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Posts posted by BennettP

  1. I just read this whole thread and I think I'm not the only one here who is extremely pissed off about this situation. I'm not going to blame Obama or the illegals, the only people that are to blame here is the upper management of the USCIS. Anyways, the point of this post is not to argue who is to blame, I want to know what I can do to complain about this. I'm a USC and I filed the I-130 for my wife almost 8 months ago(no NOA2 yet) and I know there are people who have been waiting much longer. I don't think it is right that we have to wait more than 12 months for our family members to be able to enter the US. We have to be able to do something!! What can we do? Complain to our senators and congressmen? What else? I'm really pissed off and I want somebody to pay for the pain and suffering I'm having to go through because of USCIS uppermanagement incompetence!

  2. Just a follow up on Nobby7's post - For any of you that were transferred to the Nebraska service center, I took it upon myself (I like doing these kinds of analysis), I took this thread that Nobby7 mentioned: http://www.visajourn...heets-in-order/ and put together all of the different months from March to July filers. I took out anything that wasn't transferred to the NSC, I took out RFEs and Expedites to get an accurate picture of a normal case. It's hard to know if the information is accurate or not, but I think the best points I feel confident about is this:

    For those who filed in March, they were mostly transferred around late October or early November(as of today it's been about 2.5 months) and about 75% of their cases have been approved. For the cases that have been approved so far it looks like the average time was about 6-7 weeks.

    For those who filed in April, they were mostly transferred around mid November (as of today it's been about 2.5 months) and about 67% of their cases have been approved. For the cases that have been approved so far it looks like the average time was about 4-5 weeks.

    The people who filed in May, it looks like they were transferred around early to mid december, so since only about a month has passed, the approval rate is pretty low, hopefully in the next couple of weeks these numbers pick up.

    Anyways, I did the best with what I could, hopefully this information is useful to somebody out there, it made me feel a little better since I was thinking I was going to have to wait another 6 months or so, now it looks like maybe in a couple of months I'll get some response. Good luck to everybody out there, we're going to need it!!

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