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Everything posted by Deejunx

  1. Thank you for your responses!
  2. Hi everyone Back in 2005, I was on an F1 visa student and was charged with a misdemeanor of Driving While License Invalid in Texas because my driver license got suspended due to unpaid traffic ticket. I was young and dumb and was advised by the prosecutor to take a plea bargain of paying a fine of $500 and 3 days in jail. But the actual jail time is 0 days - only a book-in, and immediate book-out. So I did not spend any time in jail after court, other than the initial jail time after getting arrested for the traffic stop (which is only 2 hours). I then paid the fine, and my drivers license was reinstated. Today, I am using the same driver license number from 2005. Currently I'm a green card holder since 2016 through my US citizen spouse. During the IR-130 process, I disclosed the misdemeanor record in the application, even gone through the embassy interview (they asked about it, and I answered with the same explanation above) and thankfully my green card is approved. Did not use any lawyers. I still have all the court records I submitted for my green card process. And I also was able to get a certified copy of the records from the Court House. I just want to see if anybody have had any similar experience or any advice for me to move forward? Want to add, since getting my green card in 2016, I don't have any traffic tickets or any criminal charges. So my questions are these: - When applying for N-400 Naturalization, will this record affect me negatively? - Should I put 3 days in jail time, since that's what it shows in the court docs, or put 0 days in jail on the application # 15b - On the court records, it shows my birth date to be off by 3 days: will this automatically dismiss me? Long shot here.. Thanks in advance for your thoughts! God bless.
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