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About Bristin92

  • Birthday 01/21/1992

Profile Information

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met on twitter and found common interests. We started talking through DM and soon moved to MSN which quickly was replaced by skype. We had been talking for 2 months when we decided we wanted to meet up and see for ourselfs if this connection we had was still going to be there in real life. It was.
    ~ November 12th 2011
    We both felt like we'd known each other for years and I had gone on a business trip and just returned home. Unfortunately we only had two weeks together before I had to go back home. We decided that I was going to go back for 3 months, find a job and stay with her forever. Ha-Ha. We all know that that's not how it works.
    ~ Jan 3rd 2012
    But I did go to see her for 3 months. Once again we discovered that our love was growing and that this was for real and not just some fling. We fell in love more and more with each day that passed. The day had come that I had to go back home. I've suffered pain in my life but nothing came close to the heartbreak that I felt when I walked away from her at the airport.
    ~ May 12th 2012
    Kristin came to see me for 3 months. Most exciting months of my life. She met my family and friends and I got to show her my country!
    ~ July 14th 2012
    I asked her to marry me... She said yes!
    ~ July 16th 2012
    Turns out we'd been planning the same thing and I ruined her plan, lol. She asked me to marry her and I said YES! :)
    ~ August 2nd 2012
    It was time for Kristin to leave again.
    ~ November 3rd 2012
    Kristin came to see me again. By this time we had found out that because we are a same-sex couple the immigration laws don't apply on us and basically we CAN NOT apply for a K-1 visa. Not even if she had moved to a state where same-sex marriage is legal. We didn't give up though and we were trying to get her to my place.
    ~ January 31st 2013
    Kristin had to go back home again :'(

    I was looking for a job to provide for Kristin but with the economic crisis that's going on in the Netherlands right now it just wouldn't work. The only option left for us was the green card lottery and, I mean, let's be honest... That's a LONG shot.

    ~ May 1st 2013
    I go to visit Kristin for a month. Again, best time of our lives. We are still super in love!
    ~ June 1st
    I have to leave again. :(

    September 2013
    Found out by browsing the Government website that the laws had changed for Same Sex and we can file for a Visa! :)
    We didnt know that the law changed back in JULY, at first we thought we were seeing it all wrong but after intense research we finally believed to be true and we immdeditaly started on the i-129F K1 visa process. :)
    Kristin sent the petition on September 26th and the USCIS APPROVED it Nov.12th 2013--The exact date 2 years ago that we met for the first time! :) Happy early 2 year Anniversary present! :D
    December 30th--the petition was sent to The American Embassy in Amsterdam-- Now we are waiting for the package to arrive and to finish the process! *fingers crossed* it turns out well and we get approved!! :D

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