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Posts posted by JanaC

  1. Hello everyone. I met my husband while I was working in another country as a professor. We had a relationship abroad for a year. When my work ended I came back to my country and so does he. We continued having an online relationship for a year. That time we were talking about getting married. A year have past of long distance relationship and we start with the wedding preparations. He came here to my country and we got married 2010. After two months, he came back to the US and we continued our long distance communications. He decided to petition me to US so we can live there since he prioritizes his work there. And thinks that it would be better to build a family in his country than mine.

    A year after we started processing the immigrant visa petition, things got sour. Distance started affecting us. I got tired of communicating through phone everyday and him talking over skype every weekend. Little by little, communication got lesser and lesser. He stopped processing the papers 2012. We are on the stage of filing for affidavit of support. He said that he needs to prove first his financial capacity to support me before we continue with the processing of the paperworks. He worked double time and I keep myself busy at work. We are texting almost every day but eventually it got less frequent.

    Year 2013 is the worst year because we never chat nor called each other anymore. Financial support have been discontinued. And even the option of visiting me in my country have not materialized. We texted each other only once a month. I decided to propose to not continue with the immigrant application for me if things is just not going good between us. He said that he still loves me but he just dont have any means to bring me there. He needs to work more and finish his two more terms in school. I got tired of waiting coz I don't feel that I am important to him anymore.

    I asked for a divorce several times so I could use again my maiden name in all my legal documents. But he said that he would deal with it at the right time. I don't think it is worth waiting for him to finish all his plans when he doesn't show any affection anymore in his text. I wanted to move on with my life and have my own family and children. But the marriage I had with him is hindering me to engage in another relationship.

    How can I divorce him when my country doesn't have divorce. I wanted to move on with my life and not wait for someone who does not have concrete plans about our marriage and about our future. I am thankful that we decided not to have a child yet while we are in this situation. I know there are still great things ahead of me. And if ever I re-marry and raise my own family, I wanted to clear everything from my past with him in a proper way.

    If there is anyone who could give me an honest and concerned advice about the legal steps that I need to do so I could file for a legal separation if not divorce. Which is cheaper and which is more realistic approach?

  2. on the very slim chance that you do get approved a tourist visa, why do it to divorce your husband? why not see if the relationship can actually be saved. it was the distance that is slowly killing your relationship, try to see if things get re-ignited once you are together again. meet halfway, visit a country. you need to MAKE TIME for each other. A marriage will really die if you are more focused about the money than your partner.

    like i said, very slim chance you'll get a visa since you have a pending petition. annulment is your best option. try to find out why your husband refuses to divorce. is he worried about the cost of the divorce or he just doesn't want to let you go because he still loves you? If it's the first, maybe offer to shoulder the cost since you are keen on getting divorced. If it's the second, are you absolutely sure you want to divorce and it's not just your loneliness controlling you? You two need to meet in person again and settle this and see if it can still work. THAT'S WHAT FOR BETTER OR WORSE MEANS. You know.. The vows you took?

    I have a feeling that you are already in a relationship with someone else. Is this the case?

    P.S. Why the hell are you listening to his ex girlfriend? She's AN EX FOR A REASON and is clearly toying with your emotions.

  3. My husband doesnt want to file for divorce and just keeps on saying to be patient. But her ex girlfriend keeps on bugging me telling that my husband would divorce me sooner or later. I wanted to move on with my life and to marry again legally from my own country but he won't let me move on. I am really confused what t

    o do.

  4. Hello everyone. I met my husband while I was working in another country as a professor. We had a relationship abroad for a year. When my work ended I came back to my country and so does he. We continued having an online relationship for a year. That time we were talking about getting married. A year have past of long distance relationship and we start with the wedding preparations. He came here to my country and we got married 2010. After two months, he came back to the US and we continued our long distance communications. He decided to petition me to US so we can live there since he prioritizes his work there. And thinks that it would be better to build a family in his country than mine.

    A year after we started processing the immigrant visa petition, things got sour. Distance started affecting us. I got tired of communicating through phone everyday and him talking over skype every weekend. Little by little, communication got lesser and lesser. He stopped processing the papers 2012. We are on the stage of filing for affidavit of support. He said that he needs to prove first his financial capacity to support me before we continue with the processing of the paperworks. He worked double time and I keep myself busy at work. We are texting almost every day but eventually it got less frequent.

    Year 2013 is the worst year because we never chat nor called each other anymore. Financial support have been discontinued. And even the option of visiting me in my country have not materialized. We texted each other only once a month. I decided to propose to not continue with the immigrant application for me if things is just not going good between us. He said that he still loves me but he just dont have any means to bring me there. He needs to work more and finish his two more terms in school. I got tired of waiting coz I don't feel that I am important to him anymore.

    I asked for a divorce several times so I could use again my maiden name in all my legal documents. But he said that he would deal with it at the right time. I don't think it is worth waiting for him to finish all his plans when he doesn't show any affection anymore in his text. I wanted to move on with my life and have my own family and children. But the marriage I had with him is hindering me to engage in another relationship.

    How can I divorce him when my country doesn't have divorce. I wanted to move on with my life and not wait for someone who does not have concrete plans about our marriage and about our future. I am thankful that we decided not to have a child yet while we are in this situation. I know there are still great things ahead of me. And if ever I re-marry and raise my own family, I wanted to clear everything from my past with him in a proper way.

    If there is anyone who could give me an honest and concerned advice about the legal steps that I need to do so I could file for a legal separation if not divorce. Which is cheaper and which is more realistic approach?

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