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Posts posted by kelisuyiyi

  1. As you all are already aware, our case received an RFE on 4-23-13.

    The letter came in the mail today.

    The RFE says there is an omitted item on question 3 in part C:

    "If you have provided information about a conviction for a crime listed above and you were being battered or subjected to extreme cruelty by your spouse, parent, or adult child at the time of your conviction, check all of the following that apply to you:

    ___ I was acting in self-defense.

    ___ I violated a protection order issued for my own protection.

    ___ I committed, was arrested for, was convicted of, or plead guilty to committing a crime that did not result in serious bodily injury, and there was a connection between the crime committed and my having been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty."

    Obviously, none of these apply to me, and they only had boxes available to check in.

    I did not check any of the boxes. The RFE was that I should have written N/A even though it wasn't an option and there was no space to write it!

    Sent it back today with N/A just written after the question. Hopefully it will be resolved soon!

    Thanks everybody for your help!

    my question is: After I corrected and sent this back, can they give additional RFEs? Or is there only the possibility for one?

    Can anybody double confirm this post?

    I think we shall leave the box blank for Part 3, 3., if we do not have provided information about a conviction for a crime listed above.

    Or shall we still input N/A in that little box by handwriting? I am not even able to type into it.

    Thank you for the help.

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