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Posts posted by slf814

  1. NVC r at 25th Feb to give case numbers.

    you might get your case number soon.

    they r nice people but many calls all day long make them rude people.

    Good luck ..

    Well if they are getting paid, I think they should be polite until the end of their shift. It's not hard to be kind, in fact it would probably help them enjoy their jobs a bit more! So many nice (and understanding!) people calling them all day Haha :) if anyone has a right to be angry it's us I think, we're the ones with our lives on hold. They get to go home to their loved ones after each shift...I can't wait till we all get to do the same! Soon! :)

  2. Hi all,

    My case was recieved at NVC on March 17th, if someone wants to add that date to the spreadsheet, thanks!

    Also, can I just vent about the NVC representatives, do they get paid to be so rude?! I mean, believe it or not, we don't wait on hold for 45 min just for them to be rude! This is only my second time calling and each time I have felt offended after each call, I may not call back for a while, they are really not nice people.

  3. You broke the rules.

    Now, you go to jail !!

    lol.. chillax bro

    Saylin is indeed extremely helpful (I've had a chance to iteract wid her a lot)

    With the NVC there's usually two date points - NVC received + NVC case assigned.

    After that you're basically on your own.

    I think dat is why they want you to post there

    I might be wrong

    Personally I don't see any harm in having data in both places. Its helpful. I also haven't heard that this is against any admin rules, where did you see this?

  4. Please all August fillers,

    Do not messed up our August spreadsheet. It will give incorrect information to everyone and make us sad.

    everyone is free feel to add info in the sheet but only accurate.


    Hi Deep,

    My NOA1 Date is listed as 8/26, but it should be 8/23. Are you able to amend this, I may have mistyped in my original posting sorry. Not sure if it makes a huge difference but don't want the error to skew the data. Thanks again for helping us out with the spreadsheet!


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