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Posts posted by Travyz

  1. Quick question.. When your case was completed, did they gave you the date for the interview? Or you guys prefered to do it for June? I am just estimating the time that I'm gonna leave for US since i have a Return ticket already, rebooking is expensive. I am hoping by July, the case will be completed and hopefully an interview is set so we can leave for SEpt. Although my case was expedited it is best to be prepared for the unknown.

    After your case us complete, they will request an interview date available for you from the embassy, then , they'll email you with an appointment date.

    You are expedited on the USCIS as we'll as the NVC side?

    Anyway, it's really hard to buy a ticket without an interview date set.

    They always tell you not to buy one up until you recieve the visa.. :)

    But, I bought my sons ticket as soon as I got the interview date.. I gambled but is successful so far.

    We are still waiting for his visa.

    Good luck!

  2. Hello po :) Me and my brother will be having our interview next week. I'm turning 18 this October and my brother is turning 13 this August, so basically we're minors. Uhm, is it mandatory that we must be accompanied by our biological mother to the interview or is it okay that it's just the two of us?

    I'm not sure about your question but it seems like that you need to have an adult accompanying you. Age of adulthood is different in USA compared to Philippines, so to be safe, bring an adult with you. Either your biological mom or your grandparent.

    I am also not sure how you got your medical examination as I think you also need an adult with you.

    Good luck!

  3. as for evidence of genuiness, we submitted lots of signed and notarized docs from local authorities and the usual stuff like wedding photos, records of us calling/talking to each others and many more. i don't remember all of the questions off the top of my head, but the first question the co asked my wife was how did she know me? then he asked about how we never met in person (we met in skype everyday for 9 months before our wedding) and what made her decided to marry me? he said a lot of bs which i disgreed with like, i quote "29 is not old" when he replied to my wife's answer of the reason she decided to marry me was because she's getting older (29 yrs old) and most of her high school bff are married with 2 of 3 kids so it's time for a family of her own. And also because she thinks both of us are comparable to one another as i'm only 4 yrs older than her, have a full time job and not someone who spends most of his time at the casino or drinking his life away. He also asked if she has relatives living in the usa, and she answered "yes, she has a third cousin living in the usa" then he asked where and she couldn't say the name of the city/state (philadelphia/pennsylvania) so i asked the co if i could answer it for her which he said yes with hesitation.

    he did not mention the reason he suspected fraud other than that he believes our relationship is not a bonafide relationship.

    i believe we had everything in order and there was no word from the co regarding misrepresentation until the end when he gave us the refusal sheet.

    there's no previous application for any visa type, Tourist, K1, Diversity.

    thank you for the info. i've uploaded a refusal sheet from the co for you to look at and maybe you could help me with some more ideas of what to do and not to do.

    I'm sorry to hear your story.. But based on your wife's answer on why she wants to marry you is not the best answer you can get from a woman. :(

    She could have said, I want to marry him because I love him so much... I think answers like this is better than saying... She's marrying you coz she's getting older... For me, marriage is not entered because of that nor because my friends are married already.

    If ever you guys get a chance to do it again. Answer the CO with the most affectionate answer you can give, follow your heart. Marriage is a lifetime commitment. Looks like the CO is suspecting your relationship as fraud based on her answers.

    Just an opinion.

    Good luck to you and your wife.

  4. have you tried getting direct info from St. Luke's ? Please let me know if SPA is needed, I too have minor children that will go through medical and interview with my parent accompanying them. Thanks!

    As apple21 quoted from St Lukes, it looks like we really need the authorization/SPA for them to accompany/sign relevant documentation during the medical examination in behalf of us, as our parents are not considered legal guardian of our son/daughter unless appointed by court.

    Good luck.

    1. Minors (17 years old and below) must be accompanied by their parent or by a legal guardian who has thorough knowledge of the child's medical history.

      In case the companion is not the legal guardian, a special power of attorney or authorization letter from the petitioner stating that the companion is authorized to sign on his behalf for the applicant's medical examination and result.

    Authorization letter should be enough. Much better if signed by petitioner and mother. http://www.slec.ph/us-visa-applicants.shtml#required-exams

    Thanks apple21, and Yup, I read this and this is the reason why I scrambled in trying to do this. My question is... If I have to consularized (Notarized from the Philippine Embassy with ribbon) this SPA or if can I just notarized this document using our state's notary public?

    I really have no time and just decided to do a Notary using our Notary public here in our state and have it notarized. I would think that consularization is an overkill :). I already mailed the document to the Philippines as his medical is next week.

    Anyway, thanks everyone for the input.

  5. As I understand it, USCIS will review your case once your RFE expired and decide whether to deny it or approve it. It'll probably get denied if no response were given but you don't have to wait till the 84th day to send the RFE and I don't think they'll wait for the 84th day to review your case.

    I think you're good as you responded to RFE.

    Good luck.

  6. The bar code is nothing more than the case no. in code-39 format, but there are some other key differences between the two cover sheets.

    Right. But the fact that the Attn section of each barcode is different tells me that it goes to a separate department within NVC. It's like I don't want my AOS docs go to the IV processing guys and end up forwarding it to the AOS guys next door or table, which increases the likelihood of our documents misplaced.

    With USCIS or NVC for this matter, I would not gamble a single mistake that could further delay processing. As much as possible, we try to be flawless and won't give NVC a reason to delay our paperworks :)

    Although, no matter how careful we are, they could always screw us but at least we tried :)

  7. Per a previous conversation with the NVC, you don't have to wait to send your civil docs....as ling as you have the bar coded cover sheet in front of all docs sent but make sure your NVC case # is written on every piece of paper you send them incl passport photos.

    They dont start processing you ds-260 until they have all pieces together.

    They dont start processing you ds-260 until they have all pieces together.

    Thank you, I was confused with your initial suggestion as the only barcoded cover sheet I have by that time is the AOS cover page and the wordings are different between AOS cover sheet and IV processing cover sheet.

    Back then, you told me to submit DS 260 supporting documents with the barcoded front page sheet and back then, I only have the AOS Bar coded front sheet, but now, I do have the IV processing barcoded front sheet since I initiated the payment already.

    I will compile this and I will try to mail all of my DS260 Supporting docs today.


  8. Hi Vjers,

    I just paid my IV Fee today and it's still in process, so I can't fill up ds 260 yet but I can print the cover page for IV processing already.

    My question is, I am ready to send the supporting documents (NSO Birth Certificate & copy, picture and passport biographic data) together with the IV cover page for DS260, is it OK to send the supporting docs today? To save transit time on mailing? or to wait until i finish filling up my DS 260.

    I hope someone can help me decide.

    By the way, I'm the petitioner for my step son.

    Thanks everyone in advance.

  9. Hello. Just got back from visiting my fiance for 10 days yesterday. Had a great time as always. I think I may have a problem with my fiance getting her parents to agree for her to leave.

    A little background; I've been to the Philippines four times and I've met her parents three of those times. When we've gone to Quezon province to visit them I've slept in their home, drank with her father and friends and met a lot of her family and neighbors. I generally feel I have a good relation with her whole family with no indications of disapproval. I was there for three weeks last May and I asked her Father personally if I could marry his daughter. He and his wife both agreed it was good.

    On this visit however, my fiance told me that her Mother had told her that she didn't want her to leave the Philippines. We only stayed in Quezon one night this time due to the short stay but that night I sat around with her parents and many neighbors drinking, good times, and the next afternoon there was a huge combined birthday party for her father and 72 year old Lola. For her Fathers birthday I paid 20K php to have the electricity installed in her parents house. They are very poor. At the party I talked to her Mother telling her how much I loved her daughter, that I wanted her to be with me in the US and we would visit often and plan to move to Philippines permanently later on. She has limited english but she understood enough to tell me 'No, big big no! You can be married but she needs to stay here in Philippines.'

    As of now her Mother won't budge and her Father is of course taking the same stance. My fiance is 22 years old (I am 38) and my understanding is that she only needs to have Advice of Parents. I've seen the example letters on visaconnection-philippines (thanks Hank_) and my question is if my fiance signs and has notarized the Advice of Parents and indicates that advise was refused, without parents signatures, will this be OK at the CFO interview or will it be a show stopper?

    We both believe that the reason her Mother is refusing is because she will miss her daughter. My fiance will keep talking to her Mother to change her mind but she may not be able to. They are close to the extent that they speak/text almost every day when her Mother has a load but my fiance hasn't lived with her parents in seven years. She has lived and worked three hours away in her Aunts bakery since she was 15 to go to high school. Two years ago she went to Hong Kong to work for six months, her parents were in agreement then by the way. My fiance has lived by herself in her own apartment for the last nine months and regularly sends money to her parents who cannot (read will not) work.

    Wait Guys. I don't think you need Parental advice if your marriage occurs in US. This only applies if you get married in the Philippines.

    My wife was 21 yrs old when i petitioned her for fiancé. No parental advice was asked. Marriage laws on where you are getting married applies. Not Philippine Law if you petitioned her for fiancé.

    Good luck.

  10. Congratulations! Did you send in a letter to expedite the case?

    Thanks :), I did not send any request to expedite, I didnt even expect that they would do it. I was expecting the normal 8.7 months wait time for IR2.

    My son lives in Cebu City, they were hit by the 7.2 earthquake and was on signal 4 on typhoon Haiyan but the we weren't badly damaged by the typhoon as the eye hits the northern part of Cebu. Cebu city is in the middle part of Cebu.

    This is the reason why we didn't send the letter.

    But, hey , they were nice enough to expedite it automatically. :)

  11. Hello everyone,

    I just filed an I-130 petition for my stepson. I am the USC. If you have filed during this period, pls feel free to reply on his thread so that we can group up and update us on our status.

    My status so far is that I mailed our petition last December 27, 2013 via USPS Express Mail & just found out that today, Dec. 30, 2013, the package has been delivered.

    Anyone here on similar timeline and visa category, I encourage you guys to join me with this journey. This includes members here who are still compiling and planning to submit their petition next month, Jan 2014.

    Thanks a lot & let the journey begin.

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