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About NathanAndLiza

  • Birthday 09/07/1982

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Always Looking for Good Friends who are or have petitioned their Fiance from any country especially the Philippines.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Phoenix AZ
  • Country
  • Our Story
    It's quite an interesting story how I met my fiance. I added someone on facebook as a friend on September 25th 2010 on facebook unaware at that moment when I added her, things were going to change. I was married to a Japanese woman at the time and because my marriage was about to end, I began searching for someone to finally settle down with in my life. throughout facebook, I searched for numerous relationships to start with many people and never sought out any after my last breakup with a woman in Dubai who I planned to see around February 2011. I ended up emailing my friend (Flordeliza) on facebook and we both talked about relationships and how we both wanted to close facebook. For some reason I encouraged Flordeliza not to close her facebook and she decided to continue on in keeping her page. After our many stories together and laughter that we both shared, we because more and more closer friends. we both felt equaled, we shared music, jokes and posted on each others wall on facebook which started to evolve into some even more beautiful. Unexpectedly, late July, we ended up in a relationship and I was destined to meet Liza in Hong Kong where she worked as an Int'l Fashion Modelling Instructor/Choreographer. Liza was always tied in her work teaching models and students, she had no time for me even if I came to visit. Liza insisted that I wait till she received her vacation time. As the month's passed by, our relationship grew even stronger with all of our family and friends supporting us on facebook. Around January 2012, Liza in boxed me telling me her vacation would be in July of 2012. In March and April, I booked my flight on PAL (Philippine Airlines) and she booked her flight on CX from HK to Manila. When I arrived at the Airport, I was tremendously happy that I thought she was arriving on PAL and wasn't at the right terminal to meet her. She arrived at 5:45pm at the international terminal #1 while I was still at terminal 2. She knew the hotel to go to and decided to go there to try to get into contact with me. Its already 9pm and I'm frantic that she never made it. I went to a pay phone and called her cell phone and Liza told me that she's at the hotel asking where I was. It wasn't upsetting at all to the both of us because we were happy together. I ended up paying 1200 Peso's from the Airport to Hotel H20 and finally met there. For those 16 days were the best time of my life with my fiance Liza. We decided to meet in 2013 and got engaged after I proposed to her on her wall on facebook so all her family and friends could see the posting. Now we've both decided to spend the rest of our lives together.

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