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Posts posted by rishi851

  1. Hey people,

    Thank you for your responses to my previous query. I'd take your heed and just head over to America on my own. I have another query though.

    I also plan to visit Canada.

    I have two options:

    1.) Apply from here and then head to the U.S

    2.)Apply to the Canadian embassy in the U.S(NYC or Chicago).

    From here it'd probably take a month(online application) but if I apply in person from the U.S I can be granted the visa that same day(or two days later at worst).

    What will you suggest.

  2. Your Uncle is wrong.

    How 'well traveled' are you?

    Recent: Canada two years

    Most of Europe


    As a young boy: almost everywhere imaginable. My father was a Captain on a merchant marine vessel and the years 92-93 I lived the entirety on a ship.

  3. your visa in your passport now has nothing to do with your mother's visa, or lack thereof.

    Yes, I understand this but according to my Uncle the airport officials might stop me and ask about why I am not being accompanied with my mother, considering it is her reason I am there. They have the files and details on there right?

    I just hope youre right.

  4. I am an east Indian, well traveled. I came back from Canada last year after studying and working for 2 years. I have never been to the US. Now this is the situation of my case:

    After returning from Canada I saw that my mother was(is) a raging alcoholic and suffers from severe depression. My uncle is a legal citizen of the US and a practicing physician. He advised me to bring her over for a few months stating that maybe a change in surroundings might do her good. He also asked me to come over as a caretaker.

    I've always wanted to come to the US for a visit and I have friends everywhere(in practically every state). However my chances of getting even a tourist visa were slim. So we applied under the B2(tourism and medical) category. Me as her caretaker.

    Now the thing is....my mother doesn't wish to go ANYWHERE. She is very lazy and a complete lost case. She has no desire to visit my uncle(her brother). She just wants to end her life in a tiny room staring at nothing.

    So I went in for the interview and....... GOT THE VISA!! 10 years ® B1/B2.

    My mother didn't even go for the formalities and I doubt she'd budge. The interviewer asked me a lot of questions and I answered honestly. He asked why she hasn't applied yet and I told him she was bedridden and that she would apply a few days later. He was impressed and told me on the spot: You have the visa.

    So my question is this:

    I have a tourist visa. Can I come on this for a visit or I have to be with my mother? Everyone I ask is conflicted. Some say I will be turned away from the airport and will have to go back and others say as long as your passport has the visa the officials won't bother. But I don't want to buy a ticket only to be asked to wait over the night at the airport and return home.

    On the other hand if I don't go they say it helps in future visa chances of any kind(he had a visa and didn't bother). If I apply again for studies or short stay my case would seem more genuine.

    Any help?

    PS- I don't intend to live forever. Lol. Just travel to Florida and California, maybe pay a visit to my friends in Canada and head back before the visa expires.

    The Visa stamped on my passport doesn't mention anything except its a R B1/B2. I am attaching a copy of the visa.

    thanks for your time, patience and help.


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