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Posts posted by Lorinda0

  1. I am OCD and really want to have this application perfect dancin5hr.gif

    I am currently in the process of applying for AOS for myself, husband and son. We are applying as derivatives on his status being approved and a visa number will come available in December.

    I have completed the forms, but are not sure about a few things. I have some questions if you could plz help me answer them.

    I know we can send our applications together, but does that mean in the same envelope for the I 485? Also for the travel and Employment application?

    On form I-132 Travel doc Part 1 nr 6. Class of admission. What class do I put in there, our current status or the status that we want to be admitted for or the status we entered the country?

    Part 3 We do not intend to travel untill we have our green cards in our hands, so I am not sure what to put in here. If I make the date to long ahead I am scared that we

    might want to travel before that time. Also what time frame do I put in in the amount of days, if I put in 21 days does that mean I will only be able to always travel

    just 21 days or does it only affect this application

    Furthermore, my son is 10 years old. Do I just sign the documents on his behalf and state so, or just sign on his behalf. I don't have to complete the part about preparing it right?

    On the application for employment, is it correct if I mark the one that says premission to accept employment. Little confused about Question 11 too where it asked if I have ever before applied for employment authorization. Not sure what I should mark, since I am on H1B and is working, but I have not completed this form before.

    Your help will be greatly appreciated... and any other suggestions or reminders you want to add.

    Thank you

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