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Posts posted by nnbattle

  1. Hi I'm just asking don't know if I guys could help? My friend went to the u.s for a visit in 2010 but he stay in the u.s for 2 years and then he came back home what he didn't know is once someone overstay there B2 visa they will get the 10 year bar .now he wants to go visit his uncle who is very sick an is visa will be cancell I think? But he read about the i-192 waive could sombody tell us how an when should we file for that waiver? Do my friend have to apply for new visa fist then when the officer see that he overstay his visa and don't give him a new visa .what should he do? Or I wonder if he has to apply for visa an i-192 at the same time?

  2. I really don't know why they will RFE they are just playing with ppl life someone told me they RFE from her i130 and its been like 11 months and still waiting .u guys know something at the end of the day all them uscis officers go home to there love ones .so. they don't care how we feel being away from our love ones .just think about how god made the world and the ppl just make there law of the land saying if u married someone from a next country we have to get a peace of paper to say yes u approved to be with your love ones how stupid is that right

  3. Yes we also did a k3 .I saw they last touch the I 129f on 1-10-14 but I'm really stress its going in one year I did not see my husband he's the only one working an trying to pay bills send money to me .he has a new job he can't leave to come see me because he could lose his new job we talk at night just for a little because he wakes up 4am to get ready for work so he's also stressing out sorry to write all this but I really don't have anyone to talk to thank u guys

  4. Ok thanks I didn't know they just ignore it .well my husband try something but anyone approve fist we taking it right now we just want to here good news from the uscis well so far they did 3 transfers on the i130 so we hoping and praying to get good news soon .u won't belive I'm almost a year I'm ovwr in my country and can't go back to my husband .he's getting more and more derpress this waiting time is very painfull because I have my 3 kids also here with me and my 14 year old and my 5 year old can't go to the school here only got my 11 year old son in a school I keep going ansking the school please take my kids but all they do or say is we are full so ppl trinidad is a very bad place to live or be in right now the crime rate is high no work I don't even have anyone to talk to my kids born in trinidad I wish I was born in the usa my kids keep asking me mom we want to go back ny to our school and what there stepdad is doing they miss him my 5 year old she don't know her real dad she knows her stepdad as her only dad its realy sad .but I'm trying so much to be strong for them and my husband thanks u for your hope

  5. Ok thank u for your reply but I'm really stressing don't know why uscis off is taking so long to approve our i130 I miss my husband he can't leave his new job to visit me and he alone is paying the rent and send money to me .I don't understand the uscis law .I went to the doctor like 6 times because of my stress thank u very much for the info

  6. My husband from ny I'm in trinidad he file and i130 on july 01-2013 .on Aug 29-2013 we got the noa1 .they never transfer our case or did anything on it .when my husband calls the uscis all they say they are doing i130 for feb 2013 so my husband did i129f for k3 hoping it would be faster .soon as he send the i129f on the 18-11-2013 we see emails on the 27-12-13 transfer on the I 130 and again on the 30-12-2013 a next transfer on the i130 and on the 31 -12-2013 a next transfer on the i130 again but we didn't read anything where the uscis transfer the i130 to what office so could someone tell me what it means would it be good news that we getting transfer or is it bad? Please help thank u

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