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Posts posted by azeem_05

  1. I see some new faces on here.

    If you want to see the July spreadsheet to get some idea on transfers, where, how long it took, who's been transferred, go here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqbNd1-VjCT-dDhTSDFVcGJOSE5tMmR5dkRYUk9mYUE&usp=sharing#gid=0

    To add your case to the spreadsheet, fill out this form with your username, I will add it onto spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19ge0v9iwSqX3VQFbTccvMQnoLChhNiOOtMuRRk4nICs/viewform Please don't use random names, your username is needed so if there's any questions, you can be contacted.

    Let's get some more July transfers on there...

    NOA1 on July 26th and we're still waiting.

    I would like to add my case to the spreadsheet but what date do i select for "Transfer date from NBC"? My case hasn't been transferred.

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