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  1. Ah, beautiful. Thank you for sharing your experience! did you guys need to bring with you notice of I407 while traveling?
  2. I actually agree with Boiler, by what I have been reading around, just wonder if someone else had a similar situation as mine. I followed step by step rules given by USCIS, and my honest intention is to remain where I am. Just would like to understand given the previous LPR status, if I needed to bring with me some extra reassurance for CBP at custom. thank you ☺️
  3. Hello everyone, As of 2019 I no longer live in the USA, so I have processed all my tax refunds up to date, and finally submitted my I-407 form to USCIS, who received on July 16 ad processed it on July 30 (following online case tracking). Three questions: 1. It's written they sent me a notice, but as a matter of fact, I haven't received it, so I will just go ahead on Monday and call to see if they can resend it. If they say "We sent it to you, too bad so sad", could they actually refuse to resend me a copy? 2. After the notice has been received, are there other steps that involve the I-407 process that are written on the actual notice? Is the notice needed whenever in the future will have to travel to the USA? 3. If I have to travel as a tourist in the future, will an ESTA be enough if I bring proof of "house property/work/hotel staying and return flight"? Thank you in advanced
  4. Hello everyone, I have recently learned that since I left USA in 2019 I needed to file a I-407 and as a consequence the form 8854. But actually reading carefully, I read that only if you are identified as LTR you need to file form 8854 is that correct? I became LPR in May 2016, changed country for good in November 2019 with relative change of residency also recorded in my own country. That would make 3 years of LPR, and I read to be defined as LTR you need to be LPR for 8 years. So my question is: if I just know file I-407 form so that I will not have issues in the future to travel to the USA maybe even for work, would I need to file form 8854 anyways? Thank you for anyone who will reply in advanced.
  5. I know, and spending a lot of money with the uncertainty to be granted...not sure 😕 ufff
  6. I know, and spending a lot of money with the uncertainty to be granted...not sure 😕 ufff
  7. Would they deny me although I could bring proof of work and rent back home, including hotel booking, return flight and all that kind of documentation? yikes.
  8. So, thank you both for quick reply. I did some researches after your answers... always so complicated. So on my ESTA LPR status none, but actually there was this question "Have you ever been a citizen or national of any other country?" which I replied NO, because I have never been citizen of the USA. But that's the only question about anything of that sort. I think it's right? Maybe you have more expertise. Secondly, I have not filed I-407 as I just discovered that needed to be done. Do you guys know if I go directly in the US Embassy if they would accept an appointment to speed up that? 😕 Any idea of the cost? Thank you again
  9. Hello everyone, So as I wrote in the title of this thread, I got a divorce and left the USA in late 2019 to return my home country. I am returning as a tourist to visit NY with my sister in April 2024, now I have no desire of course to remain, but my question rose regards of the ESTA visa since I am an Italian citizen and ESTA was already approved online, just wondering can I just go ahead and use that to enter normally the States, or do I need to bring any extra documentation because of the fact I was a permanent resident once? How does it work? Thank you to anyone who will reply.
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