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Posts posted by Suzu

  1. Hi y'all,

    Have any of you have been lucky enough to receive an NVC case number? Our case was recevied 03/04/2014 (or so they tell me) and just wondering where everyone else stands.



    i called NVC today and they told me that they just put our case in their system. The lady was very nice and gave me the NVC case number and IIN. but i need to call back tomorrow to give them our email addresses.she explained since they just entered it, she cant add anything on it yet? they recieved our case on 03/03. so it took them exactly one month. yaaayyyy finally more moving than waiting is happening :goofy::dancing::goofy::dancing:

  2. Just got off the phone with NVC....only called for the heck of it since my approval was just 2/20....of course nothing in the system. But she said to wait 8 WEEKS from the 2/20 date to call back. rofl.gif it just gets better doesn't it? lol

    hey Lisa, did they tell you if your papers at least made it there by now? we got approved on 2/19, but i figured to wait 2 weeks before i start annoying ppl devil.gif lol

  3. All of the transferees from 2/3 went to CSC - the letter carrying the "holy inscription" will go from Missouri to Texas via standard first class mail. May take a while to find out you landed CSC biggrin.png

    good luck buddy !

    thank you aditya, i really hope we all got to CSC and getting to see approvals supersoon dancin5hr.gifdancin5hr.gif

    do you think we have a chance to get approved till end of this month?

    Good Luck to everyone goofy.gif

  4. hey guys, i've been following ya'll for quiet a while now. im really glad i found this forum here with all the nice support you guys do, in this stupid waiting game...ClockWatch2.gif

    well a lil info of us. Our PD is August 07 and on Monday 03 Feb the USCIS website said case transferred, but we got no email and today i checked and it said transferred on the 5th of Feb. So i guess, from what im reading here, this is normal? unsure.png but we still didnt get any email about the transfer.....huh2.gif

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