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About Chanekz

  • Birthday 04/09/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Long Beach
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
  • Local Office
    Los Angeles CA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Well... Every1, please put your cheese grader away even though our story might sound cheesy!! Let me start out by saying I feel like our story is a fairy tale but I'll let y'all decide.
    My Father R.I.P (1955-1993) and my wifes parents grew up together back in Mexico. In the 80's, my pops helped a lot of people including my wifes parents in getting settled in for their new lives here in the US. Gave lots of people jobs, helped them fix their cars etc... So my wife and I would always be together even as kids... would go to the park, go to eachothers homes over the weekends... parties and so on... we grew up together since I can remember seing her beautiful face! Unfortunately, My father wasn't to fond of going to the hospital and he passed away to paradise because of an illness that could've been treated.... diabetes :( ... So in 1993, my mother decided to move to the Los Angeles area since her side of the fam was here. I lost contact with my wife for 17 loooong years. I moved forward with my life as I was only 9 years old... After High School, made my life with the mother of my 2 beautiful daugthers Ashley and Helen... Things didnt work out so we separated in 2008... I went solo for like 2 years and BAM! My mom was looking for a property in Tijuana and asked if I could acompany her. To my suprise, my wife had been in TJ since 2006! We met and we clicked! I felt like I never lost contact with her because she made me feel complete! I would go back and forth to TJ to "help my mom" lol.. but ended up falling in Love with my wife! Proposed on my B-day 2012 and married her in 07/2013!! I honestly can't wait untill I have her here in my arms... thats when some1 will have to pinch or slap me! Right now I feel encarcerated and can't move forward with our plans to better our lives together.. She is a sweet heart, a hard worker and most of all, loves me and my daughters like if they were her own. I feel like I hit the Jackpot with her! Thanks for spending some time reading this... Much Love

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