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Posts posted by HannahBen

  1. Hopefully, one day all this paperwork will be over and we will be united with our loved ones.

    I know that the rule is, that we have to get married within 90 days. My question now: Is it okay and "enough" to get married by a judge right away after I arrive in the US, let's say two or three weeks from when I arrive and then have the real big wedding ceremony etc two months later?

    I am asking, because I am hoping to get my visa by April and then I'd love to fly to the US right away and we'd get married asap so that I can apply for adjustment of status and I could hopefully get my permition to work by end of August so that I could start to work as a teacher when the new school year begins.

    That's why I wanna get married asap but without any time to plan, it is hard. Plus: I really want my family and friends to attent the wedding. And they would need some time to plan their vacation, book flights, take off and so on.

    So that's why we are thinking about getting officially married right away, with just two witnesses and then plan everything and have the wedding in August.

    Do you think that would cause any problems? Could they say that we weren't serious about the wedding in the courthouse maybe? I am only worried about the interviews for the adjustment of status and the Green Card.

    But that way,it would solve to many problems and take away a lot of pressure :)

    Thanks a lot in advance. Maybe someone has done it that way already or has heard something or has any input.


  2. I forgot: Only if you are self employed you will need the tax return. So I don't know if that applies to your case as you work as a nanny? But still, it will take months until you actually have to send these documents for your fiance.

    And you can also have a co-sponsor, in case you don't make enough money yet to support him.

    I personally wouldn't wait until I have all documents until I file the K1 visa. I can't wait to finally be together for good ater 2 years now, so it depends :)

  3. You don't have to send any tax forms with your I-129 form. After you get approved by the USCIS and then the NVC you will need to send a bank statement and a letter from your employer to your fiance for his interview at the embassy.

    At least this is what my fiance is putting together for me right now. We got our NOA2 and are now collecting documents or my potential interview in a few months in Germany.

    As far as I know, you won't need any tax return documents. Eventually maybe for your interview after getting married in the US then and adjusting his status.

    I hope I am right and I helped you. No matter what, file the I-129 asap because it takes a while till they even get to it. So you will have months to think about the rest :) and :(

  4. Hi

    my fiance and I are November filers as well :)

    We got our NOA1 two weeks ago when our case was transferred to California. I just checked our case online on the uscis homepage and it says that Nov. 21st a RFE was send out. argh. So now we gotta wait till be get the hard copy in the mail (I guess cuz of Thamksgivign it might take a while).

    I am super nervous, well I am the woman, and my fiance is relaxed, he is not worried.

    I try to stay calm by telling mysel that maybe it is a good sign that we got the RFE. I mean, it means that someone looked at it already, right :)?

    I really hope for all of us that we'll get our visa super soon.

    We are hoping to get married in June and I'd like to be in the US a little before that to plan and arrange things :)

  5. Hi,

    I am absolutely new and I tried inding some information on this already in earlier posts, but couldn't. So it would be very nice if someone could answer and share their experience or let me know where I can find answers :)

    I just checked our case status online, so far we only received the NOA1 a while ago.

    It said: "On November 21, 2013, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)."

    What exactly does that mean? I know, my fiance will have it in the mail soon, but I am just so nervous :)

    Our application was complete, well at least as far as we thought, we had a couple who went through this process already doublecheck it.

    What kind of evidence will they need? Has anyone made this experience already?

    Also, does this mean that our case has been reviewed already after one week only? So, ater sending the evidence, would it be possible to be approved really fast and go to NVC?

    I hope someone can help me and answer some questions. I am sitting here in Germany, waiting and hoping and fearing at the same time rolleyes.gif

    Thanks so much!

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