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Posts posted by clm04288

  1. Thanks for the replies, everyone. Mine was a real success story.

    I managed by complete fluke to get in touch with somebody senior at CBP and explained my situation to him. I emailed my ACRO, SAR and everything to him and within an hour, the ESTA denial had been reversed and approved. I flew the very next day and am just back home from Texas. Very happy! Although I did end up paying for a now useless embassy appointment :(

  2. oh that makes me feel a bit better!

    As far as ties go, will it help if I get a letter from my epilepsy specialist nurse to say that I'm under an ongoing care plan with her or will I then have to provide a load of medical information and delay everything?

    So far I have my lease - I tend to pay my rent 3 months in advance so will take evidence of this, and I've lived here for just under 4 years so I'm settled - university schedules to show that my course ends in 2016, student finance documentation and evidence that I'm there under an academic scholarship, proof that I undertook a one-year Access to Higher Education course to get to university which I hope will prove my dedication to the course also, evidence of family here, bank statements to show that I can finance myself for the trip.

    Are there any other handy tips re showing ties to the UK? I'm worried they won't think it's enough. I'm not a homeowner or anything.

  3. Great. that's a very good point, actually. Makes sense if they want to know I have ties here not to go in unprompted and tell them all about that. I won't lie if they ask. It's not something we want to do yet anyway. i want to finish my degree first and I've only just finished my first semester so there's a while to go! Do you have any idea on timescales once I've had my interview? Just a rough one, I know you won't be able to tell me to the day of course :) Thanks for your help, I'm really grateful!

  4. Thanks for the replies, much appreciated! I am currently a mature degree student, in my first year, so that's a tie in itself. I have a lease too, and my family are here. I did call ACPO and discuss the No Trace/No Live Trace stuff with them, Nich-Nick. I just think it would make it so much easier if they would detail the "trace" on the certificate - after all, they have it right in front of them when you call. Not that I can do anything about that of course. It's all very frustrating. I know I shouldn't have done what I did, but it's hardly the crime of the century.

  5. I was under 18, yes - 14. It was 10 years ago and never went to court or anything like that. I was taken to the police station, my mum had to come and pick me up and that was the end of it - or so I thought! I stole a lip gloss worth about £1.99 because one of the girls who bullied me told me she'd leave me alone if I did. So silly, I had no idea it'd affect me like this! I feel so stupid.

  6. Hi, I hope somebody can help!

    Basically, I am hoping to visit the US asap. I applied for the VWP and when I filled in my ESTA I clicked "yes" to the crime question because I was arrested as a minor for shoplifting. I was immediately denied and contacted customs and border protection to ask about what to do next. I gave them all the info with dates of the arrest etc and they advised me to get an ACRO certificate, so I paid the £80 fee and got my certificate.

    This showed "no live trace" as the arrest was 10 years ago and I was only 14. Presumably they knew this would be the case. I was also never actually charged - just given a reprimand. I scanned this and sent it off to them as requested and they have come back and said it isn't enough for them so I will have to apply for a non immigrant visa through the US Embassy in London.

    I've set the wheels in motion to do this, and I want to know what I can expect next really regarding timeframes etc.

    I don't know why ACPO don't include details on these certificates. They're in charge of SARs now and when I called they were able to pull up the info instantly. It would be so easy for them to just add the information on. I don't know why CBP asked for the certificate, knowing my situation - if i'd known they wouldn't accept it, I would never have paid the ridiculously high premium fee to get it returned to me so fast. I know I'll need it for the embassy in London but the standard service would have sufficed.

    Anyway, if anybody can give me a guide as to what will happen now, I'd be really grateful! Also, does anybody know whether this will affect me in the long-run if I want to live in the US permanently? The purpose of the trip is to visit my boyfriend and we have discussed that as a real possibility. I don't know whether I'm going to have to go for one of these waiver of ineligibility thingies that takes months or if it'll be a relatively quick process, or if there are any documents I can get hold of that will support my case.

    Many thanks in advance for any advice you might be able to offer!

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