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About chiggins82

  • Birthday 11/14/1982

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  • Gender
  • City
    Saint Paul
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Saint Paul MN
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met in training in 2011 and quickly hit it off. We stayed in touch and it was soon obviously we were falling for each other. I finally took the chance, went to visit and started dating that weekend. That was 2 years ago and we are now looking ahead at moving closer to one another. Again, I am taking the chance and going there. We hope to one day both be dual citizens

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  1. Brief Update: So, I typo'd on the subject - RFE not RFI Despite advice on this thread saying otherwise and at least in the State of NY - I was not entitled to apply for a copy of my deceased father's birth certificate without a court's approval. To do this, I had to get a copy of his death certificate. I was able to get this and the court order, but the birth certificate was not received before the due date. Instead I found the requirements to qualify for citizenship through a parent, and it states that he would have had to have resided in the US for 5+ years and two of those needed to be after the age of 14. My father was born in the US and left 4 years later. I wrote this in a cover letter, included a PDF of this information from USCIS' website, and then sent mail receipts of the progress made to get the evidence they were asking for. I was able to get a picture of my dad's marriage certificate, but without my mom's cooperation (it took convincing), this is also something I am not entitled to if either person is alive and doesn't give consent. I am still waiting for a Tier II to call me back (was told 3 days, then emailed that it would be 10 days, and 30 days later I have not heard anything). I also had a consult with a Lawyer who said there was nothing a lawyer could do either other than submit the evidence for me, they did agree on the requirements and said best case scenario is they just proceed with the N400 and worst case was that they denied me in which they would then take my case if I wanted as I likely also be denied trying to seek citizenship through my father as he doesn't meet the requirements On top of this, I waited until the due date to submit things as I was missing the birth certificate and when I logged in at 6AM that day, it said the RFE timeline had expired. I called and the person I spoke with said their system didn't show it has expired or that I missed the deadline... so just a little extra stress to add into the mix. I was only able to submit the evidence as "unsolicited documentation". I don't know if that will impact anything, but if I ever get that call back from the Tier II rep, I'll ask.
  2. For what it's worth, I had this issue as well. I called and spoke to someone and they said on their end it didn't show as expired. It did on mine. I asked them if this was an issue or could they note it, they didn't really give me an answer. I did have a link to upload unsolicited evidence, so I uploaded everything using that link. I needed the full time to gather everything so it wasn't an option to just send it sooner (I was actually missing info 😞) The person I spoke to wasn't really helpful other than to say that it didn't show as overdue in her system. I sent mine this week as well, so I don't know the outcome. It might not hurt to call and ask them so they at least may have it logged that you called them. It is pretty frustrating to show a due date for June 4th and then flag it as late on the due date. It really should say Before June 4th or by 11:59 PM June 3rd or something!
  3. This is New York City, My dad was not born there (NY State is separate). the screen shot above doesn't say parent and when I try to apply, it requires I select from a list for my relationship to the person and child is not there. I picked father instead in case I read that wrong and the next screen it pre-filled my info as my dad's father..... so.... yeah I online form is indicating I cannot order it. Like I said above I'll have to call. I don't know why you would assume I just don't want "roll up my sleeves". My previous post stated that I already tried to order the birth certificate and the site stopped me indicating I'm not eligible and my family doesn't have it. So far I haven't seen that I am entitled to order copies of marriage certificates either. They have all the evidence for my N400, the problem is the officer who interviewed me thought I might qualify for N600 and now wants evidence for that, but I don't qualify for.
  4. I got stuck here: None of these apply to me and these are the acceptable forms to prove I can be sent the document....I tried clicking through but I get stopped because Child isn't on the list when it asks my relationship to the person. I'll have to call and find out because I agree it seems like I should be entitled to this? I hear you there, it was relatively smooth sailing until now. Even the officer who interviewed me made it seem like it was no big deal, he just wanted to "double check" I wasn't already a citizen. He said to give him a day or two. 2 months later... Hopefully the Tier II calls me and we can sort it out, I just worry that they won't listen to me.
  5. I'm checking with my mom. They divorced 20 years ago, so she isn't sure what she has, but she said she remembers that he didn't have a birth certificate when they got married and they used a baptismal certificate instead and she is certain she wouldn't have that. The thing is I didn't apply to become a citizen through my dad, I married a US citizen and moved on a K1 and have been a permanent resident for 9 years. My father never held a US passport, and doesn't meet the residency requirement (5 years residing in US, 2 years after the after of 14) and I'm over 18. With the birth certificate I need to have a valid reason to request it and the reasons to provide don't include immigration or child requesting, but I'll pick something that's close enough and fax them my RFE as evidence. I'm waiting to hear from a tier II person on this, because even if I get these documents (which I don't know if I can), my bigger worry is they deny my N400 through marriage/residency and say I have to apply as a child of a US parent and then it's denied because of the reasons above. Got to love that they were fine to approve my K1, Green Card, etc. My dad's country of birth is on my birth certificate and the application.
  6. I'm really hoping I don't have to get a lawyer involved, but I might have to. I don't have a way that I can think of to prove my father doesn't meet the residency requirements. He's deceased and I don't have any of his records from his childhood. Even in looking to see if I can get his birth certificate according to the New York State health department, I may not be entitled to it either. They're asking for his marriage certificate and I have no idea if I can get that either. I don't even get why that would be applicable here at all. The crazy thing about it is when I had my interview the interviewer said I would get approved no matter what. He just had to double check that I could naturalize on this path (his words). Now I feel like I might get denied because I can't meet the RFI requirement. 😭
  7. Hi there, It's been a while since I've posted anything, but I've run into a snag with my N400 and curious of any similar experiences or advice: I applied for N400 and had my interview. In the interview, I was asked if my parents were both born in Canada (where I was born) and always lived in Canada - My dad was born in the US, so I replied: My father was born in the US, he never applied for US Citizenship for himself. he never held a US passport and he is now deceased. The interviewer said that he couldn't approve me because he thought I might be entitled for citizenship through my dad. He said to give him a little time and he would update. I just received an RFI for my father's birth certificate and marriage certificate. Everything I have read on USCIS and here tells me I do not qualify to become a US citizen through my parent because he did not request it before I turned 18 and because he did not meet the residency requirement (he moved when he was a child). I think I might be able to get the birth certificate, but I do recall him looking into this once long ago and saying that he could only get a birth certificate if he knew where he was baptized and he dropped it. I don't know if I can acquire a marriage certificate and frankly don't get why it's applicable? I'm planning to call in and see if I can get more info, but what do I do if I can't get these items? I need to get my response in by June 3 and very worried it's not possible to even acquire the docs at all let alone in that time.
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