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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • City
    Los Angeles
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (pending)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Local Office
    Dallas TX
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Alana has had her green card for almost 5 years now..... old description ->Our Story in a nutshell... Alana and I were both born and raised in Toronto Canada. We attended the same high school but never really interacted or kept in touch. Years later our paths crossed when I was in college at the University of Maryland and home during the Christmas Break. By that time I was a permanent resident and Alana had just graduated from Austin Peay University (F1 visa) and was back in Canada as well. We immediately hit it off and eventually fell head over heels for each other. After a few years of long distance, our love continued to grow. Upon graduating, a career opportunity led me to NY and then eventually to Los Angeles. Over the course of our relationship, I would go back and forth to Canada and Alana visited me as much as she could. However, border issues caused Alana to remain in Canada for the past year and resulted in us having to bare even more time apart. I eventually filed for US citizenship Oct 9, 2013 and we were engaged on Aug 21, 2013! As it stands now, Ive passed the USCIS interview and will be officially swearing in as a US citizen on Feb 12, 2014. We are now planning to get married on Feb 22, 2014 and filing the I-130 shortly thereafter. It has been a long, challenging road for the both of us but our love, patience and support has finally given us the opportunity to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

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