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Everything posted by davidvs

  1. He is eligible for the waiver. The problem is that he has no qualified relative that is able to file the waiver on his behalf.
  2. I understand what you are saying. While I may not be familiar with "arranged" marriages" (not sure that this would considered one). It certainly does make sense for *both* of you to be aware of the timelines involved in the immigration process before you start to consider if you wanted to move forward. Good luck going forward.
  3. Why do you need to book a tour in advance? Just book refundable airline tickets and worry about a tour after the fact. It's off topic, but I would argue you don't even need a tour to enjoy your trip, just plan it yourselves.
  4. I hope your *eventual* "Janey come lately" Swedish wife sees this comment and gets an idea of what you think about her. Maybe she will make the decision of if she and her child stays behind while you return to the US alone for you.
  5. If she comes to the US without a valid immigrant visa and plans to stay she would be committing visa fraud and be subject to deportation just like any other person who comes here illegally.
  6. You DO have the option to leave your wife (and child) behind and move to the states to set up a household. Many, many people need to go this route. Is it the best circumstance? No, of course not, but it IS an option.
  7. You have just created a digital trail of contemplating immigration fraud, so you've got that going for you...
  8. Traveling with small children is not a hardship in the least. NY to Istanbul is a 12 hour flight with a stop midway in London. You are looking at 2 6 hour flights more or less. Can you have a friend or relative make the trip with you? I'd bet you could find someone who wouldn't mind a vacation. Making a solo trip isn't all that difficult either. I travelled solo with my 5yo NY to Bangkok which is was a 26 hour trip. He loved every second of it. Of course there is also the option of meeting in a 3rd country. Bahamas is visa free for him and a very short flight from the US.
  9. That post refers to a wedding reception, not an engagement ceremony. Sounds like two different things. I'll defer to you on the engagement ceremony since you have HCM City specific knowledge, but I would still be hesitant to do it..
  10. This can be a risk if immigration sees photos or other evidence of the reception and decides to label them as "too married for K1" I would wait, get married here and then go back for a reception in Vietnam.
  11. Only US law matters. Her country of origin does not have control over her US immigration process.
  12. How is it any worse than the millions of people who come on a tourist visa, overstay, marry and get to adjust status?
  13. No, the key phrase is the defined difference between a private "recreational" yacht and a commercial yacht. Recreational yachts cannot be chartered in US waters with B1 crew aboard. See link to the Foreign Affairs Manual. 9 FAM 402.2-5(C)(5) (U) Yacht Crewmen (CT:VISA-1730; 03-10-2023) (U) Yacht crew who will provide services on board a recreational vessel who are able to establish that they have a residence abroad which they do not intend to abandon, regardless of the nationality of the yacht, are classifiable B-1. You should be aware that privately owned yachts may be chartered while abroad but used for personal use while in U.S. territorial waters. Websites related to the charter business may not reflect this. See 9 FAM 402.8-3(A)(1). https://fam.state.gov/fam/09fam/09fam040202.html There is a clear definition between Bill Gate's yacht and a NCL ship (my wife worked for NCL by the way )
  14. OP is correct. Yacht crew are treated differently than commercial crew. If the ship they are working on is not a US flagged vessel, and not considered a commercial ship, B-1 is the correct visa. f. (U) Yacht Crewmembers May be Classifiable as B-1 or D Crewmember: (1) (U) In General: Yacht crewmembers may provide services on board a recreational or commercial yacht. Yacht crewmembers who will provide services on board a recreational vessel traveling to the United States are classifiable B-1. Those who will provide services on board a commercial vessel and who meet the requirements under INA 101(a)(15)(D)(i) above are classifiable D. (a) (U) A recreational vessel is primarily used for pleasure by the owner or a guest of the owner. Some private yacht owners maintain crews year-round even if the owners and/or the owner’s guests only use the yacht for periods of the year. (b) (U) A commercial vessel is primarily used for commercial purposes, such as for transporting passengers or cargo for payment or other consideration. https://fam.state.gov/fam/09FAM/09FAM040208.html#:~:text=Yacht crewmembers who will provide,i) above are classifiable D.
  15. Excellent point. Phrasing an argument in the precise way is very important when completing a waiver app.
  16. Yes, inability to speak the language should be a strong argument when combined with other evidence. The fact that you ARE living there currently does take away from the argument though. I assume you are not able to work locally due to the language barrier. This would aide in proving extreme hardship to financially support the family. In my case, local professional certifications/standards (accounting and finance) as well as language barrier would prevent me from working in Thailand, and time difference would prevent me from being able to work remotely for an American company. When you are putting together your arguments try to follow the logical steps in building a case for extreme hardship. Although the vast majority of waivers (assuming yours is for previous overstay) are approved if they are well thought out and well written, I do not think a 601/601a should be done DIY. Feel free to contact me if you need some help with anything. Good luck in your journey.
  17. If she left(fled) her home country after committing the crime(s) but before investigation started/charges brought, there would be no record of the crime and she would be able to get the visa.
  18. If I wake up in the middle of the night I have to burry my mask under my pillow and blankets so my wife won't wake up, lol. OP, your situation sounds very reasonable and explainable in the very remote chance you get a visit. Many people have "alternative" sleeping arrangements for a variety of reasons. I ended up sleeping in our son's room for over 2 years because Mommy had him next to her in bed since he was born.
  19. Does she want to stay with the guy? She can file for divorce, no need to wait around for him to do it.
  20. The government already knows more about her time in the US than she does 🤪
  21. Do the longer layover to be safe. Many Airports have airside mini hotels you can book for a few hours to take a nap/shower/watch tv/eat in peace. I always do that when flying international so you are nice and refreshed for the second flight.
  22. Since you are so adamant about not having to deal with Mexican authorities, I would suggest finding a vacation destination that is more welcoming.
  23. I think the person she talked to is confusing the situation... You can apply for her spousal visa as soon as you are married. When she gets her visa; -if she enters into the US before your 2 year anniversary she will receive a conditional green card which is good for 2 years and you will need to go through the removal of conditions process at that time to get her 10 year green card. -if she enters the US after your 2 year anniversary, she will get a 10 year green card immediately and would not need to go through removal of conditions.
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