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Posts posted by cbowers

  1. i'm getting my fiance in mexico to sign and date and send the g-325a form back to me.

    if he puts the current date, but i send out our petition say a month from now will that matter??

    in other words, is it ok to have a date thats kind of old by like a month or two? (i'd prefer not having it postdated since i'm not sure when exactly i'll send it out and i think it will be sent soon).

    please help!~~

  2. Hello All,

    I'm doing a i-129f for my fiance who lives in puerto vallarta, jalisco, mexico.

    i'm assuming that all k-1 visa approvals/applications get forwarded to ciudad juarez correct? ...where can i find that information. i don't see k-1 visas on the consulate website.

    Does this mean for the question on the i-129f of where my fiance will apply for the visa i should put ciudad juarez? or do i put the consulate closest to him?

    thank you for your help! sorry i'm so new to this..

  3. Hello all :) i'm new here so and grateful fot all the wonderful information. I'm currently filing a i-129f petition for my me and my fiance who lives in mexico.

    my questions are:

    -my fiance signed and wrote out the date in blue ink. will this be a problem?

    -he also wrote the date as 16/febrero/2014 (in spanish)....is this also a problem? he did the same on letter of intent ...i'm worried >.<

    -he wrote none in the bordered box for alien registration number instead of leaving it blank. ok or not ok?

    If anyone has experience with mexico can they please clarify? ive read that they for k-1 visa the interview will be at ciudad juarez but when i look at the consulate info i only see k-3 and other typed of visas and not k-1. i'm confused.

    thank you all!! much appreciated~

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