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Everything posted by j&ana

  1. thanks for correcting me but will it not be better to reply to the op with the information
  2. Thanks, but instead of correcting me will it not be better to reply to the OP
  3. Then I am wrong. However, it still depends on what country the person is from on whether dual citizenship is allowed. My wife told me that when she got her citizenship. She had to give up her Philippines citizenship. but probably she mis understood and thought allegiance to a country is same. I did
  4. They are also American citizens by birth because they were born in US. a child can be American citizen if they are born in US or if born in another country and one of their parents are US citizen. I do not know Australian laws on citizenship but if your children are dual citizen then it must be allowed.
  5. I did the CR-1 spouse visa for my wife. she is from the Philippines. the main reason we got married there is that I wanted her family to be at the wedding. you mention that you will not mind a paper wedding in USA and have a dream wedding in your country. That cannot replace the memories or experience you and your family will feel when you get first get married. A lot of people do that i just do not think it is the same the only advantage for A K-1 visa is that it is faster to get to the USA. However, to become a LPR and to get citizenship. TheCR-1 is probably cheaper and faster. With the K-1 visa after you arrive and get married then you will have to file AOS to get green card and work permit. A CR-1 visa you will get green card and social security card with work permit with the visa As far as dual citizenship. While the US does not allow it citizens to be dual citizen. It does allow foreign nationals who have become US citizen to become dual citizen. Each country has their own laws for that. My wife is dual citizen. The USA requires a person to give up Their citizenship to another country to be a citizen. The Philippines allows their citizens to reclaim their citizenship without giving up citizenship to another country This is a very good site to research everything. When I did my wife Cr-1 visa in 2014 I was on this site daily and ask so many questions. Durning the time it took for my wife to get her visa.
  6. That is the main reason. I decided to marry my wife in the Philippines. I know how close my wife is to her family. I felt it was very important for her dad and mom and rest of her family to be at the wedding. I am not that close to my family, I do care about them, but I lived most of my life away from them
  7. It is 10 days waiting period for marriage license. Also, it does not take 3 to 7months to get marriage certificate
  8. As I mention in my comment there is good and bad for both. There are also very messy divorces in the USA. Also, if a Filipina comes on a K-1 visa and get a divorce. only will she be able to remarry in the Philippines is if the foreign spouse asks for the divorce. even then it might be hard. The marriage will probably have to be a null Art. 26. All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines, in accordance with the laws in force in the country where they were solemnized, and valid there as such, shall also be valid in this country, except those prohibited under Articles 35 (1), (4), (5) and (6), 3637 and 38. (17a) Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have capacity to remarry under Philippine law. (As amended by Executive Order 227) Las Vegas is probably the only place where you can get a marriage license same day. while the wait is not as long as the Philippines. a lot of states there is a 2- or 3-day waiting period In the Philippines after you get the Marriage license you can get marry anywhere in the Philippines. IN US you have to get married in the state or county that issue the marriage license Our Marriage was easy there. We actually got married at my wife parents' house by the mayor Again, there was not that many hoops to jump to. Since the op mention that him and his wife are older, she will probably not even have to do seminar. I am pretty sure she will not need parent consent or advice
  9. you stated that nothing good comes from getting married in the Philippines. My point was that getting married in the Philippines can be just good as getting married in the USA. My wife does not have to work she wants to work. It was not that hard to get married there when me and my wife decided to get marry. we were able to do it in 15 days. There was only one seminar for her to go to. There might be more for younger age girls like 21 but my wife was 30 when we married. The marriage license was easy to get. It takes about 10 days. The affidavit in lieu of marriage certificate from USA Embassy was easy to obtain While the USA does not have a national record of marriage. The state or county of the US where the marriage takes place will have a record. I really do not see the difference between having marriage registered at national or state level. I do not see why that will really matter to someone. Unless later they would like to hide the fact, they are married. I have been to the Philippines several time and got married there I believe I know how the process of getting married there works. both K-1 and CR-1 visa has pros and cons. There are bad and good from both type
  10. I married My wife in the Philippines in 2014.We have been married over 10 years now. We have an 8-year-old daughter. My wife has her US citizenship and is dual citizen. She has her own car. she has a job and help pay our bills. she has own saving account and credit card. I guess nothing good came from us getting married in the Philippines
  11. K-1 visa might be faster to get your fiancé to the USA. Hower it might not be the fastest or cheapest way for her to become LPR, with K-1 you will have to addition steps of applying For Adjustment of status. with Cr-1 visa a green card is issue right away. it will take longer than 3 or 4years for her to get US citizenship. I think the min time before she can apply is 5 years. I think there are certain rules for a LPR spouse to collect SS benefits. I am guessing that you still have some kind of o residency in the USA. AS you will have to prove that and income no matter which visa. you choose. Another option that you might consider since both of you are in the Philippines Is DCF (direct consulate filing) you could get Marry in the Philippines and file for the spouse visa there. I have heard it is quicker than filing for CR-1 visa here. Most people cannot go that route. As one of the partners in relationship is usually living in USA at time of visa processing
  12. I read your post, and you mention that you are living in the Philippines with your fiancé. you are asking about K-1 visa being faster. I am just curios why are you worry about the processing time of cr-1 visa being slower. is there a reason why you need faster visa? Most couples are living in other countries while doing the K-1 or cr-1 visa. But you mention that you are living in the Philippines with your fiancé. so, it seems whichever visa you decide to do you will be able to wait with her. I married my wife at Pres Garcia Bohol Philippines 2014 she arrived in USA June 2015.That was 10 years ago.so I know the processing time is different. I know people have different reasons why they will choose one visa over the other. My main reason was that if my and I married in the Philippines. Her mom, dad and family could attend the wedding. Any way I did not mean any offense for my question. I am just curious why you need faster visa
  13. I got married in the Philippines to my wife. Marriage is recognized everywhere. No need to remarry. Your finance will not be able to get U.S passport just because she is marry to you, she needs to be naturalized as U.S citizen. sounds like the person giving this advice is a scammer or does not know There is no legal shortcut to get her over here. However, when I did it there were ways, you could speed up the process once your petition was at the national visa center but that was to speed up the time a little. It did not bypass any requirements
  14. buying load for Philippines is pretty cheap So if you are not sure about that. then maybe you do not trust her. I had just the opposite I went to the Philippines to visit my wife before we was marry and bought a sim card over there for my unlock phone and ran out of load and my now wife bought me extra load for it
  15. Hi, I am not sure if I have any more info that is useful since other posters have already given good answers and advice. I married my wife in the Philippines in May 2014. I did fill out the contact to legally marry and made an appointment at the us embassy in manila to get it notarize, that is the reason you go to the embassy, but I read another post you can go to other notarize places in the Philippines that might be better I do not know. When I did it you had to go to embassy after you get that notarize you can go to the civil building, we went to the one in Manila as that is where my wife was living at the time. They go over your info and depending on age of your fiancé there. There are requirements I just do not remember exactly. But bring extra money.as they will drop the extra requirement. Then it took about 10 days to get the Marriage license, after you getit,t you can marry anywhere in the philippines. I was little worry as I had 15 days in the philippines We got the Marriage license and flew to Bohol from Manila. We got married at her parents' house. The mayor of the town they live in officiated the wedding Just make sure your trip there is at least 15 days to be able to get Marriage license in time. Also, ask for rush on NSO marriage License as that is what they require for I-30 visa. I did not and got aRFE return for evidence I sent in the local Marriage certificate instead of the NSO as that is what I had when I submitted info for I-30. I had to request a copy from the NSO in the Philippines for a copy of the Marriage certificate Congratulation on your future wedding best wishes
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