mine. I knew that I loved this man more than I ever thought possible and had no doubt I wanted to be there forever with him. Thankfully, He felt the same! We went back to his house, Where his family were waiting and I was embraced by everyone and made to feel the most welcome I've ever felt. The next 2 weeks were perfect and went by too quickly but we had already arranged for me to be there for our first Christmas and New Year together.
    I've since flown out there to be with him 4 more times, Each more perfect than the last. He has graduated University with his degree and plans to be here asap for a visit.
    He proposed December 24th 2013 and we became engaged wub.png We knew already we wanted to go down the K1 route, As it was the quickest and we were more than prepared! We filed early March 2014 and received our NOA1 a week after. Now the waiting begins!

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