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Manileña Heart

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  1. Thank you so much @Coleman21😊 I’m not dual yet, but I still have my Philippine passport. I’ve already filed for my US passport with my local county clerk. I’m just worried about the timeframe. So that means I can use my Philippine passport to fly to the Philippines from the US, BUT I have to make sure I have my US passport when I fly back to the US. At least I know now that have the option to maybe have my US passport mailed to me while I’m in the Philippines. Just in case it doesn’t get to me here in the US, in time before my flight. Thank you again!!
  2. Hello, I just got sworn in and now have my citizenship certificate. I’m planning to travel to the Philippines this first week of Dec. I was advised by the hotline of travel.state.gov to file in a facility first for my passport then if they’re not yet within two weeks before my flight, to call them back for an appointment at Miami Passport agency: - have any of you done this recently, how did it go? - I asked them what happens just in case even with the urgent travel expedited passport appointment in Miami or any other agency, that the US passport is not ready before the flight date? They couldn’t answer. Can I use my Phil passport? - any tips on the route I’m planning to take? Which is facility application first (clerk of county) then call for appt for urgent travel process in Miami. (can’t set an appt earlier than 2 weeks before flight) thanks sooooo much to all of you 😊😊😊
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