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    lkerky got a reaction from Lemonslice in Adjustment of status while pregnant   
    File the AOS now, do not wait. Having a baby does not give evidence of a bona fide marriage. Lots of people have babies.
  2. Like
    lkerky got a reaction from Peot in Changing name on Green Card   
    Perfect- that is my current plan.
    Thank you!
  3. Like
    lkerky reacted to zilchfox in Building credit with restricted SSN.   
    Hi OP,
    Your restricted SSN has nothing to do with Credit Karma not being able to find you, it's entirely because you lack a credit history. Get a credit card first, and wait a couple of months and try CK again. I was in the same boat, however after around 2 months of having my credit card from Bank of America, CK found my credit profile despite at the time it being a restricted SSN showing "VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION".
  4. Like
    lkerky reacted to mindthegap in Is anyone know a good lawyer for immigration matters in Pittsburgh,PA (merged)   
    I don't think god has a law degree - it isn't mentioned in the bible anyway (although I skipped a lot of it to be fair).
    His son was reputed to have mad carpentry skills however.
  5. Like
    lkerky reacted to Cathi in They want to see if you're filing your taxes!!   
    Did you seriously just argue with a CO because you didn't like the fact that you're required to submit your tax returns? Casablanca is at the top of the list for one of the most difficult consulates and you're arguing about a requirement. Just wow. Even better you just stated in an open forum, where we know CO's peruse, and you now say your husband will come to the US with a visitor visa and adjust status just because you're pissed that you have to submit required documents. I rarely comment in threads like this, but if you decide to commit visa fraud I hope your husband is deported from the US and banned for life. No one ever said immigration was easy and your contempt for a CO, a man who literally holds you future in his hands, is just plain stupidity.
  6. Like
    lkerky reacted to Unlockable in Bf was not admitted 212(a)(7)(i)(I)   
    People who have responded in this thread are not bitter. You just don't like the responses. 
    He worked illegally while here. Even if it was help. A relative can be denied a visit because they are coming to help with a child. Look it up. It has happened before. Also, he was abusing his time in the US with his visitor visa. What the border officer did was correct. Now the only thing left for you to do is do it the right way and file for a fiance visa if you are a citizen. If not, then go there, get married, then file for a spousal visa.
    Again, I am not bitter. It is 68 degrees today with plenty of sun. Just had a BBQ brisket sandwich and Iced Tea.
    Good luck to you.
  7. Like
    lkerky reacted to Ontarkie in Having a Private Ceremony Before K-1 is Approved & Nexus Card   
    If it looks like a duck sounds like a duck it is a duck.
    In Canada whether you get a marriage license or not it will be considered legal and any one who is legally allowed to perform weddings must register it. 
    If you try to have someone who is not legally allowed to perform a ceremony and you do the whole dress and have your dad walk you down the isle you can still be denied. They almost always find this stuff out btw. 
  8. Like
    lkerky reacted to David & Diana R in Having a Private Ceremony Before K-1 is Approved & Nexus Card   
    That's ridiculous!  So you will "punish" your spouse's family and not have them at the wedding because your dad can't travel to USA?  OMG, that is not the solution! 
    If your dad has really not been arrested since 1984 I am sure he could clear it up.  Is it possible that your dad did not disclose the fact the he was arrested again to your mom and other family members due to shame?
    Just a thought.
  9. Like
    lkerky reacted to LionessDeon in Planning Wedding   
    No one is criticiing the OP. We are simply giving our thoughts and opinions. That is what we do here. Give our advise. OP can take it or leave it.
    It's really becoming quite annoying when OPs make a post, VJers respond with their thoughts, then get accused of being mean, rude, judgementai, or criticizing. Just because ones viewpoint differs from yours does not mean its any of those things.
    We are giving her different perspectives she may not have thought about! She's completely free to proceed how she wishes.
    And btw, we do understand about childhood dreams. I think we all have had one at some point. However, this immigration journey has a tendency to alter dreams to reach the desired end result. My dream was to be married on a beach. Eventually, being with my husband became more of an important dream to fulfill.
  10. Like
    lkerky reacted to mallafri76 in Proving domicile will be a problem for me...   
    Ash wrote you an extensive post on how to reestablish domicile and this is what you took from that?!?! Personally, I don't think Ash's assumption was that big, considering you're taking your husband of several years and moving in with your mother. Anyway, for immigration purposes, as you have no current history of US income, you do not have the financial means to support your husband and will have to have a joint sponsor to meet the financial requirements.
  11. Like
    lkerky reacted to Russ&Caro in Advice needed Marriage and what Visa   
    A legal 3rd option is to simply marry in the USA, and adjust your status. As for tieing up loose ends in your home country, you would have to have someone else do that for you, or wait until you get Advanced Parole and then return at that time. With this option, you don't have to be apart from your spouse, and it isn't fraud.
  12. Like
    lkerky reacted to EM_Vandaveer in Wife wants to go back to Phil with our baby born in Phil, We're in US now   
    That means nothing right now as they are in the US. She has no right to take the child out of the country without the father's consent.
  13. Like
    lkerky reacted to Ebunoluwa in Holding off filing AOS from K-1 Fiance Visa question   
    Ok, reality check. That takes it all to a whole new level. I bet he divorced the mother of his child to use you for a GC and as soon he
    has it will dump you and get his ex and child over here.
    If you think any marriage counseling will change him into an authentic and honest person you are mistaken.
    He has a hidden agenda and will pursue it by any means like a tenacious pit bull and will play the game to stay afloat.
    SEND HIM HOME. End it. It will definitely get worse and all his money will go home, you will suffer for it.
    Let it go. Move on. Don't prolong this mess.
    If you need more proof to convince yourself, contact a PI on some tips on how to see/read with your own eyes
    what you have suspected all this time. It won't be pretty. Please move on.
  14. Like
    lkerky reacted to Georgia16 in My fathers name is misspelled on his birth certificate, but correctly on mine.   
    I would just use it as it's written on yours ...
  15. Like
    lkerky reacted to NikLR in Packet 3 question...   
    Send packet 3. You dont need all the docs before you send it. You bring those docs to interview. You're delaying unnecessarily.
  16. Like
    lkerky got a reaction from EM_Vandaveer in TN visa expiring during EAD/AP approval...   
    It doesn't matter if it wasn't your end goal in the beginning but you have clearly stated it is your end goal now. If working is the goal then will you be leaving when it expires? If the answer is no, it is immigration fraud. Your intent is to immigrate.
    Is the wedding worth the risk of being denied entry and having to wait out a spousal visa? This takes about a year.
    I never intended to fall in love with an American either..
  17. Like
    lkerky reacted to aaron2020 in TN visa expiring during EAD/AP approval...   
    It's not a matter of semantics. You already have the intent to immigrate.
    If you think it's semantics, then tell CBP that you intend to marry and file for an adjustment of status once they let you in on the TN visa (since you have already stated that's your intent). You can try to hide this fact if you want. Your life. Your choice.
    Is attending your friend's wedding worth the risk?
  18. Like
    lkerky reacted to Mollie09 in TN visa expiring during EAD/AP approval...   
    Isn't TN a non-dual intent visa?
    You might not be allowed back in in September because you will have immigrant intent.
  19. Like
    lkerky reacted to Mollie09 in TN visa expiring during EAD/AP approval...   
    Actually, let me rephrase that: you cannot enter on a TN with the intention to file AOS, that's visa fraud. TN is non-immigrant only without dual intent, so you cannot use your TN to enter the US with the intent of adjusting and staying.
    File AOS now and wait for AP and risk missing the wedding, or go back to Canada and file for a spousal visa.
  20. Like
    lkerky reacted to SunflowerSweet in Wife is pregnant, but now needs xrays as part of medical exam   
    I love the smell of Western Exceptionalism in the morning
    Everyone needs an X-ray, regardless of the country they are from. You are not the first pregnant couple to ask if their is any way around it. You are however the first I have personally seen to and use your nationality to try and get preferential treatment however, so that's fun.
  21. Like
    lkerky reacted to NikLR in Wife is pregnant, but now needs xrays as part of medical exam   
    Everyone has the same things they must pass in a medical and interview regardless of country. Im was little embarrassed and annoyed that you think Canada is somehow exempt, but you're not the Canadian in the relationship, so I'm mollified by that.
  22. Like
    lkerky got a reaction from JFH in Advice to get the K1 visa process moving quickly   
    If you have a straight forward case, lawyers are a waste of money. The lawyer isn't going to do the ground work in gathering all the evidence. You are paying them to fill in forms which if you read the instructions are easily done.
    It is okay to hire a lawyer if you want to spend the money but hiring a lawyer doesn't make the process any faster.
    Check out other peoples timelines- it will give you another prospective of how long they waited.
  23. Like
    lkerky reacted to NikLR in Question about Border Crossing   
    Shouldn't be much of an issue honestly. Shes just helping you move.
  24. Like
    lkerky reacted to ricnally in Wife found a job but can't be hired   
    Not much of a lawyer.
  25. Like
    lkerky got a reaction from SunflowerSweet in Advice to get the K1 visa process moving quickly   
    If you have a straight forward case, lawyers are a waste of money. The lawyer isn't going to do the ground work in gathering all the evidence. You are paying them to fill in forms which if you read the instructions are easily done.
    It is okay to hire a lawyer if you want to spend the money but hiring a lawyer doesn't make the process any faster.
    Check out other peoples timelines- it will give you another prospective of how long they waited.
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